Showing posts with label kindlegraph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindlegraph. Show all posts

Friday, April 27, 2012


A while back I stumbled upon Kindlegraph and felt it was really great. I'd kind of let that slide since there was so much on my plate. I can't tell you how exciting it is to get an email saying you have a kindlegraph request. Whodathunk it? Getting a kindlegraph request is almost as exciting as when a book comes out. I hope to be adding more titles to kindlegraph, so keep the requests coming. If you have purchased any book other than directly from me or even downloaded one of my short stories and would like an esignature, personalized or semi-personalized, come over to my kindlegraph page and click on the appropriate cover to request your free kindlegraph. See you all in the postings - E :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Tulip Kiss is up

I shared the cover with you all last week. I've posted the story on Kindle and Smashwords with the Nook version to come as soon as I have the cover sized for the Nook (apparently has to be different pixels compared to the smashwords and kindle version. It is only 99 cents.

Don't forget to stop by my kindlegraph page and request your free kindlegraph. E :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Finally Home released

Finally Home is now availsble in all formats. Please visit my website to order a copy or you can get your ebook copy on kindle, nook and smashwords. If you order a copy from any place other than directly from me and would like it "signed" and a personal message added, you can request a kindlegraph here.

Those of you who have preordered a copy, you should have yours by the end of next week - see you in the postings - E :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kindlegraph (again)

For all you published authors out there, I'd like you to consider putting your books on kindlegraph. You do not need to have your books as ebooks nor do you have to have a kindle to use the service. It is free to everyone. It is a great way to connect authors to their readers. What you will need is a twitter account and either your AISN (this is amazon's own number, which is a 10-digit amazon assigned number) or the 10-digit ISBN and a valid email address. If you aren't already listed there, I encourage you all to put your books there and start signing your kindlegraphs to your readers.

Readers don't need a kindle either as they can have their kindlegraphs sent directly to a valid email address. The kindlegraphs are PDFs that come in with the cover of the book requested plus a personalized message and a signature from the author. You can print these files out and place in your print copy or you can have them sent to your kindle and start a collection of your kindlegraphs.

So far, of the 13 copies of "The Proposal" I've sold only one request for a kindlegraph has come in. If anyone purchased a copy (either when it was offered as a freebie through smashwords or on kindle (2 copies sold here) or nook (one copy sold here)) and would like a "signed" file for their purchase, they can still request the kindlegraph as the books won't be taken off unless of course I unpublish them). "The Proposal (an April Fools Day story)" is available for all ereaders for the low price of only 99 cents. All my state books are listed on kindlegraph even though they are not available as ebooks. Check out my personal author site here.

Check out kindlegraph and see what authors you may know on there (over 2500 authors listed right now). Get your books signed without having purchased directly from the author - come join us today - and get personalized and e-signed books today - E :)

You may find Elysabeth's books at her website.

Finally Home, a YA paranormal mystery
"The Proposal" (an April Fools Day story), a humorous romance ebook
"Butterfly Halves", a YA fantasy ebook (coming soon)
"The Tulip Kiss", a paranormal romance ebook (coming soon)
"Bride-and-Seek", a paranormal romance ebook (coming soon)

For more on the 50-state, mystery series, you can check out the books here.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

kindlegraph and The Proposal

As of this morning, I've had 12 downloads of the Proposal (that is including the sample downloads too) with 7 copies "sold" with the free coupon and no requests for a kindlegraph. I have also sold one copy on amazon's kindle since posting the story Monday. If you would like a free e-signature and personalized message from me, please don't forget to go here and make a request for your kindlegraph. You do not need a kindle to request a kindlegraph, just a valid email addy where the PDF file will be sent. You do need to have a twitter account to sign in and request your kindlegraphs but other than that, everything is free. Look around at the over 2000 authors already there; who knows? you may find an author you have been reading and have wanted a personalized copy of their book. I would love to sign kindlegraphs for all my followers who have downloaded my story. I also will be posting my other stories as soon as I have covers for them. I hope all of you who have downloaded the story have enjoyed it. Please let me know by leaving a comment here or on smashwords or amazon - thanks - E :)

Finally Home is in the final stages of revisions and should definitely be to Heather this weekend for her magic - stay tuned for more on that - see you all in the postings - E :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Proposal on Kindle and Smashwords

I have posted my short story, The Proposal, on kindle for the low price of only 99 cents. It will be coming to smashwords soon. Hope you all will stop by and download a copy and enjoy an April Fools Day humorous romance story.

UPDATE (10/24/2011): The Proposal is now up on Smashwords and I'm giving away copies for free - all you need is the coupon code here and you can download the story to any reading device you have - Link to book: The Proposal; Your coupon code is EY62X (not case sensitive). Since putting up late yesterday afternoon, I've had two persons get the download and I thank you both. Hope you all enjoy it.

For your free e-signature and personalized message, please visit my kindlegraph page and make a request. You only need a twitter account to sign up for kindlegraphs and you can request from over 2000 authors right now with more being added daily/weekly.

Three other stories will be added in the coming weeks, all for 99 cents, except I'm sure I'll submit one of them as a freebie for 2 weeks and then will revert it back to 99 cents. I'll probably run a few contests in the upcoming weeks for prizes. Stay tuned - E :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I mentioned earlier about the kindlegraph and anxiously awaiting the publication of my YA paranormal mystery so I can start doing kindlegraphs. Well, I didn't read the whole way through on the author sign up page - kindlegraphs are not just for ebooks but for all paperback and hardback and ebooks - so I've added my books and now anyone can receive an electronic signature for any title available, just pop over to my author page on the kindlegraph site and request your signature. You can have the kindlegraphs sent to your kindle even though the books are not available as ebooks or your email. They come as a PDF file with a personalized message from me and a signature. So anyone who has purchased a copy of any of my titles from other venues (not direct sales) and would like to have a signature, please request your kindlegraph. Thanks - see you all in the postings - E :)

Monday, August 08, 2011


I love my kindle but still like paperback books too. I subscribe to Jen Wylie's blog, author of the Ever series that I've been following (can't wait for the next installment - lol). Anyway, her posting today is about kindlegraph, a place where authors can do "electronic signatures for ebooks" - Makes me excited to put my upcoming YA paranormal mystery (Finally Home) out as an ebook. I'm passing this on to a few of my writer buddies who do have ebooks available so that I can get their "kindlegraph" on the books I've already purchased. Hope all you writers take advantage of this (all you need is a twitter account to sign up). Happy writing and signing, ya'll - E :)