Showing posts with label general stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label general stuff. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Middle of month and so much going on

Here it is the 14th of January and I've not gotten myself organized for the upcoming tours (working on it, though). Tomorrow I am hosting Vivian Zabel, my publisher, for the Virtual Book Tours forum. I will post some introductory information later this evening and then an article pertaining to her new book, Prairie Dog Cowboy, which will be the topic of this tour.

Saturday I begin my actual blog tour for State of Wilderness and State of Quarries which may not get released until late February but I am still promoting it. We will begin by being on the Book Roast Blog and end up on my JGDS blog on Sunday the 25th. So come travel the states with us and see what's in store for you at each stop.

Stay tuned to see what fun things we can learn about being a Prairie cowboy all this week too.

(and as an aside to how busy I will be during the blog tours, I have to take my daughter to two appointments on the same day and have a writing group meeting that night, with another meeting the next night and then in class with the 6th graders on Thursday, the 22nd, and having a live book signing on the 24th at The Open Book in Greenville, SC - so if you are in the area and want to help launch the second book in the series, come out and visit and get a signed copy of book 1, State of Wilderness and preorder your copy of State of Quarries. (Hopefully CPSIA will be on its way out the door and publishing of books will be able to continue as before)). And on the 26th of January - ALA will be announcing it's winners and honors in each of their award categories - Newberry, Sibert, Caldecott among others - (State of Wilderness is entered in those three, so we'll see.

If you have read a copy of State of Wilderness, and I haven't contacted you, would you mind going to this site and nominating it for the Crown Award. We want to get books in the schools for kids to read and this may be my way in. Appreciate it - see you all in the postings - E :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coffee, Tea and you want me to host what?

Virtual book tours (or blog book tours) are the wave of the future. With the economy as it is and finances dropping (as well as some institutions on the verge of collapse), doing a live book tour is getting near impossible. The travel alone is the biggest expense an author has to incur to do a book tour. You have to spend your time schmoozing with the managers of the bookstores or wherever you happen to want to set up a book signing with no guarantee that you will make enough sales (that's of course sales for the store and receiving royalties months later which amount to pennies on the dollar; most authors make less than $1 per book, even priced at $25 for a hardback copy), then either book a flight or drive to your destination, book a hotel for the number of nights you plan to be in the area and then of course eat out or on the run. Then you pack up and head out either to the next destination or home. Expenses are racking up with no definite income based on the sales or lack of sales you may have.

So what's an author to do? Well, a simple solution is to do a virtual book tour. This is done online and if you don't have a regular day job that you have to get dressed for, you could actually visit all your tour stops in your pajamas. But I wouldn't recommend it since someone told me before that if you want to feel the part, you need to dress the part. At least put on comfortable clothing just in case you need to run out during the day for that cup of coffee or you need a break.

I have hosted several tours of late and have been a poor host. That is until the recent tour on my JGDS blog with Trockle. No, I wasn't the best host for the tour but I was more active and participated in the tour more than I have other tours. Why? The difference could have been that I am writing children's books now and felt that promoting a child's book would help get my blog noticed and hopefully boost sales for me as well as the author of Trockle, or maybe it was because Vivian (my publisher) was the one putting it together and since it was a fellow author in the same publishing house I felt obligated to do a better job than previously.

Most of the other tours I have hosted have been from a professional service and it was kind of "here is the tour we are doing now and would you mine posting something on such and such day" and then it was over and done with - not much contact with the author (if any at all) nor the people putting on the tour. I felt distant, like I didn't really need to worry about anything. I would post my obligatory article, that I volunteered to do but there would be nothing in return. I didn't see much change in the hits or comments on my blog during a tour stop than before. I was a bad host. You have to stay active, authors in contact with hosts and keep things out there in the public's eye in order to have a successful tour.

I am about to host three more tours, one on the JGDS blog and two here and because of the guidelines Holly and Vivian have come up with, I believe I will be a better host and having been more active in the most recent tour doesn't hurt either.

If you are a fellow writer and want to have your book hosted, it is fine but remember to stay involved with the tour all the way to the end. Post responses on your host blogs as the comments build during the day on a particular spot. Promote yourself like crazy everywhere you have connections. Your blog should be very active during the time of your tour. Your hosts need to make sure they talk your book up during the tour as well, not just for the day they host you but all the stops you plan on making during your tour. Try to offer your hosts something. Maybe have contests and have door prizes, doesn't have to be anything that costs a lot, but offer something. Your hosts and followers will participate more if you have something to give away.

For more guidelines on what makes a good host, email me at and I'll share with you the list Holly and Viv have come up with and are willing to share with future hosts.

