November was the VBT- Writers on the Move one year anniversary and we did a special posting all month long. We had winners every day during the tour where they were given their choice of either books or guest spots on the VBT blog.
Pop over for a treat about juggling words and coming up with a story. See you in the postings - E :)
A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Robin Falls Magazine premier is up
at Robin Falls Magazine
We would like to invite you to visit our new Robin Falls Magazine and tell us what you think. The magazine is a seasonal online display of work by international Writers and Artists. Most are members of FaceBook group Red River Writers.
It is divided into four sections: Red River Writers, Robin Falls Kids, Radio Shows, and the Book & Art Shop. Within the pages of the sections are 5 interactive, recurring posts where you can ask related questions and get answers from experts.
Red River Writers section contains: Articles, Poetry & Lyrics, Short Stories, Writing & Promoting, Book Reviews, Videos, Excerpts from books, and Art Displays.
Robin Falls Kids section contains: Articles, Stories, Poems, Music, Art, Kids Activities, Book Reviews, Writing & Promoting Tips, Coloring Pages, and Book Trailers.
Radio Shows section relates to Red River Writers Live and Robin Falls Kids Blog Talk Radio Shows. There you will find profiles of Shows, Hosts, Guests, and Assistants. The shows motto is “To Entertain and Education.” Currently Robin Falls produces 15 different styled radio shows, representing all genres. There pages will definitely entertain.
Book and Art Shop at Robin Falls Magazine features work of friends of Robin Falls from all genres. Direct links to learn more about each item with ability to purchase are provided.
As if that was not enough, the magazine is stuffed with links and flashing buttons that will lead you directly to one of our more than 500 merchant affiliate stores. Special effort was made to give you an exciting online shopping experience. There is variety galore and discounts to boot.
So, please enter and relax by our beautiful falls while you view the magazine's magnificent scenery at Robin Falls Magazine.
Your FaceBook Friend,
April Robins, CEO Robin Falls, LLC
P.S. Help us get the word out by taking one of our Banners at RFM sub guidelines and putting it on your site. Also, e-mail me if you would like to be in a Banner Exchange at
at Robin Falls Magazine
We would like to invite you to visit our new Robin Falls Magazine and tell us what you think. The magazine is a seasonal online display of work by international Writers and Artists. Most are members of FaceBook group Red River Writers.
It is divided into four sections: Red River Writers, Robin Falls Kids, Radio Shows, and the Book & Art Shop. Within the pages of the sections are 5 interactive, recurring posts where you can ask related questions and get answers from experts.
Red River Writers section contains: Articles, Poetry & Lyrics, Short Stories, Writing & Promoting, Book Reviews, Videos, Excerpts from books, and Art Displays.
Robin Falls Kids section contains: Articles, Stories, Poems, Music, Art, Kids Activities, Book Reviews, Writing & Promoting Tips, Coloring Pages, and Book Trailers.
Radio Shows section relates to Red River Writers Live and Robin Falls Kids Blog Talk Radio Shows. There you will find profiles of Shows, Hosts, Guests, and Assistants. The shows motto is “To Entertain and Education.” Currently Robin Falls produces 15 different styled radio shows, representing all genres. There pages will definitely entertain.
Book and Art Shop at Robin Falls Magazine features work of friends of Robin Falls from all genres. Direct links to learn more about each item with ability to purchase are provided.
As if that was not enough, the magazine is stuffed with links and flashing buttons that will lead you directly to one of our more than 500 merchant affiliate stores. Special effort was made to give you an exciting online shopping experience. There is variety galore and discounts to boot.
So, please enter and relax by our beautiful falls while you view the magazine's magnificent scenery at Robin Falls Magazine.
Your FaceBook Friend,
April Robins, CEO Robin Falls, LLC
P.S. Help us get the word out by taking one of our Banners at RFM sub guidelines and putting it on your site. Also, e-mail me if you would like to be in a Banner Exchange at
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Blast from the past
Bear (husband) has been cleaning upstairs and going through boxes and came across this. Not sure what year it really is from but I'm guessing roughly 1972 - so guess what folks, I really was a kid at some point - lol.

Don't really think I was all that cute, so no harsh comments - but if you want to comment, that's fine; if not, okay with me.

Don't really think I was all that cute, so no harsh comments - but if you want to comment, that's fine; if not, okay with me.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Reminder of NOVEMBER host time/DECEMBER VBT schedule
November's VBT - Writers on the Move tour is winding down with only a week left. We have six days of blogs to post their guest bloggers. My posting is tomorrow on Linda Asato. Stop by my JGDS blog and find out why spiders live in Linda's mailbox.

As you can see, December is fast approaching and the VBT - Writers on the move will only be doing one posting for the month of December, December 1st, so there will be a lot of blogs to visit on that day. We will be doing some revamping come January and there will be new schedules after the holidays. I think Karen will start 2010 like our anniversary tour was - each person hosting one day in the month. With almost 30 members, we can run the tours all month long. As the schedules are posted, please check each month on my sidebar to see where we will be. I think 2010 will be a very good year for everyone involved in the virtual blog tours.
Here is the December schedule:
Dianne Sagan is hosting Lea Schizas
Karen Cioffi is hosting Heidi Thomas
Kathy Stemke is hosting Martha Swirzinski
Lea Schizas is hosting Brigitte Thompson
Nancy Famolari is hosting Kathy Stemke
Margaret Fieland is hosting Karen Cioffi
Crystalee Calderwood is hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Katie Hines is hosting Stephen Tremp
Helena Harper is hosting Deborah Weed
Liana Metal is hosting Dianne Sagan
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is hosting Debra Eckerling
Gayle Trent is hosting Dana Donovan
Mayra Calvani is hosting Helena Harper
Marvin Wilson is hosting Mayra Calvani
Linda Asato is hosting Marvin Wilson
Stephen Tremp is hosting Gayle Trent
Elysabeth Eldering is hosting Katie Hines
Darcia Helle is hosting Linda Asato
Deborah Weed is hosting Liana Metal
Brigitte Thompson is hosting Nancy Famolari
Martha Swirzinski is hosting Margaret Fieland
Heidi Thomas is hosting Jane Sutton
Jane Sutton is hosting Darcia Helle
Dana Donovan is hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Dallas Woodburn is hosting Linda Suzane
Linda Suzane is hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Debra Eckerling is hosting Dallas Woodburn

As you can see, December is fast approaching and the VBT - Writers on the move will only be doing one posting for the month of December, December 1st, so there will be a lot of blogs to visit on that day. We will be doing some revamping come January and there will be new schedules after the holidays. I think Karen will start 2010 like our anniversary tour was - each person hosting one day in the month. With almost 30 members, we can run the tours all month long. As the schedules are posted, please check each month on my sidebar to see where we will be. I think 2010 will be a very good year for everyone involved in the virtual blog tours.
Here is the December schedule:
Dianne Sagan is hosting Lea Schizas
Karen Cioffi is hosting Heidi Thomas
Kathy Stemke is hosting Martha Swirzinski
Lea Schizas is hosting Brigitte Thompson
Nancy Famolari is hosting Kathy Stemke
Margaret Fieland is hosting Karen Cioffi
Crystalee Calderwood is hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Katie Hines is hosting Stephen Tremp
Helena Harper is hosting Deborah Weed
Liana Metal is hosting Dianne Sagan
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is hosting Debra Eckerling
Gayle Trent is hosting Dana Donovan
Mayra Calvani is hosting Helena Harper
Marvin Wilson is hosting Mayra Calvani
Linda Asato is hosting Marvin Wilson
Stephen Tremp is hosting Gayle Trent
Elysabeth Eldering is hosting Katie Hines
Darcia Helle is hosting Linda Asato
Deborah Weed is hosting Liana Metal
Brigitte Thompson is hosting Nancy Famolari
Martha Swirzinski is hosting Margaret Fieland
Heidi Thomas is hosting Jane Sutton
Jane Sutton is hosting Darcia Helle
Dana Donovan is hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Dallas Woodburn is hosting Linda Suzane
Linda Suzane is hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Debra Eckerling is hosting Dallas Woodburn
Friday, November 06, 2009
Follow the VBT-Writers on the Move tour (x-posted)
Today, I am being hosted by Margaret Fieland. Stop by and leave a comment. Remember if you leave a comment, you are eligible for a prize. There will be a drawing every day this month during the tour since it is our one year anniversary and we want you the readers to benefit. So stop by, leave a comment and maybe tomorrow your name will be drawn for a prize - E :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
First Book - What got you hooked on reading? contest results

Saturday, October 24, 2009
VBT- Writers on the move celebrates one year!


