Showing posts with label Sienna Beckman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sienna Beckman. Show all posts

Thursday, July 04, 2013

One Week ACX Report

Finally Home has been live for 1 week now and there have been 4 downloads not including my own from using my credits.  Remember this is available on as well as and itunes.  Hope those of you who have downloaded the audio book have enjoyed hearing Sienna reading.  Drop me a line if you have gotten an audio copy and let me know what you think. 

Just to let you know that when there is a second book, hopefully Sienna will be available to do the reading again.  Right now, I'm leaning towards The Mysterious Bookshoppe: A Kelly Watson Mystery and go from there.  This, of course, is a work in progress and may end up changing as I  progress, but I do know that the bookstore holds many mysteries, not of the book type though, perhaps of the ghostly type or some otherly world type.  See you all in the postings - E :)

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Finally Home Audio

I've approved everything, gotten the cover for the audio books and now it is in the hands of ACX to finalize everything.  Here is what the audio cover looks like:

I'm trying to figure out how to add the sample audio file so that I can start promoting the audio version, but have yet to figure that out.  As soon as I do, the audio file will be on the sidebar of my blog.  Once you hear the sample file, how about dropping by Sienna Beckman's website and leaving her a note on what a great job she has done.

Audio books are available through, and itunes.  So hopefully within the next day or two this will go live.  See you all in the postings - E :)

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Finally Home ACX Update

I was supposed to have my final copy of the audio book of Finally Home last week but Sienna has been having some technical issues.  She assured me today it would be to me soon - within the next day or two.  Once I get the file, I will go through it to approve or make corrections and send to her.  If there are no corrections to be made, then I will approve it and release the audio version as soon as I can.  Waiting on the updated cover from Heather as well since there are some changes to be made for ACX so right now things are in limbo.

For the release of the audio book of Finally Home, I'll be offering the ebook for free on Kindle next week, April 15-16.  If you haven't already read it or purchased a copy, now is the time to get it for free.  Be sure to tell all your friends so they can get their copies.

Also, Anita and I brainstormed a bit after our Sisters in Crime meeting last week about some situations or stories for Kelly and Emma Louise and there are some things brewing, so I may have a few more stories to make them a series.  I'll add a tagline of "A Kelly Watson Mystery" to the new titles, and I guess I'll have to go back and eventually add that to Finally Home  but right now I'll leave it as is.  see you all in thep ostings - E :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Audio Books and KDP Select

I'm in the process of having Finally Home narrated as an audio book.  I contracted Sienna Beckman as my narrator; the minute I heard her sample narrations, I felt connected and hoped she would be one of the ones who auditioned and would be able to do the book justice.  Looking at her pictures, she almost looks like what I had pictured in my mind of what Kelly looks like, so I think definitely a good fit.  I'm supposed to have the final version around the 2nd of April.  I've already  received the first 15 minutes, which turned out to be about 11 minutes' worth of narration and covered the first two chapters.  I've listened and made notes following the manuscript that I sent the narrator and sent her a message with all my notations.  I don't mind if she's not exact word for word but there are some places where she changed the wording slightly and it actually changed the context of the sentence.  Sienna also has a podcast via her twitter

Once I get the full narrated copy, then it is back to listening, but I'm sure that will be a several day process as the final version is supposed to be roughly 6 hours' worth of narration, and making notes and hoping that there won't be anything major and can be fixed quickly.  The process of going from print book or ebook to audio book reminds me a lot of that old Heinz Catsup commercial - "Anticipation - it's keeping me waiting" - I know if I want it done right I have to sit on my hands and wait it out. 

In honor of going audio, I've taken Finally Home off Smashwords and Nook and placed it in the KDP Select program and have set up my first free day promotions in honor of tax day - April 15 and 16.  I've also set up the second free days, May 31 through June 2.  Hopefully this will help get the word out about the audio version of the book and that will lead to more sales. 

See you all in the postings - E :)