Saturday, May 19, 2012

SC Book Festival Day #1

The book festival's doors opened at 10 a.m. For a good bit there was a steady stream of folks walking the vendor hall and looking. I saw a lot of familiar faces and even made a connection I was hoping to make this weekend (a little later than I had hoped to do so, but I'm glad she showed up when she did). Sarah says she sold 11 books today, but it seemed she sold more but who knows. I sold two copies of Sybil Nelson's Priscilla the Great and nothing else bookwise. No state stories; none of Finally Home and none of the Leslie Dubois books or Little Prince Publishing books that were available (Sybil = Leslie = Little Prince Publishing who actually publishes a couple of different authors besides Sybil/Leslie).

Now don't feel too bad for me with no book sales. I did sell 25 of my bookworms. Not enough to cover a lot of expenses on the trip but enough to get me dinner and gas in the van and some water and/or a couple of candy bars.

Overall I think it was a good day. --- See you all in the postings - E :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Elysabeth! Glad to hear you sold a bunch of the bookworms. They are so cute.