November 1 - Dianne Sagan hosting Heidi Thomas
November 2 - Harry Gilleland hosting Karen Cioffi
November 3 - Karen Cioffi hosting Martha Swirzinki
November 4 - Kathy Stemke hosting Brigitte Thompson
November 5 - Nancy Famolari hosting Deborah Weed
November 6 - Margaret Fieland hosting Elysabeth Eldering
November 7 - Crystalee Calderwood hosting Harry Gilleland
November 8 - Katie Hines hosting Heather Paye
November 9 - Helena Harper hosting Steve Tremp
November 10 - Liana Metal hosting Crystalee Calderwood
November 11 - Carolyn Howard-Johnson hosting Marvin Wilson
November 12 - Gayle Trent hosting Dianne Sagan
November 13 - Mayra Calvani hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
November 14 - Marvin Wilson hosting Gayle Trent
November 15 - Linda Asato hosting Mayra Calvani
November 16 - Heather Paye hosting Katie Hines
November 17 - Steve Tremp hosting Helena Harper
Novemver 18 - Elysabeth Eldering hosting Linda Asato
November 19 - Darcia Helle hosting Liana Metal
November 20 - Deborah Weed hosting Nancy Famolari
November 21 - Brigitte Thompson hosting Margaret Fieland
November 22 - Martha Swirzinki hosting Darcia Helle
November 23 - Heidi Thomas hosting Kathy Stemke
Each day there will be prizes offered. All you have to do is leave a comment on the host's site on the day he/she is posting for their guest and you may be a WINNER!
The Winner will have a choice of ONE of 2 or 3 books of our members or other related gifts, OR a one day guest spot on the VBT - Writers on the Move site!
Prizes being given away EVERY Day from November 1st through November 23rd!
OH! Wait a minute! That's not all! We are still having our Mystery Site Giveaway and the SUPER-DUPER PRIZE is a $25 (US) GIFT CARD to either Amazon, Target, or an American Express Gift Card. I'll know for sure by the end of this month.
Winners will be notified the day after each posting. The Mystery Site Winner will be notified Sunday, November 29th.
Come celebrate with us and maybe be the WINNER of a great gift in the process.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
First competition down
Our school performed in a 3A class yesterday. It was a prelim/final competition, meaning the top band in each class plus four other top scoring bands would compete in the finals. Eighteen bands total competed, four in 1A, five in 2A, four in 3A, and five in 4A. The first performance started at like 12:30 in the afternoon. I didn't make it to see the 1A or 2A bands but did make it to see all the 3A and 4A bands perform. We performed last in out class with a show called "Time Warp". In the preliminaries we received best drumline, best colorguard, best horn line in the 3A class and took first place. This automatically put us in the finals.
In the finals, we were up against a 1A, 2A and all five 4A bands and placed 5th. I think they did a stellar job considering at last week's football game I didn't feel they stood a chance of making it past upper state this year. I think they have a chance to go to state again. I'll keep you posted every week. Next week's competition is one we are hosting, so even though we will be scored, we are not "competing" with any other bands, since we will only do an exhibition. See you next week - E :)
In the finals, we were up against a 1A, 2A and all five 4A bands and placed 5th. I think they did a stellar job considering at last week's football game I didn't feel they stood a chance of making it past upper state this year. I think they have a chance to go to state again. I'll keep you posted every week. Next week's competition is one we are hosting, so even though we will be scored, we are not "competing" with any other bands, since we will only do an exhibition. See you next week - E :)
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Summer Love by Liana Metal, a graphic novel love story

SUMMER LOVE synopsis: Elira feels trapped running her family's little hotel on the Greek island of Hydra. She's never traveled, never experienced love, never really lived. Then a handsome mysterious stranger checks in, and Elira can't hide her fascination. But Nicolas Soulakis is on a dangerous mission. When he is forced to elicit Elira's help, guilt gnaws at him for taking advantage of her obvious feelings for him. Never mind that those dove-gray eyes entrance him, that her shapely body drives him mad with desire. Soon that desire explodes in a fiery outpouring of need, and Nicolas knows he's lost.
If you click on the title of this posting, it will take you to the purchase page for this story. It is Liana's first romance done in this style. E :)
Thursday, October 01, 2009
A day in the life of ...

Liana Metal, writer and artist
A typical week day starts at around 8:00 a.m. when the sun rays fall on my face and the birds’ singing from the trees just off my balcony act as a natural alarm clock. I am usually a very active sort of person, but I hate organizing all my days in advance. I never drink coffee in the morning, though on some cold days I have a cup of tea with milk; a bowl of Quaker oats with honey and banana slices is filling and sweet; and a good start for a productive day!
I turn on my computer after preparing lunch, and while it is being cooked I write an article or two; on my unlucky days though, I just have to cook a second meal because the first one has got burnt! Phone calls are a great distraction during the day, especially when some relatives enjoy a lengthy and juicy conversation! I avoid daily shopping as I won’t get everything done in time. But I enjoy roaming around the town and talking to friends every other day, taking pictures for my blog or doing interviews with local people for Coffee Time paper. Every outing seems to be a small adventure for me.
When the weather permits, I start the day painting in my balcony, and I do some typing after 11a.m. I enjoy doing different tasks as it adds variety to my day schedule. Housework has to be done in between writing and painting-so I have one or two breaks dedicated to family chores. Afternoons are more relaxing. In winter I never have a siesta; I teach some young pupils for 2-3 hours and then I return to my computer to complete the work that I have started earlier in the day. Painting has to wait till the weekend when I have more free time. I spend the evenings computer-free with family members. I love watching my favorite series or a film on TV, and I never go to bed before midnight! On hot summer days I stay up later than usual, but I have a relaxing siesta during the day that keeps me refreshed. Summer evenings are mainly spent outside, at Garitsa Bay, where people stroll and chat. That is a great meeting point for friends and tourists alike and a source of inspiration as well!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Band of the Week for September 25
You all know what time of year it is? Band season. This is the halftime performance (well, okay 43 seconds of it) of BHP"s competition show. Each week three bands go up for votes (and the kids probably pad the votes a lot) and then on the following Monday it is posted on The High School Playbook site. Hope you all enjoy - E :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
VBT coming October 1 - meet author Liana Metal