So, yes, I will host book tours and I will be a good hostess and promote your book to help you out.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

So busy (in other words - too much to do and so little time to do it in)

A lot has happened since I last posted. Let's see - a friend of Hailie's family moved; she is also in band with Hailie and so I've been granted temporary guardianship so that she could continue in band and not mess things up for the program; Benjamin had decided at the end of the school year he wanted to play football (against my wishes that he participate in something safer) and then after band camp had started, he decided he wanted to go back into marching band. The first week of band camp was an 8 to 12 week; the girls attended Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday, Trish's throat started bleeding from her tonsillectomy (scab came off and she was bleeding not as much as she thought) I had to run up the road to take Trish to the on-call doctor for the group that had done her tonsillectomy. Cauterized the bleeding spot and sent her on her way (told her to rest, not be active in the colorguard until this week). Thursday took the girls up to practice (they had to be there after lunch for a bit) and when I picked them up, the colorguard director (if you want to call her that) came over to my car and told me to leave Trish at home (she sat and observed, did not participate) because she (the director) had her nieces and nephew and daughter up there and she was worried that Trish might be contagious and didn't want to chance her infant/toddler niece would get something (hello - Trish had her tonsils taken out and is no longer contagious; the whole reason for taking them out was to prevent her from contracting strep throat and other diseases as is. Her bleeding is not contagious; just a part of the healing process. So how stupid of the director to say something like this.)

Friday had to run Hailie to the doctor to have this lump (inflamed lymph node probably) on her neck checked out. Found out sheh as tonsilitis and will need a tonsillectomy and lymph node resection. The doctor also checked Trish's ears (not a patient and not on the schedule) because she was complaining of her throat up to her ears hurting and I was going to have to run her up to the Urgent Care or one of those facilities and I'd forgotten to have the ENT look at her when he cauterized her throat Wednesday; Hailie's ENT doctor was very nice and just checked her out and said it was all part of the healing process from the tonsillectomy, advised her on what she needed to do and that the pain would go away (by Monday night or Tuesday morning the pain had disappeared which was two weeks postoperative for Trish). After the doctor's appointments had to get a bit of shopping done, then meet with Trish's mother to sign the papers and get them notarized and get Hailie back up to practice to play catch up.

Band camp long week started this past Monday. It seems I had something to do Monday but I don't remember at this point. Tuesday I had to take Trish to the doctor in the opposite direction for her followup appointment with the ENT who did her tonsillectomy. Got her back right at lunch time which was good timing on my part, lol. I had to go see my doctor in the afternoon due to a toothache and needing an antibiotic.

This week they have been up at the school from 8 AM to 8 PM, with an hour for lunch and 45 minutes for dinner (band booster club provides them with supper which is usually donated from our local businesses). They are so worn out, it's a miracle they can even take their showers when returning in the evening. I only live 5 minutes from the school but by time they get out (has been after 8 when they are finished so far) and I take the rider home (yes I have a full car every day - three girls and Benjamin in the Focus), and possibly pick up a quick snack type food and get home, it has been about 9 or later.

Yesterday, I did another presentation at the Belton Center for the Arts in their summer camp program (theme this year is storybook time). I read from State of Wilderness and let the kids guess the state, but Stephanie would rather just tell them the state and not let them buy the book and figure it out on their own, so she wants me to read clue #25 (which is my giveaway clue on all my states I hope) and let them guess. This group didn't seem as enthused as the first group I did a couple of weeks ago. Overall, it was good though. I dropped off three press releases to the local newspaper next door to the Center for the Arts and am awaiting a picture from Stephanie to post on the other blog.

Today, the kids decided they didn't want to bring their lunches so they want me to go to Burger King and take their lunches to them. So in a bit, I'm heading out to hit the pavement again to pick up lunches and check mail.

State #2 has some progress made - I've got 5 clues with dialogue and interaction with my characters and the bonus clue in place; I've added 6 more clues that are at the end but not added anything else yet (since each state will have 27 clues and I know what the last two clues for each state are going to be, I will put those in automatically. The 25th clue in each book should be the giveaway clue (something that is common knowledge and just seems so trivial you don't think about it). I'm going to include a silly law (State #1's is - It is illegal to give another citizen in this state a box of candy weighing more than 50 pounds. State #2's is a good one (remember to pronounce your states properly or you could go to jail) but I shall wait to reveal it later.

Okay - that's how busy I've been lately - see you all in the postings - E :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Would you look at that - end of March already

Did March really fly by? Is that a sign of getting older and not realizing how the days are blending into the next? You get up, drink your coffee/water/tea/orange juice/whatever gets you moving drink, head to work, come home fix dinner, do the family things or chores or whatever is awaiting you at home, play around on the computer and before you khow it, it's 1 a.m. and you have to get some sleep to start all over again.

