Showing posts with label Kindle touch screen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindle touch screen. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

amazon's new tablet - the Kindle Fire

Amazon announced several new releases this morning, including its newestipad competition - the Kindle Fire. The Kindle Fire is priced at an incredible price of only $199; 2/5 the cost of an iPad and about $50 less than the Nook Color. The other three devices announced are revisions of the Kindle ereader to include the basic Kindle ereader, non-touch screen for $79 (this is the version that has the ads, has wi-fi but not 3G capability) and then your two touch screen versions for $99 (wi-fi but not 3G, has ads/special deals) and $149 (3g+wi-fi, ads/special deals version). This is really great news all around for those of you thinking of buying an ereader or a tablet. You now have several options which are in the more reasonable price range.

I will need to upgrade my phone and am leaning toward the new release from Android/Straighttalk (my carrier for phone service) but am going to check out a couple of other phones on the site before making my decision - I need to hopefully find something that will be capable with my Square so that I can start taking credit cards at events, especially since I have a couple of huge events coming up in November. I will keep you all posted on what I do end up going with and when I order my Kindle Fire - E ;)