I'm back on the rotation and will be hosting Liana Metal for October. On October 1, stop by and take a peek into "A Day in the Life of..." and find out a little bit more about Liana and how she typically works. On Saturday, October 3, stop by for a look at her graphic novel, "Summer Love", a romance story. Hope you all enjoy meeting this author from Greece.
On October 11, stop by my JGDS blog for the Viewpoint of the month. I will be doing a viewpoint on a topic that has come up on more than one forum about Children's/MG/YA genres. Hope to see you all there - E :)
VBT - Writers on the Move group - monthly tour schedule
I'm back on the schedule for the virtual book tour group. I will also be doing this month's viewpoint. Posts will go up on the 1st and 3rd. Here is the schedule:
Dianne Sagan hosting Harry Gilleland
Harry Gilleland hosting Marvin Wilson
Karen Cioffi hosting Kathy Stemke
Kathy Stemke hosting Jane Sutton
Nancy Famolari hosting Steve Tremp
Vivian Zabel hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Margaret Fieland hosting Nancy Famolari
Crystalee Calderwood hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Katie Hines hosting Linda Asato
Helena Harper hosting Katie Hines
Liana Metal hosting Margaret Fieland
Carolyn Howard-Johnson hosting Mayra Calvani
Gayle Trent hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Mayra Calvani hosting Dainne Sagan
Marvin Wilson hosting Helena Harper
Linda Asato hosting Gayle Trent
Heather Paye hosting Vivian Zabel
Steve Tremp hosting Heather Paye
Elysabeth Eldering hosting Liana Metal
Jane Sutton hosting Karen Cioffi
Karen Cioffi hosting Darcia Helle
Darcia Helle hosting Jack Edward George
Quite a lineup we have this month. Please be sure to visit our members' sites.
Aside from book promotion, our authors provide useful writing and marketing articles as part of each tour.
We also have the Mystery Site Giveaway: the winner chooses between the Mystery Site Host's book or a guest spot RIGHT HERE! If you're an author, it's a great prize!
Finally, our Viewpoint segment will be hosted by Elysabeth Eldering on Sunday, October 11th. Be sure to stop by and let us know what you're thinking.
Okay, I guess that's about it, except: if you're an author you too can create ongoing visibility and increased readership by joining our merry band of authors.
If you're interested, contact:
Dianne Sagan hosting Harry Gilleland
Harry Gilleland hosting Marvin Wilson
Karen Cioffi hosting Kathy Stemke
Kathy Stemke hosting Jane Sutton
Nancy Famolari hosting Steve Tremp
Vivian Zabel hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Margaret Fieland hosting Nancy Famolari
Crystalee Calderwood hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Katie Hines hosting Linda Asato
Helena Harper hosting Katie Hines
Liana Metal hosting Margaret Fieland
Carolyn Howard-Johnson hosting Mayra Calvani
Gayle Trent hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Mayra Calvani hosting Dainne Sagan
Marvin Wilson hosting Helena Harper
Linda Asato hosting Gayle Trent
Heather Paye hosting Vivian Zabel
Steve Tremp hosting Heather Paye
Elysabeth Eldering hosting Liana Metal
Jane Sutton hosting Karen Cioffi
Karen Cioffi hosting Darcia Helle
Darcia Helle hosting Jack Edward George
Quite a lineup we have this month. Please be sure to visit our members' sites.
Aside from book promotion, our authors provide useful writing and marketing articles as part of each tour.
We also have the Mystery Site Giveaway: the winner chooses between the Mystery Site Host's book or a guest spot RIGHT HERE! If you're an author, it's a great prize!
Finally, our Viewpoint segment will be hosted by Elysabeth Eldering on Sunday, October 11th. Be sure to stop by and let us know what you're thinking.
Okay, I guess that's about it, except: if you're an author you too can create ongoing visibility and increased readership by joining our merry band of authors.
If you're interested, contact:
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Check out cover for State of Altitude
If you click on the title of this posting, you will be taken to the JGDS blog posting about the cover for State of Altitude. State of Reservations is being illustrated along with another serious project (Aidana's words) and she hopes to have it ready and published by November 1. Fingers crossed. Anyway - pop over and let me know what you think - E :)
Invisible ants who invade
It seems we have had an invasion of ants in the last few weeks or so. They are everywhere - all over the property, in the house but can't see them and in my car, even inside the groove of the trunk area.
They are buggers for sure. I brush off the bed before getting in it. Can't see the darned little things or feel them crawling on me but I can feel the after effects - the bites. I tried to sleep for over two hours only to feel the bites. I finally decided whatever, no sleep tonight. So decided to get up and blog about the stupid things.
I don't know what to do about them. I've tried sprays and powders and other poisons to get rid of them but without knowing where they are coming from, it is hard to get rid of them.
They are buggers for sure. I brush off the bed before getting in it. Can't see the darned little things or feel them crawling on me but I can feel the after effects - the bites. I tried to sleep for over two hours only to feel the bites. I finally decided whatever, no sleep tonight. So decided to get up and blog about the stupid things.
I don't know what to do about them. I've tried sprays and powders and other poisons to get rid of them but without knowing where they are coming from, it is hard to get rid of them.
Have you voted yet?
Click on the title and go vote. Only ten days left. South Carolina is still way down, not even in the top 25. We don't have much of a chance to pull off getting up to number one but it can't hurt to keep trying. South Carolina is ranking 29th; Kentucky, Hawaii, and Oklahoma are the top three spots and I think North Carolina is in the top ten somewhere; if not there then at least in the top twenty. Do it now. Vote today. Every vote helps. E :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thank you Mr. Hughes
I now have a book trailer thanks to the efforts of Mr. Hughes. I really wasn't expecting him to do this so quickly but he took off and worked on it over the weekend. I think it turned out rather well. Please comment on what you think - E :)
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
09/09/09 - and 20 years
I'm not really blogging about the significance of today's date to numerologists as it has been done many times already, I'm sure. I'm really blogging about co-existing with a person for 20 years on this date. Today is my 20th anniversary and for the past 10 years of married life, we have pretty much co-existed in the same household and not much else. I still do all the grocery shopping and pretty much preparing the food or making sure that he gets fed when we eat out. I don't do his laundry (thank goodness). I run all the errands because he works third shift and is too lazy to do anything unless he absolutely positively has to because I have an important meeting to attend. We don't communicate much unless he feels I really need to know something. I, on the other hand, don't really see a need to tell him much because I know he doesn't listen to anything I have to say nor does he care.
So why not get a divorce? Hmmm - the thought has occurred to me but I financially couldn't make it on my own with kids and all. I don't make enough to support myself and the kids even if he were to pay child support and alimony. It is less costly this way and the kids still have their father around, not that they spend much time with him as it is since he works third shift (has worked second and first since moving to this area) and they are in school during the day and he usually sleeps until about noon or so and then goes outside to the creek (he's a sun worshipper and will take any sunny day over a cloudy one; those are the days he just sleeps and watches TV all the time until dinner and then sleeps until he leaves for work).
If my books ever become self-supporting or I get a sponsor (Jeopardy would be nice to have as a sponsor) and all, I would probably get the divorce, but at this late stage, it would be mostly paperwork than anything else. Finding a place to live and all would be easy and since Benjamin just started high school this year, no sense in doing anything until he completes high school. That way the kids are out of the house and the divorce would be pretty simple. I wouldn't ask for much - as long as my books are supporting me by then.
So now you know - I co-exist on the same plane in the same house (not even on the same floor as I live in the basement and he lives on the second floor) and have done so for half of my married life - See you all in the postings - E :)
So why not get a divorce? Hmmm - the thought has occurred to me but I financially couldn't make it on my own with kids and all. I don't make enough to support myself and the kids even if he were to pay child support and alimony. It is less costly this way and the kids still have their father around, not that they spend much time with him as it is since he works third shift (has worked second and first since moving to this area) and they are in school during the day and he usually sleeps until about noon or so and then goes outside to the creek (he's a sun worshipper and will take any sunny day over a cloudy one; those are the days he just sleeps and watches TV all the time until dinner and then sleeps until he leaves for work).
If my books ever become self-supporting or I get a sponsor (Jeopardy would be nice to have as a sponsor) and all, I would probably get the divorce, but at this late stage, it would be mostly paperwork than anything else. Finding a place to live and all would be easy and since Benjamin just started high school this year, no sense in doing anything until he completes high school. That way the kids are out of the house and the divorce would be pretty simple. I wouldn't ask for much - as long as my books are supporting me by then.
So now you know - I co-exist on the same plane in the same house (not even on the same floor as I live in the basement and he lives on the second floor) and have done so for half of my married life - See you all in the postings - E :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Week 3 (what a day) - lol
Yep, tomorrow is officially three weeks since Hailie got her learner's permit. She's been driving down the driveway when we have to go anywhere but that had been the extent of driving, other than last weekend when she spent the night with her friend who got her permit the Friday before she did. She called me up and asked if it was okay if she drove in the parking lot with her friend and her friend's mother. So as long as there is a licensed driver over 21, she is good to go. They drove in the parking lot at the high school since it is huge and there are no vehicles there on the weekends. Great place to learn turns and parking and work on parallel parking.
So today when I picked her up from church, she wanted to drive home. I know she needs to practice driving on the street but I still have a hard time letting go right now. I just don't think she is ready. I let her drive home and she did okay except at the stop signs, she still tends to be heavy on the brakes - can't seem to grasp that easing on them. We had a little bit of traffic on our road and I know she was scared but she did pretty good. I didn't yell at her except reminded her to pay attention to her mirrors and what's going on around her and to be aware. I know with more practice she will get there but I'm not sure I can survive the practice times too much - lol - Anyway - if you are in the area, be on the lookout for new drivers in town - at least two right now - Hailie and her friend - until next time, see you all in the postings - E :)
So today when I picked her up from church, she wanted to drive home. I know she needs to practice driving on the street but I still have a hard time letting go right now. I just don't think she is ready. I let her drive home and she did okay except at the stop signs, she still tends to be heavy on the brakes - can't seem to grasp that easing on them. We had a little bit of traffic on our road and I know she was scared but she did pretty good. I didn't yell at her except reminded her to pay attention to her mirrors and what's going on around her and to be aware. I know with more practice she will get there but I'm not sure I can survive the practice times too much - lol - Anyway - if you are in the area, be on the lookout for new drivers in town - at least two right now - Hailie and her friend - until next time, see you all in the postings - E :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Still time to vote for the First Book, Hooked on Reading
I haven't voted every day like I wanted to or should have but when I voted today, South Carolina has moved up from 37th to 29th. So come on all you South Carolina readers out there, vote and let's see if we can move the state up in the standings. Oklahoma is still in the #1 spot, followed by Kentucky. It would be nice to move up the rankings. Let's vote - just fill in what book got you hooked on reading and why and what state you would like the 50,000 books donated to and your name and email and you are good to go - E :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
First Book - hooked on reading
Well, I just voted for the first time and I must say, South Carolina is ranked 37th. Come on all you readers out there. Vote. Help move your state up. You can vote every day if you want. All you have to do is tell what book hooked you on reading and what state you would like the 50,000 books to go to so you can move your state up in the rankings. Wyoming is way down there, 51st (because they include DC in the lista) and Oklahoma is ranked #1 - so let's move South Carolina up the board. Vote and vote often. Get on board and share your love of reading with the kids. - E :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Week 3, Day 1
What you may ask is the reason for the code title? This is week 3 of band camp (the short week really because band camp hours are 6 pm to 9 pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and 3:45 to 6 pm Friday with parent exhibition at 6:30 pm and pizza party following that). It is Day 1 of Hailie passing her beginner's permit test and attempting to drive (driveway only - gives her practice backing up and staying in a grooved area) without giving me a heart attack.
So I let her back out of my spot to the hill area where we go to pull out forward in the driveway. She wasn't looking in her mirrors or looking back to see where she was going and put it in reverse and just zoomed back a few feet (probably like 20 or os but I don't measure things like that) before I finally got her to put on the brakes (yes, unfortunately I had to yell at her but it was scary and I'm sure any parent would have done the same thing). I made her pull into my parking spot and try again. She backed up too much but she is learning - thus the permit is called "beginner's" or "learner's" permit.
She did get backed up (surprisingly without being in the trash bin or in a tree or in the fencing or on any of the downed trees lining the driveway area where I back up). She pulled down to head out and almost hit Reeses because he won't move for anything from the spot in the driveway that he likes to be in. I have to practically get right up on him before he moves. She pulled to the end of driveway and did hit the brakes a bit harder than normal but again, she is learning and the more practice she has, the better she will be.
Okay - I survived day 1 - lol - The first part was scary but I chalk that up to nerves and just something totally out of her element. Stay tuned for more on Hailie's driving experience with me - lol - see you all in the postings. E :)
So I let her back out of my spot to the hill area where we go to pull out forward in the driveway. She wasn't looking in her mirrors or looking back to see where she was going and put it in reverse and just zoomed back a few feet (probably like 20 or os but I don't measure things like that) before I finally got her to put on the brakes (yes, unfortunately I had to yell at her but it was scary and I'm sure any parent would have done the same thing). I made her pull into my parking spot and try again. She backed up too much but she is learning - thus the permit is called "beginner's" or "learner's" permit.
She did get backed up (surprisingly without being in the trash bin or in a tree or in the fencing or on any of the downed trees lining the driveway area where I back up). She pulled down to head out and almost hit Reeses because he won't move for anything from the spot in the driveway that he likes to be in. I have to practically get right up on him before he moves. She pulled to the end of driveway and did hit the brakes a bit harder than normal but again, she is learning and the more practice she has, the better she will be.
Okay - I survived day 1 - lol - The first part was scary but I chalk that up to nerves and just something totally out of her element. Stay tuned for more on Hailie's driving experience with me - lol - see you all in the postings. E :)
Friday, July 31, 2009
What time of year is it?

