Showing posts with label PROMO day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PROMO day. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

PROMO day - coming May 9

Here are some comments from previous PROMO days and how this 1-day, workshop has helped many.

I'm looking forward to presenting at this year's PROMO day and look forwad to meeting many people. I'll be doing a workshop on virtual book tours, so check out the PROMO day website and come learn something about the writing path.

Comments about past events:

Debra L. Butterfield
Debra Butterfield's website
Comments: Really enjoyed Promo Day. It was great chatting with other authors and meeting new people. I look forward to your next Promo Day. Thanks!

Lea Schizas
Lea's website
Comments: I had a blast today, Jo, and met some wonderful people. It's fun to learn about everyone's writing process and what their upcoming projects are. Thank you for hosting this and looking forward to the next one. Lea Schizas
Award-winning Author/Editor

Grace Bridges
Grace Bridges' website
Comments: Great fun! I look forward to the next one

James R. Tate
James Tate's website
Comments: Thanks for another resource for an aspiring author

Hal Manogue
Hal Manogue's blog
Comments: Hi Jo, I enjoyed Promo day. Thanks for the opportunity to meet new friends. Hal

Tannia Ortiz-Lopes's website
Comments: Today I had an awesome time during Promo Day. I got to meet other writers, read about their work, check out their website, and shared our areas of expertise. The conversation were very cordial and professional. Definetely a must do again! I look forward to the next one. Jo, you did an extraordinary job. I pray God bless you with health and keep you doing what you enjoy doing... May the peace of Christ be always with you, from far away in Germany, TANNIA author of The window to my soul; My walk with Jesus Voted 2006 Best Poetry Book by Christian Storyteller

Diane the other
Comments: Wonderful idea, Jo. More nerve than I've got to host a promo, but I mainly write reviews. LOL

Tammy Powley
Tammy Powley's website
Comments: Thanks for running Promo Day, Jo!

Elaine Cantrell
Elaine Cantrell's website
Comments: I had a thoroughly enjoyable hour with you. Thanks for the opportunity.

Paul McDermott
Paul McDermott's website
Comments: Great PROMO event, lots of new points of contact .... hope to be back frequently!

Susan Watkin:
Susan's website or Susan's LULU bookstore
Comments: Jo A great idea! I hope the promo day produced some new customers for us all. Thank you Susan

Master Blackwhip:
Master Blackwhip's website
Comments: Thanks to Jo for having given to me the chance to speak abount my book :) Jo, you have done a very good job. Great!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

PROMO day schedule and FAQs

Workshops taking place during PROMO DAY 2009:

Times are shown in Central European Time.

14:00 Lael Johnson - Blogging and Journaling
15:00 John Evans - The Age of Networking: Tips and Tricks to Survive in Today's information Age
16:00 Karina Fabian - Marketing for Beginners
17:00 John Desjarlais - Finding an Agent
18:00 Carolyn Howard Johnson - Query Letters as Promotion: Let's Make Them Picture Perfect!
19:00 Elysabeth Eldering- Hosting Authors on Virtual Book Tours
20:00 Joyce Anthony - Promoting with Twitter
21:00 Ron Berry - Character websites
22:00 Devon Ellington - Creating and maintaining a successful writer's blog.
23:00 Carol Denbow - Technical Aspects
TBC Lea Schizas - What editors look for and how writers can spruce their writing

*TBC - Time to be confirmed


What is PROMO DAY?
PROMO DAY is a FREE online international event for people in the writing industry. A whole day dedicated to promoting, networking and learning.

When is PROMO DAY?
This year's event takes place on Saturday, May 9, 2009.

Where does PROMO DAY take place?
PROMO day website

Who can take part in PROMO DAY?
Everyone! Avid readers, writers, authors, publishers, editors, graphic designers, virtual assistants etc… Anyone with an interest in books and writing, from anywhere in the world.

What features are available on site?
The site is packed full of opportunities for authors to promote their books. They can post a video trailer and writing sample and promote in the on site PROMO chatroom.

The sample page is also great for writers to show off their skills and maybe get a book deal or a paid writing assignment.

The useful links page is full great sites with information and resources for people in the writing industry.

The downloads page will be packed full of files containing useful information, tips and advice on a variety of subjects. These will be available for FREE download during the event.

A new feature for this year is the Radio and Podcasts page which features some great shows for writers.

Another fantastic new feature is the FREE on site workshops taking place during the event. They are presented by guest hosts who are experts from the industry and cover a variety of topics. This is a great way to learn more about the industry.

There is also an on site bookstore where people can purchase books written by the events, sponsor, workshops hosts and moderators.

The event takes place in CET time. How can I check the workshop times listed with other international times?
Simple, just go to the time difference page of the website and insert your time zone into the converter.

More coming, stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

PROMO day creator - Jo Linsdell

Born in Gillingham, Kent (UK) in September 1980. Married name Joanne Denise Feliciani. She uses her maiden name, Linsdell, as her pen name. Having passed 10 GCSE’s, she went on to study Business Studies, History and Art A-Levels at Yateley 6th Form. She left England and moved to Rome, Italy in June 2001, where she now lives with her Italian husband. She gave birth to their first son in December 2007.

She has had various jobs including working in hostels, being a tour guide and teaching English as a foreign language. She now works full-time as a freelance writer. She writes regularly for various websites, newspapers and magazines.

Her books, Italian for tourists and A guide to weddings in Italy, along with her various ebooks; Il dolce Natale: Christmastime in Italy, Some risks are worth taking, INSIDE.OUT, La Befana, The Patron Saint of Lovers and Free Promotional Techniques: Ways to market your books are all available to buy at

She is also the creator and manager of the multi award winning site

Visit her at or

PROMO Day - coming to a computer near you soon

For immediate release

Contact info:
Jo Linsdell - Founder and Organiser


PROMO DAY makes its return in 2009 and promises to be the best yet. Mark your calendars for Saturday 9th May 2009!

An all day, online, international event for people in the writing industry packed full of tips and advice along with a variety of opportunities for writers, publishers, editors etc to promote their work and services. Readers are also welcome to drop in and get to know the authors better in the online chatroom, view the video trailers or read the sample chapters on site.

Founder and Organiser of the event, Jo Linsdell, had this to say “PROMO DAY came about because I was looking for opportunities to promote my books using the internet at little or no cost. After attending the Muse Online Writers Conference back in 2006, I searched the internet for similar events aimed at what to do after you’ve written the book and found none. I decided to fill the void and so PROMO DAY was born. PROMO DAY is a great opportunity to network with other members of the industry, take part in online workshops and promote and best of all it’s FREE”.

New features for this year is the Official Blog for the event, PROMO day blog, where everyone can keep up to date with new announcements and information regarding the event and the official PROMO DAY book, packed full of information and resources, which will be available to buy during and after the event.
Visit the website PROMO day webesite for more details of how you can be involved.


More coming, stay tuned.