Showing posts with label scores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scores. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Two band competitions in one day

Yesterday we had two band competitions. I didn't make it to the first one (due to funds being a bit low and all). So I went to the second one and while we were geting awards from the second competition, our band director was on the phone with someone who had stayed at the first competition to receive the awards from there. At the second competition, our band took best drum line, best horn line, overall best soloist of the day (trumpet solo in our production), and 1st place in class 4A (only two bands competed so it was going to be either first or second place).

After we got to the field we found out that it was a very close score for us and the gold champion (class 4A and 5A bands that competed - which were only four of them) but we were like 0.06 points behind them so we got second overall for the day at the second competition. We also found out that we took nothing at the first competition - no drum line, no horn line, no drum major, and no colorguard or front, but took 1st place in class (I think they competed in 4A again but will double check and post correction when the results are posted either tomorrow or Tuesday). Will also post some pictures from both when I get them - see you all in the postings