I love the competitions and all but hate the constant having to take them everywhere. Methinks the bear needs to start doing some back and forth - like that's really going to happen. Anyway - more as the season progresses and school starts (which won't be long now - the 18th is when we start). This will be a more active blog when competitions roll around and I have pictures to post as videos or slideshows. - see you all in the postngs - E :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Fascinating moth
I was coming back from picking up the kids from band camp and dropping them off at the library yesterday and got out of my car and looked at the bushes growing there and saw these wings - The moth was folded up. I used a piece of paper and got it to open its wings and this is what I saw.
The body is very heavy and it was clinging to this very small branch on this bush thing growing next to my parking spot. I came inside hoping Hailie had left her camera so I could take some pictures. She had not. So when she called me to come get her, I got her camera and she shot these two pictures for me. This is really quite a large moth and unusual in that it looks like peacock fathers on the wings with the "eyes" like that. I wonder if that is a warning for predators of the moth. Maybe Rena may know what kind of moth it is - she's good about nature things - I'll have to ask her - lol.

If anyone knows what kind of moth this is, please feel free to comment and let me know - E :)
PS - I did a bit of research and found this info:
Polyphemus Moth - Antheraea polyphemus
Order: Lepidoptera / Superfamily: Bombycoidea / Family: Saturniidae - Giant silkmoths / Subfamily: Saturniinae / Tribe: Saturniini
It seems the moth is laying (and that would explain the large body of the thing, which I didn't picture but I will if the moth is still there today). I will try to get more pictures of the moth next to my car as I can. Who knows maybe I'll even be able to get the whole life stage of the moth from larva to adult - E :)

If anyone knows what kind of moth this is, please feel free to comment and let me know - E :)
PS - I did a bit of research and found this info:
Polyphemus Moth - Antheraea polyphemus
Order: Lepidoptera / Superfamily: Bombycoidea / Family: Saturniidae - Giant silkmoths / Subfamily: Saturniinae / Tribe: Saturniini
It seems the moth is laying (and that would explain the large body of the thing, which I didn't picture but I will if the moth is still there today). I will try to get more pictures of the moth next to my car as I can. Who knows maybe I'll even be able to get the whole life stage of the moth from larva to adult - E :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Straight From Hel: Book Royalties
For an interesting read on royalties, check out Straight From Hel: Book Royalties and see if you are enlightened a bit - See you in the postings - E :)
Staying Alive with Stacy tour - Review of "Life is Tough"

This book is very humorous and came about from family reunions and watching old family movies and all. What Stacy remembers and what her family remembers seem to have some discrepancies but then again, I guess if we all saw growing up experiences the same way, there wouldn't be a reason for "life lessons." Stacy approaches her life with a bit of tongue-in-cheek attitude and what comes from that is some enjoyable "recounters" of what life was like in the Gooch household.
From ski trips to first dates to bearing children to loss of loved ones, Stacy takes us through a truly laugh out loud peek into her. For anyone looking for some laughter in their life and a few tears, I really suggest that you pick up Stacy's book and remember, "Life is tough, but someone else may have had a tougher life" and enjoy yourself if even for a few minutes a day.

(You'll have to check out the previous posting and follow Stacy's blog for more on her "life saver moments" - see you all in the postings - E :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
PROMO day - coming May 9

Here are some comments from previous PROMO days and how this 1-day, workshop has helped many.
I'm looking forward to presenting at this year's PROMO day and look forwad to meeting many people. I'll be doing a workshop on virtual book tours, so check out the PROMO day website and come learn something about the writing path.
Comments about past events:
Debra L. Butterfield
Debra Butterfield's website
Comments: Really enjoyed Promo Day. It was great chatting with other authors and meeting new people. I look forward to your next Promo Day. Thanks!
Lea Schizas
Lea's website
Comments: I had a blast today, Jo, and met some wonderful people. It's fun to learn about everyone's writing process and what their upcoming projects are. Thank you for hosting this and looking forward to the next one. Lea Schizas
Award-winning Author/Editor
Grace Bridges
Grace Bridges' website
Comments: Great fun! I look forward to the next one
James R. Tate
James Tate's website
Comments: Thanks for another resource for an aspiring author
Hal Manogue
Hal Manogue's blog
Comments: Hi Jo, I enjoyed Promo day. Thanks for the opportunity to meet new friends. Hal
Tannia Ortiz-Lopes's website
Comments: Today I had an awesome time during Promo Day. I got to meet other writers, read about their work, check out their website, and shared our areas of expertise. The conversation were very cordial and professional. Definetely a must do again! I look forward to the next one. Jo, you did an extraordinary job. I pray God bless you with health and keep you doing what you enjoy doing... May the peace of Christ be always with you, from far away in Germany, TANNIA author of The window to my soul; My walk with Jesus Voted 2006 Best Poetry Book by Christian Storyteller
Diane the other
Comments: Wonderful idea, Jo. More nerve than I've got to host a promo, but I mainly write reviews. LOL
Tammy Powley
Tammy Powley's website
Comments: Thanks for running Promo Day, Jo!
Elaine Cantrell
Elaine Cantrell's website
Comments: I had a thoroughly enjoyable hour with you. Thanks for the opportunity.
Paul McDermott
Paul McDermott's website
Comments: Great PROMO event, lots of new points of contact .... hope to be back frequently!
Susan Watkin:
Susan's website or Susan's LULU bookstore
Comments: Jo A great idea! I hope the promo day produced some new customers for us all. Thank you Susan
Master Blackwhip:
Master Blackwhip's website
Comments: Thanks to Jo for having given to me the chance to speak abount my book :) Jo, you have done a very good job. Great!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
PROMO day schedule and FAQs

Times are shown in Central European Time.
14:00 Lael Johnson - Blogging and Journaling
15:00 John Evans - The Age of Networking: Tips and Tricks to Survive in Today's information Age
16:00 Karina Fabian - Marketing for Beginners
17:00 John Desjarlais - Finding an Agent
18:00 Carolyn Howard Johnson - Query Letters as Promotion: Let's Make Them Picture Perfect!
19:00 Elysabeth Eldering- Hosting Authors on Virtual Book Tours
20:00 Joyce Anthony - Promoting with Twitter
21:00 Ron Berry - Character websites
22:00 Devon Ellington - Creating and maintaining a successful writer's blog.
23:00 Carol Denbow - Technical Aspects
TBC Lea Schizas - What editors look for and how writers can spruce their writing
*TBC - Time to be confirmed
What is PROMO DAY?
PROMO DAY is a FREE online international event for people in the writing industry. A whole day dedicated to promoting, networking and learning.
When is PROMO DAY?
This year's event takes place on Saturday, May 9, 2009.
Where does PROMO DAY take place?
PROMO day website
Who can take part in PROMO DAY?
Everyone! Avid readers, writers, authors, publishers, editors, graphic designers, virtual assistants etc… Anyone with an interest in books and writing, from anywhere in the world.
What features are available on site?
The site is packed full of opportunities for authors to promote their books. They can post a video trailer and writing sample and promote in the on site PROMO chatroom.
The sample page is also great for writers to show off their skills and maybe get a book deal or a paid writing assignment.
The useful links page is full great sites with information and resources for people in the writing industry.
The downloads page will be packed full of files containing useful information, tips and advice on a variety of subjects. These will be available for FREE download during the event.
A new feature for this year is the Radio and Podcasts page which features some great shows for writers.
Another fantastic new feature is the FREE on site workshops taking place during the event. They are presented by guest hosts who are experts from the industry and cover a variety of topics. This is a great way to learn more about the industry.
There is also an on site bookstore where people can purchase books written by the events, sponsor, workshops hosts and moderators.
The event takes place in CET time. How can I check the workshop times listed with other international times?
Simple, just go to the time difference page of the website and insert your time zone into the converter.
More coming, stay tuned!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Life is Tough and Life Saver book tour (The Stayin' Alive with Stacy tour)

Follow the schedule below and see what other folks are saying about this new book. I will post a review on my day (the 29th of April). If you want to follow on Facebook, Stacy has set up an accoun there for the "life savers" challenge as well.
Purchase info can be gained by visiting Stacy's blog and contacting her directly. The book is available at all online sources and any bookstore.
Enjoy :)
Wednesday, April 1 – (There was a change here)

