Showing posts with label afghan and sleeve combo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label afghan and sleeve combo. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

This and That

It's still Christmas in July and I have all kinds of special deals going on - afghan/kindle or nook sleeve or tablet sleeve/bookworm special deal $65 for the combination. I've finished the primary afghan and am working on the aspen and watercolor and then I've got the Marrakesh and Woodsy to complete and I'll need to get some more yarn for the Monet which is the only one I don't have since I sold that previously.

I have also cleared my desk of all the left over yarns and have made a ton of bookworms.

Don't forget my chances for the red, white, blue afghan which are now only $1 each and with the purchase of 25 you get 5 bonus chances for the drawing. The drawing is to be held on December 1 with the afghan mailed out around the 7th. I almost hate to give this one away.

Over on smashwords both "The Tulip Kiss" and "The Proposal" are free with the coupon code SSW50 and Finally Home is only $1.50 with the same coupon code at check out.

Sales this week haven't been terrific but I've had a few. I sold one copy of "The Proposal" on kindle, two copies of Finally Home in person after an introduction to a ghost hunting class at our local library and 1 copy of State of Successes to a sister from Sisters in Crime.

The presentation was called "Ghost Hunting 101" and Cat is a psychic as well as a ghost hunter. She does a 4-week, 8-hour class on the basics of ghost hunting with a field trip during that time to an actual haunted place. The two shows I kind of relate this to that I watch (I don't watch many of them since I know mostly they are "Hollywood" types and are played up for the audience) are Paranormal State with Ryan someone as the leader of that and Pyschic Kids: Children of the Paranormal with Chip Coffey and Edy (parapsychologist, but I don't remember her last name). Cat's group, Paranormal Research Organization, does similar work to that of Paranormal State. I think it would be fun to do a ghost hunting session. The class is offered in October, which is right in the middle of my busy season with all the fall activities going on for my books, at three of our local colleges (TriCounty Tech, Piedmont Tech and Greenville Tech) at various times. When I first checked the schedule upon returning home Tuesday evening, I was disappointed because the first two were on Tuesdays or Thursdays and when I pulled the third one up what was showing were the previous dates. So I wasn't sure I would be taking the class this semester but on exploring further, the class is actually offered on Saturdays at the third school, which is the same school my daughter attends and so I'm thinking seriously about taking the class in October. The Saturday class is only 2 days but the classes are 4 hours long and right after the seond class we get to do the field trip, which is a good thing since the following weekend I have a local event and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do the field trip. I also was telling my daughter about it the other day and she said she wanted to do the class with me. So we will see how that goes.

Next month I'll be gearing up for events and am looking forward to everything planned; of course, a lot of is dependent on getting the funds up to participate in the events, so I need to sell my afghans - lol - just to cover costs. Wouldn't hurt to have some decent sales of books either.

I'll keep you posted as the events closer where I'll be, so keep reading and checking back and you never know, I may be in an area close to you soon. If I am, I would love to meet ya'll.

This week there will be a surprise posting for someone on my blog - see you all in the postings - E :)

Sunday, July 01, 2012

This and That

Summer is in full swing across the country. This week will be very light due to the holiday coming up. I'm going to post a giveaway on my JGDS blog just to kick off the 4th of July week.

Not much to report sales wise - nothing that I can see has sold. Smashwords is having a site-wide Summer Winter Sale and we authors have the option of participating by either offering our books for free, or at a discounted price - 25, 50 or 75% off. I've put Finally Home at 25% off but am thinking of changing it to 50% off, so for $1.50 you can download my middle grade/YA paranormal mystery (which I've been told is written similar to a Nancy Drew mystery). Just come over to the Finally Home smashwords page and click on purchase and enter the promo code of SSW50 so when you check out, you will receive the book for 50% off. The other two stories, "The Propoal" and "The Tulip Kiss", are at the lowest price and I can only offer them for free regardless if I choose the 25, 50, or 75% off promotion, so enter the same code as for Finally Home to receive your copy for free. This promotion is good through 11:59 PM July 31. So if you like Nancy Drew mysteries and want a quick read, stop over and get your copy of Finally Home before the end of the month, or think about gifting it to the young reader in your life who enjoys reading mysteries like Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, or any number of books written similar to these.

I may have an interview this week with Jo Linsdell, author of "Out and About at the Zoo", but unsure at this time as I've not heard back from her yet regarding this.

I'm running a special code on my createspace books (these are print copies of my state books and Finally Home for discounted pricing similar to my in-person events. If you are interested in a print book not directly through me, email me for the code and the links for the books to order through createspace. I'm still running the special deal on my state books of buy 3 for $25 or get all 6 for $50 (that's buy 2 at regular price and get the third for for 50% or in the case of all six, buy five at regular price and get the sixth one free). This promotion is good through the end of the day Saturday.

Don't forget to purchase extra chances for the red, white and blue afghan drawing which will be held in December. Chances are $1.50, 5/$6, 10/$12 and 25/$25, but this week only I'll sell chances at $1 each with the best deal of 30/$25 (five free chances). The only way to get this special pricing on the chances is to go directly through paypal - using to send the money for the number of chances you would like - 10/$10; 20/$20, et cetera. For every 25, I'll throw in those five extra so it would be 30/$25; 60/$50, et cetera.

I've also found a new color for my afghans/kindle sleeves/tablet sleeves/bookworms called Watercolor and really like the way the colors fall on this. I've made up a Kindle sleeve and tablet sleeve and however many bookworms I could get out of one skein of yarn but haven't taken pictures of them yet. They will be taken and posted on the websites soon. For Christmas in July, I'll run a special deal on the afghan/tablet or kindle sleeve/bookworm combo for $60 plus shipping and tax ($70 total). This is a 20% savings. I have the bonbon print and melonberry completed, the primary is lacking 1 skein from being completed, and the Aspen is started (just startd yesterday). The Marrakesh and Woodsy need about a 3-week lead time for each to be completed and the Monet and Watercolor I need to get the skeins of yarn to work up the afghans but if you order any of the unfinished colors, that will be the priority for me to work on. This sale is good for the month of July only.

I think that's all the news and special offers for this weeks. See you all in the postings and stay cool - E :)