Saturday, February 04, 2012

Sybil Nelson's blog posting/KDP select

If you pop over to Sybil's blog, you'll see another take on the KDP select program.

This program is making headlines and waves in the indie published authors' realms. Just Thursday night we had a panel discussion from members of our local Sisters in Crime chapter on self-publishing and the talk turned to the program.

I agree with Sybil's statement about exclusivity, but my feeling is this right now, I'm not making any sales across the board - Kindle, Nook, Smashwords - so by listing one of my stories at a time exclusively with the program, I'm not losing anything. I have an almost finished cover (I'm tempted to go ahead and go with the cover I have but still feel it needs the one last suggestion I've given Heather) for "Bride-and-Seek" and as soon as I have the next cover (hoping by tonight, and if not, I'll go with the 6th version of the cover) the story will go up in the program and I'm thinking of putting it for free the 14th and 15th of this month - it is a love story, after all. Anyway - I'm hoping that I get a lot of downloads from the UK market since this story is based on one of their haunted places - Lovell Hall, and we all know how much they love and believe in their haunted places.

There are several people that I'm following who have reported on their experience with the program, so as soon as I start seeing results after getting my story up, I'll also do a report (may do a weekly on Saturday report in addition to my This and That posting or may include it on my This and That posting - just have to see how things go. See you all in the postings - E :)

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