Monday, October 15
- Randy Cecil at ChatRabbit
- Michelle Chang at The Longstockings
- Kevin Hawkes at Cynthia Lord's Journal
- Barbara Lehman at The Excelsior File
- Grace Lin at In the Pages
Tuesday, October 16
- Selina Alko at Brooklyn Arden
- Scott Bakal at Wild Rose Reader
- Alexandra Boiger at Paradise Found
- Paige Keiser at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Janet Stevens at The Miss Rumphius Effect
Wednesday, October 17
- Rick Chrustowski at laurasalas
- Diane DeGroat at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
- Ilene Richard at Something Different Every Day
- Brie Spangler at Lectitans
- Don Tate at The Silver Lining
Thursday, October 18
- Brooke Dyer at Bookshelves of Doom
- D.B. Johnson at Lessons from the Tortoise
- Erin Eitter Kono at Sam Riddleburger
- Sherry Rogers at A Life in Books
- Jennifer Thermes at Through the Studio Door
Friday, October 19
- Graeme Base at Just One More Book
- Denise Fleming at MotherReader
- Jeff Mack at AmoXcalli
- Jeff Newman at A Year of Reading
- Ruth Sanderson at Book Moot
Saturday, October 20
- Linas Alsenas at A Wrung Sponge
- Theresa Brandon at The Shady Glade
- Karen Katz at Whimsy Books
- Judy Schachner at Kate's Book Blog
- Sally Vitsky at Shelf Elf: read, write, rave
Sunday, October 21
- Matthew Cordell at Just Like the Nut
- Maxwell Eaton III at Books and Other Thoughts
- Roz Fulcher at Goading the Pen
- Susie Jin at sruble's world
- Susan Mitchell at Check It Out
Please take time out to visit all of these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And, if you're so inclined, think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift (for yourself or for someone else), and supports an important cause.
UPDATE: Blogging starts on October 15, and already today (just past 1 p.m. Eastern time), there have been 169 postings on the snowflakes. Don't forget to stop by and check out the bloggers who are featuring the illustrators every day. Also check out Robert's Snow link above to check out all the snowflakes in the auction area. They really are beautiful; too bad I can't afford any because I love snowflakes but maybe another day. I've checked out the snowflakes and a couple of the bloggers who have posted their interviews, information or the snowflakes themselves and they are very cool, very intricate for small wooden snowflake shapes. Some are 3D and some have that look of 3D but all are gorgeous and are for a good cause. So help find a cure and support the Snowflakes For Cure auction.