Showing posts with label puppies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppies. Show all posts

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Puppies - five left to give away

Friday, I had to rescue a friend whose car broke down (she has no luck with investing in decent cars that will last any length of time) and she had already spoken for one of the puppies (she had asked for a female that looked like Scoobee if there were any, so I was going to give her the blonde looking one but when we came to the house, she decided she wanted the calico looking one and the runt - both females).

When we took the puppies out to take to their new home, I noticed one of the puppies was acting kind of funny, walking around or not really and kind of hunched over. Yesterday evening when I got home from the volunteer meeting and Benjamin was checking on them, he told me the puppy was in the corner just kind of not doing anything, so we took the puppy out and bathed it and put it in the spot where they had been born. When I took Hailie to church this morning, I found the puppy dead under the bay window, so he is now with his mama. May he rest in peace.

I've been asked to put pics of the puppies on my blog and the camera is being flaky - not wanting to download to my computer from the camera directly and with the kids' computer not in working commission, hard to get the pics here - so took some pictures today and went to CVS and printed out from the memory card. There are no recent pics of the runt or calico (Queenie and Callie, as named by their new owners). Here are the rest including the two we are keeping.

They all have temporary nicknames - Scoobee Junior or Porky (He will be confused because he was the biggest and looks like his daddy - so he will probably be called all names; and Ragal - she calls this one Einstein because when he was a couple of weeks old, he was crawling under the blanket to keep warm so she thinks he's very smart - lol), Oddball or cow dog (he's also been called Oreo), Reeses dog, Blondie (she's kind of tannish gray), the black female with no markings on her, and Scrappy Junior who is a smaller version of Scoobee Junior and so in honor of the cartoon shows - he gets the junior tag. There is a male calico looking pup but he is not as prominently calicoed as the female was. No nickname for him and no name that I know of - the one that passed didn't have a name either.

Hope you enjoy the pics - see you all in the postings - E :)

Scoobee Junior or Porky Pig - dang dog probably eats all the puppies' food and that's why some are so skinny.

This is the other one we are keeping. We think that the hound dog that showed up on our property at Thanksgiving had to contribute some since this one looks like him and is definitely the oddball puppy.

This one looks like a Reese's cup apparently - like chocolate and peanut butter - so thus the nickname.

You can't really see her body too well but she is more a tannish gray silver color.

This one is not named but the other female we have here - she is the solid black one.

This is the other one that looks like Scoobee but he is definitely smaller than Junior up there -

This was the mixed male - the female was more like a calico cat with the brown and black coloring -

Long post but lots to say about the pups and posting all their pics - see you all in the postings - E :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Correction to puppies' count

Well after some checking and moving and feeding the mama, I finally got to look and count - she has 10 puppies - plus the dead one - that was a litter of 11 pups - big litter and I still think she had two mates - because the black ones were expected, the brown ones were expected and the white one - well he's the oddball - they are hungry little chaps and she's finally eating - now to get her to get up and go to the bathroom and stuff - we should be okay - E :)

We have puppies

Spazy Taz girl (the black dog that showed up on our property a few months ago) had puppies yesterday - The best count I can get is seven or eight. Daughter and I went to do a little Christmas shopping yesterday and upon our return, there were three or four already born. We checked her several times in the hour or so after returning and found that one of the puppies was dead - so don't know if it was born dead or died after birth.

Now here is the funny thing - she is black with some brown in her but she looks black from a distance - can't see the brown unless you are right next to her - with one white spot on her chest. Scoobee Doo was totally brown. We have had stray dogs on our property on and off but for the most part Scoobee and she have been the only two dogs around. There look to be two black dogs, two or three brown - can't tell when they are all trying to feed and some are hidden, one grayish looking (blackish with brown throughout it's fur) and one white pup with black spots. Weird. I think the pup that died was black -

Large litter for a first one

Last night I went to bed worried about the pups and Spazy Taz because she was kind of laying on the pups or who knows - the line from Gone with the Wind comes to mind - no Ms. Scarlet, I don't know nothing about birthing no (babies) puppies. I've not had a dog who gave birth to pups since I was 15 but at the time, the dog stayed in the basement and so I wasn't around when the pups were born since they were born during the night and before the first week was over, four of the five had died (three had died during the day while I was at school) and the other one wouldn't feed - we ended up taking the two remaining pups to the vets to help them feed but the little female wouldn't eat. So my puppy birthing experience is really not great.

So I got up this morning to make sure everything was good and had to call the vet for advice - Did you know it was recommended to feed the mama dog puppy chow while she's producing milk? I didn't and this is a good thing - the puppy chow has more nutrients in it and is better for the nursing pups and the mama too - so now I have to figure out how to get some puppy chow - because I just bought some Alpo gravy food and I'm strapped for cash until payday - guess I'll have to get some money from the bear and get her some puppy chow for now - oh well, so goes life.

Anyway - I'll be giving puppies away looks like around the end of January. So if you are in the area and would like a puppy, come on and get them - except one of the ones that looks like Scoobee (since he is no longer around and the kids want to keep one of them). Need to go check on the pups - they are pretty loud and whiny right now - more later (and hopefully I can get some pics of the pups put on here)