Thursday, April 2 – Tristi Pinkston at LDS Author Blog Tristi's “Life Saver” is "Fat people are harder to kidnap."
Friday, April 3 – Stacy will have information on the Pleasant Grove fundraiser on her blog as Teri already posted her review on the Forever Friends Book Nook. Teri's "Life Saver“ is "A friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg even though you’re slightly cracked."
Saturday, April 4 – Liz Adair at Sez Liz. Liz's “Life Saver” is "Space is a dangerous place – especially if it’s between your ears!"
Sunday, April 5 – --------------------- (no postings on Sundays)
Monday, April 6 – Michele Bell at Michelle A Bell – Author. Michelle's “Life Saver” is "Never argue with a stupid person because when you do, they’ll drag you down to their level."
Tuesday, April 7 – Kersten Campbell at Inspirational Quotes on Motherhood. Kersten's “Life Saver” is "It’s hard to understand how a cemetery can raise it’s burial charges and blame it on the cost of living."
Wednesday, April 8 – Kathi Oram Peterson at Kathi’s Writing Nook. Kathi's “Life Saver” is "Democracy is 3 wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for dinner."
Thursday, April 9 - Karlene Browning at Ink Splasher and Provident Book. Karlene's “Life Saver” is "All power corrupts but we need the electricity."
Friday, April 10 – Kevan Jensen on FaceBook. Kevan's “Life Saver” is "Invariably, if someone calls the bladder control hotline, someone will answer “Can you hold please?”"
Saturday, April 11 – Cindy Bezas at The Message from the Grove. Cindy's “Life Saver” is "A man who lives in a glass house should change in the basement."
Sunday, April 12 - ------------------ (no posting on Sunday)
Monday, April 13 – Kari Pike at As a Beacon Light. Kari's “Life Saver” is "If you want to be a leader with a large following, go slow on a two-way street."
Tuesday, April 14 –Sandra Sorenson at The Dance. Sandra's “Life Saver” is "Even in a pile of manure, a flower will grow."
Wednesday, April 15 – Vicki Firth at Vicki's facebook page. Vicki's “Life Saver” is "In spite of the cost of living going up, it’s still quite popular."
Thursday, April 16 - Alison Palmer at Tangled Words and Dreams. Alison's “Life Saver” is "Anyone who thinks you are too small to make a difference has never been alone in a tent with a hungry mosquito."
Friday, April 17 – Cecily Markland. Cecily's “Life Saver” is "Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they will never cease to be amused."
Saturday, April 18 – Lisa Bennett on Facebook. Lisa's “Life Saver” is "A wise man amongst the ignorant is as Brittney Spears in the company of blind men."
Sunday, April 19 - --------------------(no posting on Sunday)
Monday, April 20 – Anne Bradshaw at Not Entirely British. Anne's “Life Saver” is "How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you are on."
Tuesday, April 21 – Jen Lords at Lords of the Manor. Jen's “Life Saver” is "A dog who attends a flea circus will most likely steal the whole show."
Wednesday, April 22 – Megan Gooch at The ‘H’ Four. Megan's “Life Saver” is "A kid’s idea of a balance meal is a hamburger in each hand."
Thursday, April 23 – Wendy Cohen at Motherhood Matters. Wendy's “Life Saver” is "If most accidents happen at home, shouldn’t you move?"
Friday, April 24 – Danyelle Ferguson at Queen of the Clan. Danyelle's “Life Saver” is "He who dies with the most toys is still nonetheless dead."
Saturday, April 25 – Holly Barnes at 2 Kids and Tired Books. Holly's
"Life Saver” is "If the grass on the other side of the fence is greener, then it must be all the fertilizer they are using."
Sunday, April 26 – ------------------ (no posting on Sunday)
Monday, April 27 – Wendy Elliot at Wendword. Wendy's “Life Saver” is "Unless you’re the lead dog, the view is always the same."
Tuesday, April 28 - Candace Salima at Dream a Little Dream Blog. Candace's “Life Saver” is "It’s important to be cool – just don’t get your nose nipped off by Jack Frost when your coolness factor enters the sub-zero region."
Wednesday, April 29 – Elysabeth Eldering at Elysabeth’s Emerald City. Elysabeth's “Life Saver” is "I have faith in fools, my friends call it self confidence!"
Thursday, April 30 – Shirley Bahlmann at Shirley Bahlmann Biz. Shirley's “Life Saver” is "Even a mosquito doesn’t get a slap on the back until he starts to work."
Cheryl Malandrinos - sometime in May at The Book Connection
Hope you all enjoy a few "life savers" from Stacy's book. See you all in the postings - E :)
Local writer's conference is a hit!
I attended the Foothills Writer's Guild 2009 conference the last weekend of March. I found out about it a bit late but was lucky enough to get registered and even a bit luckier that one of the members had something come up so I actually could get the conference at their cost. I think someone was looking out for me. This is local and held at Anderson University every year (this was the 20th annual conference). It is a 2-day conference with about 70 or so attendees. What, you may ask, was offered for such a small group?
Keynote Dick Cote started the dinner off discussing censorship (I was hoping he so would incorporate issues with CPSIA in his speech when I saw that he had changed his address as listed). He also offered several workshops Friday night and Saturday of interest to writers of many different types of writing.
Children's author Kate Salley Palmar offered sevveral workshops pertaining to a writer's and illustrator's life with things on writing memories (in children's books, of course), writing nonfiction and several others.
There were a couple of poetry workshops offered (I didn't attend any of these since I'm not a poet and read very little poetry).
And then there was Lisa Earle McLeod of the Forget Perfect newsletter. Talk about hilarious. This woman was so good, I attended almost every one of her workshops, even though the topics didn't necessarily apply to me. I did bring home some information that I found useful for another of my writer friends this week and so I'm glad I did attend the getting published in magazines, et cetera - workshop. Lisa has grassroots in the area as her father is a member of the Foothills Writer's Guild and he was right there with her, supporting her all the way. She was the Saturday luncheon speaker and I think she garnered a few laughs. I really enjoyed her workshops and would probably attend more if she were to come back next year.
We also had a general session about getting yourself out there and using the technology available to promote yourself with Jane Friedman of the Writer's Digest publicity. She was interesting, but I don't think she had enough time to really get all the information in that she wanted to do. I believe she's already been asked to come back next year.
Some local authors got to pitch their books and I was one of them (yay me!) but it is really hard to pitch to other writer's and especially children's books when the average of those attending was about 55 or older (not that that's a bad thing, but not knowing if they have kids in my target range is difficulty to gage).
I will be attending the meetings (even though they conflict with the SCWW meetings once a month) and see what they are all about. I think the group is small enough that I should benefit from it. Next meeting is in a couple of weeks - so any of my friends in the local area who may be interested, check out their website for more information.
Hope you all enjoy - see you in the postings soon - E :)
Keynote Dick Cote started the dinner off discussing censorship (I was hoping he so would incorporate issues with CPSIA in his speech when I saw that he had changed his address as listed). He also offered several workshops Friday night and Saturday of interest to writers of many different types of writing.
Children's author Kate Salley Palmar offered sevveral workshops pertaining to a writer's and illustrator's life with things on writing memories (in children's books, of course), writing nonfiction and several others.
There were a couple of poetry workshops offered (I didn't attend any of these since I'm not a poet and read very little poetry).
And then there was Lisa Earle McLeod of the Forget Perfect newsletter. Talk about hilarious. This woman was so good, I attended almost every one of her workshops, even though the topics didn't necessarily apply to me. I did bring home some information that I found useful for another of my writer friends this week and so I'm glad I did attend the getting published in magazines, et cetera - workshop. Lisa has grassroots in the area as her father is a member of the Foothills Writer's Guild and he was right there with her, supporting her all the way. She was the Saturday luncheon speaker and I think she garnered a few laughs. I really enjoyed her workshops and would probably attend more if she were to come back next year.
We also had a general session about getting yourself out there and using the technology available to promote yourself with Jane Friedman of the Writer's Digest publicity. She was interesting, but I don't think she had enough time to really get all the information in that she wanted to do. I believe she's already been asked to come back next year.
Some local authors got to pitch their books and I was one of them (yay me!) but it is really hard to pitch to other writer's and especially children's books when the average of those attending was about 55 or older (not that that's a bad thing, but not knowing if they have kids in my target range is difficulty to gage).
I will be attending the meetings (even though they conflict with the SCWW meetings once a month) and see what they are all about. I think the group is small enough that I should benefit from it. Next meeting is in a couple of weeks - so any of my friends in the local area who may be interested, check out their website for more information.
Hope you all enjoy - see you in the postings soon - E :)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
PROMO day creator - Jo Linsdell

Born in Gillingham, Kent (UK) in September 1980. Married name Joanne Denise Feliciani. She uses her maiden name, Linsdell, as her pen name. Having passed 10 GCSE’s, she went on to study Business Studies, History and Art A-Levels at Yateley 6th Form. She left England and moved to Rome, Italy in June 2001, where she now lives with her Italian husband. She gave birth to their first son in December 2007.
She has had various jobs including working in hostels, being a tour guide and teaching English as a foreign language. She now works full-time as a freelance writer. She writes regularly for various websites, newspapers and magazines.
Her books, Italian for tourists and A guide to weddings in Italy, along with her various ebooks; Il dolce Natale: Christmastime in Italy, Some risks are worth taking, INSIDE.OUT, La Befana, The Patron Saint of Lovers and Free Promotional Techniques: Ways to market your books are all available to buy at
She is also the creator and manager of the multi award winning site

