Showing posts with label writer's conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writer's conference. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Local writer's conference is a hit!

I attended the Foothills Writer's Guild 2009 conference the last weekend of March. I found out about it a bit late but was lucky enough to get registered and even a bit luckier that one of the members had something come up so I actually could get the conference at their cost. I think someone was looking out for me. This is local and held at Anderson University every year (this was the 20th annual conference). It is a 2-day conference with about 70 or so attendees. What, you may ask, was offered for such a small group?

Keynote Dick Cote started the dinner off discussing censorship (I was hoping he so would incorporate issues with CPSIA in his speech when I saw that he had changed his address as listed). He also offered several workshops Friday night and Saturday of interest to writers of many different types of writing.

Children's author Kate Salley Palmar offered sevveral workshops pertaining to a writer's and illustrator's life with things on writing memories (in children's books, of course), writing nonfiction and several others.

There were a couple of poetry workshops offered (I didn't attend any of these since I'm not a poet and read very little poetry).

And then there was Lisa Earle McLeod of the Forget Perfect newsletter. Talk about hilarious. This woman was so good, I attended almost every one of her workshops, even though the topics didn't necessarily apply to me. I did bring home some information that I found useful for another of my writer friends this week and so I'm glad I did attend the getting published in magazines, et cetera - workshop. Lisa has grassroots in the area as her father is a member of the Foothills Writer's Guild and he was right there with her, supporting her all the way. She was the Saturday luncheon speaker and I think she garnered a few laughs. I really enjoyed her workshops and would probably attend more if she were to come back next year.

We also had a general session about getting yourself out there and using the technology available to promote yourself with Jane Friedman of the Writer's Digest publicity. She was interesting, but I don't think she had enough time to really get all the information in that she wanted to do. I believe she's already been asked to come back next year.

Some local authors got to pitch their books and I was one of them (yay me!) but it is really hard to pitch to other writer's and especially children's books when the average of those attending was about 55 or older (not that that's a bad thing, but not knowing if they have kids in my target range is difficulty to gage).

I will be attending the meetings (even though they conflict with the SCWW meetings once a month) and see what they are all about. I think the group is small enough that I should benefit from it. Next meeting is in a couple of weeks - so any of my friends in the local area who may be interested, check out their website for more information.

Hope you all enjoy - see you in the postings soon - E :)