Showing posts with label tour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tour. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2008

Lea Shizas's virtual book tour

Lea is an author, editor and creator of the Muse Online Conference and Musing Our Children websites. She is doing a month long book tour during the month of February - promoting her book, Rock of Realm. She is going to give away an ebook copy of her book to one commentor/questioner on each of the sites she visits. Here is a schedule of her tour (I may be slipping in with an interview or something on February 18th) to follow her around and leave your comments and questions to be in the drawing for the free ebook - see you all in the postings. E :)

February 4th - Donna McDine's blog - stop by today and leave a question or comment for Lea.

February 7th Jan Verhoeff's blog

February 10th Make Your First Million Online promotional website

February 11th book review Donna McDine's blog

February 13th: Beverly M's gather spot

February 18th: Elysabeth's Emerald City -- book review

February 20th- Vivian Zabel's blogs: interview
Vivian Zabel's blog
Vivian Zabel's journal
Vivian Zabel's blog365 spot on
Vivian Zabel's myspace

February 23 Ashley Ladd's writing blog

Feb. 26 Beverly M's gather spot

February 28th- Joyce Anthony’s Books and Authors Blog: Joyce Anthony's getting to know an author blog

February 29th- Joyce Anthony’s chat room- details on time to be scheduled

So come by any of the above mentioned blogs or websites and see what lea has in store for you throughout the month.