Showing posts with label Human Statue of Liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Statue of Liberty. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2010

What a wonderful picture

Every once in a while my aunt (love you Aunt Lu) comes along and sends me something truly wonderful and amazing. This is one of those times.

Base to Shoulder: 150 feet
Right Arm: 340 feet
Widest part of arm holding torch: 12 1/2 f eet
Right thumb: 35 feet
Thickest part of body: 29 feet
Left hand length: 30 feet
Face: 60 feet
Nose: 21 feet
Longest spike of head piece: 70 feet
Torch and flame combined: 980 feet
Number of men in flame of torch: 12,000
Number of men in torch: 2,800
Number of men in right arm: 1,200
Number of men in body, head and balance of figure only: 2,000

Total men: 18,000

If you look at the picture you can see some very detailed areas in the formation. I'm amazed that they even thought of this back in the time of preparing for war. It would be interesting to find out how long it took them to form this and who would took the picture. Enjoy - E :)