Visit her at or
PROMO Day - coming to a computer near you soon
For immediate release
Contact info:
Jo Linsdell - Founder and Organiser
PROMO DAY makes its return in 2009 and promises to be the best yet. Mark your calendars for Saturday 9th May 2009!
An all day, online, international event for people in the writing industry packed full of tips and advice along with a variety of opportunities for writers, publishers, editors etc to promote their work and services. Readers are also welcome to drop in and get to know the authors better in the online chatroom, view the video trailers or read the sample chapters on site.
Founder and Organiser of the event, Jo Linsdell, had this to say “PROMO DAY came about because I was looking for opportunities to promote my books using the internet at little or no cost. After attending the Muse Online Writers Conference back in 2006, I searched the internet for similar events aimed at what to do after you’ve written the book and found none. I decided to fill the void and so PROMO DAY was born. PROMO DAY is a great opportunity to network with other members of the industry, take part in online workshops and promote and best of all it’s FREE”.
New features for this year is the Official Blog for the event, PROMO day blog, where everyone can keep up to date with new announcements and information regarding the event and the official PROMO DAY book, packed full of information and resources, which will be available to buy during and after the event.
Visit the website PROMO day webesite for more details of how you can be involved.
More coming, stay tuned.
For immediate release
Contact info:
Jo Linsdell - Founder and Organiser