We all don't get much sleep as it is, or most of us don't and 60 minutes had a great episode last week or the week before about how sleep depravation ages our minds and how a 20-year-old deprived of the normal 8-9 hour sleep night by having an interrupted normal pattern has qualities that are seen in 70-year-old people. It was rather interesting to see that the studies show not only does interrupted and/or poor sleep habits cause your mind to age but it also affects your health, increases your risk to develop diabetes, heart disease and other things in our health.

I know I don't get enough sleep and therefore must be showing my mind's age because I can't believe the end of March is here. We are 1/4 of the way through 2008 and I've made some slow progress to the publishing road, but it is happening.

The wait time from the publisher is the worst. I haven't heard anything and I guess that puts me a bit on edge, although I'm just trying to not think about it so I can move on to the next story. There is a next story coming. There has to be as I'm contracted for it. But alas, I digress - and really need a bit of sleep - see you all in the postings - E :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - Christ is born

I have somehow lost the holiday spirit and I guess that's because of so much that has been going in with me mentally and physically this year that I have had no desire to participate in the holiday festivities. I have attended several parties with the writing group I belong to as well as our Sisters in Crime party earlier this month but alas, Christmas wasn't even celebrated much in our house this year. I didn't put any decorations up, didn't even put a tree up. I don't mean to be cynical or anything like that but it really has been a rough year and it doesn't feel like Christmas really - the weather here has been low 30s and some nights down into the 20s and then highs in the 40s and 50s one week and the next week we would have highs in the high 70s and then calm, cooler evenings but not cold enough to warrant the winter wear. And I guess I've never been officially diagnosed with SADD but it is definitely a mental illness that affects a lot of people and is very prominent around this time of year (wintertime is my least favorite time of year, although I do like fall because I have less allergy symptoms).

So I worked today which is nothing out of the ordinary. As a medical transcriptionist, unless you work for an office or a state facility, you don't get holidays. Hospitals don't close. So there should be work every day of the year, 24/7. That hasn't been the case since before Thanksgiving and the lack of funds and not being able to get out of the hole hasn't helped my mood nor has it helped me in feeling like it is Christmastime. But things are looking up. Anyway, the bear gave everyone a little bit of money to buy what they want for Christmas presents and that way no one is dissatisfied with the gifts they receive. Of course the kids want to go out right away and spend it so they can not be bored but nothing is opened the day of Christmas and we have to wait until the day after, when the stores will be crowded with everyone and their brother exchanging things, returning things, et cetera and the super big sales going on. So tomorrow I will battle the crowds with the kids and do a little shopping - will probably spend some of my money on groceries.

I knew before I could head to town and do any shopping I needed to get gas, so I decided to go get gas tonight. Took daughter with me and we were having a good time in the car just the two of us talking and cutting up like girlfriends. The only place in our town that was opened was Spinx and Hardees (which was kind of weird but heay - I'm glad they were). I wanted hot chocolate and had my freebie coupon (still have one left - if you purchase a Spinx travel mug for $2 you get four coupons inside for four free refills) and daughter was going to get hot chocolate but when she saw that Hardees was opened (it's catty corner across the street from Spinx - this is a very small town) she decided she wanted a shake from them and not hot chocolate. Spinx was crowded so we got some snack stuff, some sodas for later for bear (that's what I call my husband because he is like a bear hibernating all the time and growls just like one) and my hot chocolate and water - and gas. So I get up to the register with my coupon, my drinks and snack stuff and tell the lady I'm going to put $20 in gas as well and gave her my coupon for the hot chocolate and the cup was opened and brought from home and she asked me if it was a new cup - like I know not to open the cup until I've paid for it and then get the four coupons for later use - so I don't know why she thought it was a new cup. Anyway - we left the gas station and went over to Hardees which was kind of crowded too.

We had placed our order and then daughter looks at me and we were talking about things that had happened upstairs today. She asked me if I had sneezed earlier today while eating lunch or after eating lunch - and I had - had a sneezing attack about that time. She said she was lying on the floor near the TV and her dad's stomach had been rumbling and making weird noises and then I sneezed and she turned to him and told him his stomach just sounded like "ah" "chee" and he laughed and told her that I had just sneezed.

So we had a good laugh about that - my floors are pretty thin because when bear is on his cell phone he sounds like the adults on Charlie Brown or a bee buzzing, depending on how much he's talking, and he sounds like he is right over my head but he isn't really. He is a good 5 feet behind me - just a weird house we have.

I did have to deal with my son being bored today and we hadn't gotten up good when his friend called wanting him to come over today - so guess where my son headed before lunch was finished - to his friend's house.

Other than that whiney time from him, it's been a pretty quiet day. I hope to do a "year in review" kind of posting next week so everyone can see what's been going around here. Hope you all had a joyous day and got everything you wished for Christmas and hope you all got to spend the day with friends and family the way it should have been spent - see you all in the postings - E :)