Showing posts with label cover designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cover designs. Show all posts

Monday, December 07, 2015

Special Deal Through the End of December

For my readers, I am offering a free copy of Finally Home ebook with the purchase of The Ties of Time - the second in the Kelly Watson series.

The Ties of Time has been out for 4 weeks now and I have only had one sale across the board.  If you haven't read Finally Home yet, now is your chance to get it for free.  Purchase a copy of The Ties of Time (available on all ereaders), send me an email ( of the proof of purchase, put - Redeem Coupon - in the subject line and I'll send you a copy of Finally Home for free.  Both are stand alone stories in the series - different mysteries being solved but are tied together by recurring characters, Kelly and Emma. 

I'm awaiting finalization on the full cover to send to createspace for review so I can order my proof copy and hope to have The Ties of Time in print within the next week or so.  Orders are being taken - $14.50 (includes shipping cost); if wanting a print copy, just email me with Ties of Time order in the subject line and include your mailing address and to whom I should make the book out to and I'll send out as soon as I have copies on hand. 

Here is the almost final full cover for Ties of Time -

I think Chasity_Nicole on has done a great job - working with a premade front cover (purchased a while back from one site) in order to come up with a full cover.   She will be designing some covers for me (for only $5 for ebook covers and $10 for full covers - you can't beat that price) in the near future. 

See you all in the postings - E :)