Showing posts with label leg cramps and other problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leg cramps and other problems. Show all posts

Sunday, September 02, 2007

weird leg things

All of us are fighting leg problems this weekend so far. It started Thursday night when after band practic Benjamin got run over by the pit cart because they didn't have the bungees to tie the instruments down and one of them starting falling off the cart and he jumped back to try to keep it on the cart and it was near the back and he was between two of the carts and got run over - not broken but this weekend the bruise has really come out.

Then Hailie shows me something with her ankle/foot - like a bit swollen and then she feels an Ace bandage would be helpful.

Then after sitting on this bed last night and posting on the blog and not moving too much - I went to get up and I had a serious leg cramp - all the way down to my ankle - It brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't move my leg for a long time (longer than the few minutes it normally takes for cramps to go away). It did go away and finally I got up but all night both my calves were kind of stiff and crampy but not quite to the cramp point.

So we are all suffering from leg problems but trying to make it through the weekend - got to run get ready for the volunteer work again - see you all in the postings - E :)