An all day, online, international event for people in the writing industry packed full of tips and advice along with a variety of opportunities for writers, publishers, editors etc to promote their work and services. Readers are also welcome to drop in and get to know the authors better in the online chatroom, view the video trailers or read the sample chapters on site.
Founder and Organiser of the event, Jo Linsdell, had this to say “PROMO DAY came about because I was looking for opportunities to promote my books using the internet at little or no cost. After attending the Muse Online Writers Conference back in 2006, I searched the internet for similar events aimed at what to do after you’ve written the book and found none. I decided to fill the void and so PROMO DAY was born. PROMO DAY is a great opportunity to network with other members of the industry, take part in online workshops and promote and best of all it’s FREE”.
New features for this year is the Official Blog for the event, PROMO day blog, where everyone can keep up to date with new announcements and information regarding the event and the official PROMO DAY book, packed full of information and resources, which will be available to buy during and after the event.
Visit the website PROMO day webesite for more details of how you can be involved.
More coming, stay tuned.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Marching to amend CPSIA
Tomorrow is a big day, other than being April Fool's Day. CPSIA opposers are having a rally in Washington to show why CPSIA should be amended.
To be kept updated on the activities tomorrow - go here and register for updates. I've been pretty quiet about CPSIA of late but there are several sites I've been following and commenting on as time permits. I've been so swamped with work that I haven't had a chance to really post much here. If you would like some really great info on CPSIA and how stupid this law is check out Rick Woldenberg's CPSIA site. He is updating regularly with articles and thought provoking information that really makes sense. Like the fact that the democrats who are supporting amending the law will not even show up to the rally (outcasts? afraid of what their peers will think of them? who knows but they should show up and shed some light as to why Waxman is so opposing any change to the law - I challenge Waxman to show up himself).
I've also been following Valerie Jacobsen's blog and she has a vested interested in all this - she is the mother of 11 children and is also a bookseller. She also has some thought provoking, sometimes humorous (we all need some humor in this day and age) postings about CPSIA and other things. Follow a few of the bloggers out there and really see what is going on. I'm sure by now if you Google CPSIA and blogs - you will come up with a plethora of them. This will probably come up somewhere but you will see that folks are blogging about CPSIA all the time.
I also know that as many that are talking about the new law and trying to fight it just as many don't have a clue about CPSIA. I was at a writer's conference this weekend and the majority of them hadn't even heard of CPsia. My local librarian didn't even know about the pre 1986 aspect of CPSIA as per ALA et al who have publicized it. It amazes me that CPSIA is not a household word yet. That tells me that not enough of the people of voting age are being reached and voicing their opposition to this law. Everyone who is legally a registered voter should be speaking out and opposing CPSIA for what it is worth. Don't depend on your neighbor to do it alone; get out there and rally your neighbors and everyone speak out against this horrendous, ill-written, poorly-thought out, harmful law - NO MORE CPSIA; CPSIA HARMS MORE THAN IT HELPS. We need to keep writing and calling. Everyone needs to call Waxman's office and complain, oppose, do whatever it takes to get CPSIA amended or repealed. It is a very damaging law that will have so many ill effects on the economy that we will be worse than the Great Depression of 1929. 1929 will look like a bed of roses to us. Speak up people. Don't sit back and think that CPSIA does not affect you at all; it will hurt every American citizen across the board for years to come - not immediately but it is coming. Call, write, tell them NO MORE.
To be kept updated on the activities tomorrow - go here and register for updates. I've been pretty quiet about CPSIA of late but there are several sites I've been following and commenting on as time permits. I've been so swamped with work that I haven't had a chance to really post much here. If you would like some really great info on CPSIA and how stupid this law is check out Rick Woldenberg's CPSIA site. He is updating regularly with articles and thought provoking information that really makes sense. Like the fact that the democrats who are supporting amending the law will not even show up to the rally (outcasts? afraid of what their peers will think of them? who knows but they should show up and shed some light as to why Waxman is so opposing any change to the law - I challenge Waxman to show up himself).
I've also been following Valerie Jacobsen's blog and she has a vested interested in all this - she is the mother of 11 children and is also a bookseller. She also has some thought provoking, sometimes humorous (we all need some humor in this day and age) postings about CPSIA and other things. Follow a few of the bloggers out there and really see what is going on. I'm sure by now if you Google CPSIA and blogs - you will come up with a plethora of them. This will probably come up somewhere but you will see that folks are blogging about CPSIA all the time.
I also know that as many that are talking about the new law and trying to fight it just as many don't have a clue about CPSIA. I was at a writer's conference this weekend and the majority of them hadn't even heard of CPsia. My local librarian didn't even know about the pre 1986 aspect of CPSIA as per ALA et al who have publicized it. It amazes me that CPSIA is not a household word yet. That tells me that not enough of the people of voting age are being reached and voicing their opposition to this law. Everyone who is legally a registered voter should be speaking out and opposing CPSIA for what it is worth. Don't depend on your neighbor to do it alone; get out there and rally your neighbors and everyone speak out against this horrendous, ill-written, poorly-thought out, harmful law - NO MORE CPSIA; CPSIA HARMS MORE THAN IT HELPS. We need to keep writing and calling. Everyone needs to call Waxman's office and complain, oppose, do whatever it takes to get CPSIA amended or repealed. It is a very damaging law that will have so many ill effects on the economy that we will be worse than the Great Depression of 1929. 1929 will look like a bed of roses to us. Speak up people. Don't sit back and think that CPSIA does not affect you at all; it will hurt every American citizen across the board for years to come - not immediately but it is coming. Call, write, tell them NO MORE.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Something fun regarding CPSIA
This video sums it up - CPSIA isn't about protecting the children but about saving the "fatcats" and large businesses. Enjoy and remember we need to continue fighting the battle, the little people will eventually be heard and make a difference. FATCAT fun
This is about right for CPSIA and I'm glad there is someone out there who realizes that we really need to fight this law, however we can - by whatever means we can. First amendment rights, save the small businesses, et cetera. For more check out this blog. Check his side bar because he has many articles and information there.
See you in the postings - E :)
This is about right for CPSIA and I'm glad there is someone out there who realizes that we really need to fight this law, however we can - by whatever means we can. First amendment rights, save the small businesses, et cetera. For more check out this blog. Check his side bar because he has many articles and information there.
See you in the postings - E :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
And you thought CPSIA had really become a law?
According to Valerie Jacobsen, her posting on "First Amendment" rights over at The Bookroom blog hits it all on the head, wraps it up in a nutshell.
CPSIA is unconstitutional and violates first amendment rights big time. So even if CPSC says that CPSIA is a law and that it became effective February 10, it really doesn't exist as a law and the governing bodies cannot enforce it in any amount due to it being unlawful and a violation of our rights as given to us by our forefathers. So I think this will be the fight we now need to take, CPSIA - no worries, since it isn't a law based on the infringement of our first amendment rights.
For more read Valerie's blog. She has many good postings about CPSIA and fighting the good fight. She also has some cute sidebar pics and fun stuff about CPSIA.
See you all in the postings - don't worry about CPSIA any more since it isn't even a real law. - Keep you posted on more updates. E :)
CPSIA is unconstitutional and violates first amendment rights big time. So even if CPSC says that CPSIA is a law and that it became effective February 10, it really doesn't exist as a law and the governing bodies cannot enforce it in any amount due to it being unlawful and a violation of our rights as given to us by our forefathers. So I think this will be the fight we now need to take, CPSIA - no worries, since it isn't a law based on the infringement of our first amendment rights.
For more read Valerie's blog. She has many good postings about CPSIA and fighting the good fight. She also has some cute sidebar pics and fun stuff about CPSIA.
See you all in the postings - don't worry about CPSIA any more since it isn't even a real law. - Keep you posted on more updates. E :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Best description of what CPSIA will do to the nation
Yep, it's been a while since this topic has come up and although I'm not blogging as much about CPSIA, I am still voicing my opinion to folks about getting this dangerous law repealed, revoked, or totally revamped.
I found The Bookroom blog through a posting on Vivian's blog (scroll to the paragraph that starts: However, most libraries aren't complying...) with this posting and thought it was exactly what I've been looking to describe what CPSIA is really doing to the consumers in general. If you thought we were over racism, prejudice, and other horrors, read the description of what CPSIA is (as through the eyes of one person, but really is reflective of how every American voting citizen should feel about it) and how it will totally destroy the nation's well-being.
I cannot say what CPSIA is doing to us better than this and I feel as I did two months ago, that every American citizen of voting age needs to continue to contact their representatives and let them know that even if they don't have children this law will effect that eventually it will effect them in the long run by causing higher costs for every day products that they as adults need or will buy in the future. They also need to remind their representatives that they (the reps) work for the public, voting constituents and must do as the public wants since we are the ones who put them in office and we can very easily have them removed.
Don't let our libraries become shells of buildings where kids are no longer welcome to enjoy the freedom of speech (writing books is speaking in a way) found in books. Don't let our economy suffer any more. Speak up and let your voices be heard. Keep calling and writing your representatives and tell them - No more CPSIA; repeal stupid laws and start thinking rationally or listen to voices of reason. Everyone, old or young, with children in the home or not, needs to be heard and speak up.
(as a side note, I've heard from some overseas friends that CPSIA is also affecting the publishing industry in England and Canada and as far as Australia, so this is no longer a national issue; it is international but it is all because of our stupid governing officials that this law has been put into place and we are the nation that needs to get it repealed.) If you think George Orwell's 1984 was an extreme of "Big Brother", think again; CPSIA of 2008 is the ultimate, furtherest reaching "Big Brother" we have out there.
Follow other issues with CPSIA but going to Publisher's Weekly, the ALA and other large businesses who feel this is a very stupid, alarmist way for the nation to act. Hope you all continue to do your part and see you in the postings - E :)
I found The Bookroom blog through a posting on Vivian's blog (scroll to the paragraph that starts: However, most libraries aren't complying...) with this posting and thought it was exactly what I've been looking to describe what CPSIA is really doing to the consumers in general. If you thought we were over racism, prejudice, and other horrors, read the description of what CPSIA is (as through the eyes of one person, but really is reflective of how every American voting citizen should feel about it) and how it will totally destroy the nation's well-being.
I cannot say what CPSIA is doing to us better than this and I feel as I did two months ago, that every American citizen of voting age needs to continue to contact their representatives and let them know that even if they don't have children this law will effect that eventually it will effect them in the long run by causing higher costs for every day products that they as adults need or will buy in the future. They also need to remind their representatives that they (the reps) work for the public, voting constituents and must do as the public wants since we are the ones who put them in office and we can very easily have them removed.
Don't let our libraries become shells of buildings where kids are no longer welcome to enjoy the freedom of speech (writing books is speaking in a way) found in books. Don't let our economy suffer any more. Speak up and let your voices be heard. Keep calling and writing your representatives and tell them - No more CPSIA; repeal stupid laws and start thinking rationally or listen to voices of reason. Everyone, old or young, with children in the home or not, needs to be heard and speak up.
(as a side note, I've heard from some overseas friends that CPSIA is also affecting the publishing industry in England and Canada and as far as Australia, so this is no longer a national issue; it is international but it is all because of our stupid governing officials that this law has been put into place and we are the nation that needs to get it repealed.) If you think George Orwell's 1984 was an extreme of "Big Brother", think again; CPSIA of 2008 is the ultimate, furtherest reaching "Big Brother" we have out there.
Follow other issues with CPSIA but going to Publisher's Weekly, the ALA and other large businesses who feel this is a very stupid, alarmist way for the nation to act. Hope you all continue to do your part and see you in the postings - E :)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A day late (okay a few days late) update on the SC Book Festival
Usually this posting goes up within a day of returning if not the day I come home from the book festival. This was a totally different year.
My daughter went to Columbia with me and visited with her sister for the weekend. When we got to Columbia, I couldn't check in (too early) and my master class had gotten cancelled so I had some time to kill. We went to see a movie - saw Confessions of a Shopaholic - and had an enjoyable time. Spent some time with Hailie that we don't get to do much of (well I spend time with her but not like this - just relaxed and no worries).
Of course when we got to Columbia, it decided to rain on us. It was a wet weekend. After the movie, we went to my hotel to check me in and get my stuff taken upstairs. I stayed at the Homewood Suites and enjoyed it thoroughly. I had a pull out sofa if I had needed it; a full kitchenette with a table for dining for two, a king sized bed, a desk and work area. It was great. (yes beats sleeping in my car like last year.) So Heather (my stepdaughter) came by and got Hailie (I was supposed to take them out to dinner but they declined) and I went on about my way doing things I needed to (had to go to Wal-Mart to get a USB cable for my new printer, so went to dinner by myself).
Saturday was a leisurely day as I had planned to attend a couple of workshops and then just hang around my friend's booth and kind of relax. I did volunteer in the SCWW booth for about an hour. I made three book sales over the weekend and that was just from casual conversations and being in my friend's booth and having my wonderful bookmarks available. Those bookmarks were a hit. I probably put a couple hundred in the hands of folks down there over the whole weekend. My friend was also helping by putting my bookmarks in with her sales. It was a great weekend as I got exposure and made a few sales.
Sunday, I came in to see one of the workshops at the beginning. My daughter and stepdaughter came to the book festival about 1:30 and they walked a bit and I chatted with folks for a bit. Finally, they persuaded me to head out since they were hungry and the weather was kind of yucky as it was - rained the whole weekend, which is a first for me in the last five or six years since starting to attend this particular festival (usually rains one or the other days but not all weekend). The three of us had lunch and we went our separate ways, me heading home and my stepdaughter heading back to her home. The S word had come up several times Sunday while I was meandering around the festival. No, it couldn't snow, it was March 1 and that means we should have been having nicer weather coming along. Well, it was raining when I left Columbia and by time I got about 20 miles or so outside of the downtown area, sure enough there were some flakes seen (it was a mix at this time). By time I had gotten about 40 miles up the road, the flakes were even larger and coming down at a pretty fast rate. The ground was starting to show signs of being covered. By time I got to about 20 miles from my home, the weather was worse - snow covered the streets and it was that slushy stuff since it had been raining. The last 8-10 miles towards my town were very slow going since I had to drive at about 30 or 35 on a 55 road - that's how bad they were becoming. By time I pulled in to the grocery store to pick up milk and bread and get over to subway, the parking lots were getting almost undrivable. I made it home in the nick of time because the whole town shut down shortly thereafter - the stores were closing, the food places were closing, although I found out a couple of days later that Hardees stayed open on Sunday, which is ludicrist as the roads were not even drivable and they put their employees in danger.
So this was a weird but good book festival. I was not a volunteer for the festival, but for the SCWW group for a short time, I attended workshops that were very good and I got to spend time with my friend and my daughter that I normally wouldn't have been able to do and it snowed on the way home. Next year, with six books available, I'm hoping that 4RV will have a booth and that I can get on as a guest speaker. Hopefully, hopefully.
I really encourage all authors to attend a book festival in their area as a volunteer or an attendee and then work on getting on as a guest speaker somehow. Books are our friends. Happy reading - see you all in the postings - E :)
My daughter went to Columbia with me and visited with her sister for the weekend. When we got to Columbia, I couldn't check in (too early) and my master class had gotten cancelled so I had some time to kill. We went to see a movie - saw Confessions of a Shopaholic - and had an enjoyable time. Spent some time with Hailie that we don't get to do much of (well I spend time with her but not like this - just relaxed and no worries).
Of course when we got to Columbia, it decided to rain on us. It was a wet weekend. After the movie, we went to my hotel to check me in and get my stuff taken upstairs. I stayed at the Homewood Suites and enjoyed it thoroughly. I had a pull out sofa if I had needed it; a full kitchenette with a table for dining for two, a king sized bed, a desk and work area. It was great. (yes beats sleeping in my car like last year.) So Heather (my stepdaughter) came by and got Hailie (I was supposed to take them out to dinner but they declined) and I went on about my way doing things I needed to (had to go to Wal-Mart to get a USB cable for my new printer, so went to dinner by myself).
Saturday was a leisurely day as I had planned to attend a couple of workshops and then just hang around my friend's booth and kind of relax. I did volunteer in the SCWW booth for about an hour. I made three book sales over the weekend and that was just from casual conversations and being in my friend's booth and having my wonderful bookmarks available. Those bookmarks were a hit. I probably put a couple hundred in the hands of folks down there over the whole weekend. My friend was also helping by putting my bookmarks in with her sales. It was a great weekend as I got exposure and made a few sales.
Sunday, I came in to see one of the workshops at the beginning. My daughter and stepdaughter came to the book festival about 1:30 and they walked a bit and I chatted with folks for a bit. Finally, they persuaded me to head out since they were hungry and the weather was kind of yucky as it was - rained the whole weekend, which is a first for me in the last five or six years since starting to attend this particular festival (usually rains one or the other days but not all weekend). The three of us had lunch and we went our separate ways, me heading home and my stepdaughter heading back to her home. The S word had come up several times Sunday while I was meandering around the festival. No, it couldn't snow, it was March 1 and that means we should have been having nicer weather coming along. Well, it was raining when I left Columbia and by time I got about 20 miles or so outside of the downtown area, sure enough there were some flakes seen (it was a mix at this time). By time I had gotten about 40 miles up the road, the flakes were even larger and coming down at a pretty fast rate. The ground was starting to show signs of being covered. By time I got to about 20 miles from my home, the weather was worse - snow covered the streets and it was that slushy stuff since it had been raining. The last 8-10 miles towards my town were very slow going since I had to drive at about 30 or 35 on a 55 road - that's how bad they were becoming. By time I pulled in to the grocery store to pick up milk and bread and get over to subway, the parking lots were getting almost undrivable. I made it home in the nick of time because the whole town shut down shortly thereafter - the stores were closing, the food places were closing, although I found out a couple of days later that Hardees stayed open on Sunday, which is ludicrist as the roads were not even drivable and they put their employees in danger.
So this was a weird but good book festival. I was not a volunteer for the festival, but for the SCWW group for a short time, I attended workshops that were very good and I got to spend time with my friend and my daughter that I normally wouldn't have been able to do and it snowed on the way home. Next year, with six books available, I'm hoping that 4RV will have a booth and that I can get on as a guest speaker. Hopefully, hopefully.
I really encourage all authors to attend a book festival in their area as a volunteer or an attendee and then work on getting on as a guest speaker somehow. Books are our friends. Happy reading - see you all in the postings - E :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Book Festival time

