Showing posts with label Shelley Stout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelley Stout. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Guest Shelley Stout

Today, Shelley Stout, author of Radium Halos, was supposed to be my guest. She has been very busy with work and totally forgot about getting her article to me. I had asked her to write a short article on creating her study guides for her book and the fact that she has developed two different level study guides. She has them geared for 8th and 11th grade. Now I know you are thinking that there isn't much difference between 8th and 11th grade but there is a world of difference in what they cover and how they utilize novels for study. Shelley's study guides are available here if you are interested in using her book during your history class or science class or even art. There are many ways Radium Halos can be used throughout different curricula. Hope you at least get to check it out and I highly recommend reading the book even if you don't use the study guides.

See you all in the postings - E :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

This and That

Week ending March 24 - no sales. I don't have much to report this week since it's been a slow week. I have had lots of hits on my websites over the last few days - 52 one day on one site; 30 on the same day on the other; 40 something one day on one of them. I keep hoping those are hits from the SCASL and that they will turn into sales or that I'll go to the post office and find some orders there but alas, none so far.

Tomorrow, my guest will be Elizabeth Craig Spann/Riley Adams, author of at least three different mystery series, and Wednesday Shelley Stout, author of Radium Halos will be making an appearance. I think I have something scheduled for Thursday and will resume my normal schedule next week. This cold/cough has been hanging on for almost a month now although it has gotten better and of course now that spring is here, my allergies are acting up. See you all in the postings - E :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Book Review Friday - Radium Halos by Shelley Stout

This is reposting of my previous review of this book but it is worth mentioning again. Radium Halos is an excellent read. Shelley has added a study guide that is available for free here. Shelley will be my guest on March 28th, so stay tuned for more from Shelley.

Rating: 5 stars

Radium Halos is a very lightly written, full of humor and sadness and other aspects of life novel that has the potential to be a made-for-TV movie. The characters are really brought to life by Ms. Stout's descriptions and often humorous flashbacks of all the people who had passed through her main character's, Helen Waterman, life over the span of fifty years.

Helen worked at the Radium Dial Factory in Illinois one brief summer and only did that through her older sister's urging. The journey takes us from the early 1920s to the mid 1970s (although the latter date is not really known, it is elluded to through a description of Helen's niece's hairdo and that she is out of the times). The flashbacks are woven in quite nicely and don't really take away from the story at all. I felt like I was listening to my grandmother (in a sense) recollecting her time during certain periods of her life. I found myself cheering for Helen, crying with her, crying for her and hoping that just once she would stand up for herself and let it be known.

I really hope this novel does get made into a movie as it would be very eye opening to folks who know nothing of this time period. I had never heard of the radium dial factory info until I met the author at a writer's conference a couple of years ago. I'm sure in its heyday, the factories did get a lot of attention but there are folks who are still around today that possibly have some connection or other to these terrible conditions and should definitely be shown the dangers of radium and how it has affected or impacted the lives of those exposed to the harsh working conditions.

I have already recommended this book to several folks and will continue recommending and will keep my eyes open for the movie to come out - E :)

Product Details
Paperback: 226 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (October 13, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1448696224
ISBN-13: 978-1448696222
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces

Radium Halos is available for kindle for the low price of only 99 cents.