Although I'm not an official SC Book Festival volunteer, I will be manning the SCWW booth most of the weekend, other than the few times I'll be visiting a couple of folks' workshops. It seems that there are quite a few people who won't be able to help out this year, so if you happen to be in Columbia, SC, this coming up weekend, make sure you stop by our booth and speak. State of Wilderness will be on display as a published author of the SCWW. My books, along with several titles from 4RV - Trockle, Lion in My Living Room, Bubba and Giganto, Al-the-Gator and Freddy Frog, Case of the Missing Coach, Midnight Hours, Hidden Lies and other stories, will be available but not in the arena of the book festival, so stop by and let me know if you are interested in getting a copy of the books I have available.
See you all in the postings - hopefully I'll see you at the book festival - and I'll post more after the book festival. This year I made reservations at the Homewood Suites (which is part of the Hilton Family Hotels, since I've become a member having stayed at the Hilton twice now for the SCWW conference in Myrtle Beach), so I know I won't be staying in a rundown, flea ridden hotel and I won't be sleeping in my car either. Luxury. Hailie is going with me this weekend but she will be spending the weekend with her sister who lives in that area so I will have a nice hotel suite to myself. It should be a very good weekend.
See you all at the festival and in the postings - E :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Virtual Book Tours forum rotation - March 1
We all decided that hosting two tours a month was a bit much. So Karen has gone to a once monthly schedule starting with March 1. We will be hosting the designated persons for a week. Looks like this tour I'm hosting Lea again (I just hosted her on her personal book tour, but I'm sure I can dig up some more interesting things to post for hosting her).
Follow each person on their journey as they expose you to new books.
March 1, 2009, tour schedule:
Deborah Ramos hosting Joyce Anthony
Dianne Sagan hosting Sally Murphy
Harry Gilleland hosting Mark Bradley
Karen Cioffi hosting Pam Devor
Kathy Stemke hosting Kevin McNamee
Lea Schizas hosting Dorothy Massey
Nancy Famalari hosting Penny Sansevieri
Suzanne Lieurance hosting Deborah Ramos
Vivian Zabel hosting Dianne Sagan
Margaret Fieland hosting Harry Gilleland
Ransom Noble hosting Karen Cioffi
Crystalee Calderwood hosting Kathy Stemke
Elysabeth Eldering hosting Lea Schizas
Joyce Anthony hosting Nancy Famalari
Sally Murphy hosting Suzanne Lieurance
Pam Devor hosting Vivian Zabel
Mark Bradley hosting Margaret Fieland
Kevin McNamee hosting Ransom Noble
Dorothy Massey hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Penny Sansevieri hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Follow each person on their journey as they expose you to new books.
March 1, 2009, tour schedule:
Deborah Ramos hosting Joyce Anthony
Dianne Sagan hosting Sally Murphy
Harry Gilleland hosting Mark Bradley
Karen Cioffi hosting Pam Devor
Kathy Stemke hosting Kevin McNamee
Lea Schizas hosting Dorothy Massey
Nancy Famalari hosting Penny Sansevieri
Suzanne Lieurance hosting Deborah Ramos
Vivian Zabel hosting Dianne Sagan
Margaret Fieland hosting Harry Gilleland
Ransom Noble hosting Karen Cioffi
Crystalee Calderwood hosting Kathy Stemke
Elysabeth Eldering hosting Lea Schizas
Joyce Anthony hosting Nancy Famalari
Sally Murphy hosting Suzanne Lieurance
Pam Devor hosting Vivian Zabel
Mark Bradley hosting Margaret Fieland
Kevin McNamee hosting Ransom Noble
Dorothy Massey hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Penny Sansevieri hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Sunday, February 08, 2009
4th in the 4th tag
I was tagged by Rena to go to my 4th photo album on my computer and post the 4th picture that comes up.

This is the fourth picture in my actual fourth photo album folder - it is from last summer when I went to the Belton Center of the Arts summer camp and talked about my book some. This was a group picture so the best one in the group of four I received - lol.
Now I'm supposed to tag four people and let them know - so I'll tag:
Katie Hines
Donna McDine
Joy Delgado
Karen & Robyn
See you in the postings - E :)

This is the fourth picture in my actual fourth photo album folder - it is from last summer when I went to the Belton Center of the Arts summer camp and talked about my book some. This was a group picture so the best one in the group of four I received - lol.
Now I'm supposed to tag four people and let them know - so I'll tag:
Katie Hines
Donna McDine
Joy Delgado
Karen & Robyn
See you in the postings - E :)
Thursday, February 05, 2009
PW breathing a slight sigh of relief for the CPSC ....
Stay of Enforcment, but realizes it will be a long road to get any reformation on the CPSIA. As per the article published today, PW makes note at the end of the article that all the chairs of the committee and subcommittees (Waxman, et al.) have sent a letter to President Obama asking for Acting Chair of CPSC Nord's removal. She has been the only person sane enough to see that this law was unrealistic and more damaging than the original intent. Now these jerk wads want the law left as is and not rewritten or changed in any way. Do they not realize that millions of jobs are at stake? Do they think that by including every single product to this abscure and expensive testing when the proof is already there that there is no lead in products is going to be more productive and boost our economy?
Say no to these committee chairs and tell them to keep Nancy Nord and to reform CPSIA of 2008. Tell your Senators and Representatives to immediately do something about this. Every person of voting age who voted in November 2008 needs to contact these people you put in office and tell them to Pass Senator DeMint's reform bill and work on creating a better economy, not destroying it further. Tell them NO MORE STUPIDITY, DO AS WE SAY. They are still working for us and should be paying attention to what is being said by the people they represent. Everyone has a stake in this and should be contacting their representatives immediately. Do not wait until it is too late. Save the children, save the economy, say NO TO STUPIDITY and pass the reform as outlined by Senator DeMint -
T-minus five days plus 365 (give or take that year) until the economy implodes -
Say no to these committee chairs and tell them to keep Nancy Nord and to reform CPSIA of 2008. Tell your Senators and Representatives to immediately do something about this. Every person of voting age who voted in November 2008 needs to contact these people you put in office and tell them to Pass Senator DeMint's reform bill and work on creating a better economy, not destroying it further. Tell them NO MORE STUPIDITY, DO AS WE SAY. They are still working for us and should be paying attention to what is being said by the people they represent. Everyone has a stake in this and should be contacting their representatives immediately. Do not wait until it is too late. Save the children, save the economy, say NO TO STUPIDITY and pass the reform as outlined by Senator DeMint -
T-minus five days plus 365 (give or take that year) until the economy implodes -
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Summary of the Stay of Enforcement (CPSIA)
The CPSC has issued a federal register notice summary of the stay and what the goals of this stay will allow the Commission to accomplish. Books are not listed in the stay because the Commission has asked for more information and further testing before anything can issued about them. For the complete read, go here.
It makes more sense in a way than most anything else I've read concerning CPSIA but this fight is long from over.
Remember we need to continue to inundate our Congress men and women with calls and letters and tell them to repeal or reform. Vote for Sensator DeMint's proposed reformation of CPSIA, vote to save the econoomy, save the children. Those three Senators that opposed CPSIA in the original votes had good reason to oppose. Yet, no one else spoke up, because it was being done under the guise of "protecting the children". The issuance of this stay does not in any way mean that the public has to be satisfied with what is going on. Representatives in Washington work for the public. Keep calling them, keep sending letters and tell them there is no way to meet the demands of this ill-written, poorly thought out, contradictory, ambiguous law. Join all the causes at CPSIA-central.ning. Make your voices heard and get all your neighbors and friends and families and online acquaintances to join in the fight. This will affect everyone, even people who don't have children because the consumer will be paying outrageous prices for normal every day items in the long run. Teachers, librarians, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, every voting citizen needs to speak up -
T-minus 7 plus 365 days until doomsday -
It makes more sense in a way than most anything else I've read concerning CPSIA but this fight is long from over.
Remember we need to continue to inundate our Congress men and women with calls and letters and tell them to repeal or reform. Vote for Sensator DeMint's proposed reformation of CPSIA, vote to save the econoomy, save the children. Those three Senators that opposed CPSIA in the original votes had good reason to oppose. Yet, no one else spoke up, because it was being done under the guise of "protecting the children". The issuance of this stay does not in any way mean that the public has to be satisfied with what is going on. Representatives in Washington work for the public. Keep calling them, keep sending letters and tell them there is no way to meet the demands of this ill-written, poorly thought out, contradictory, ambiguous law. Join all the causes at CPSIA-central.ning. Make your voices heard and get all your neighbors and friends and families and online acquaintances to join in the fight. This will affect everyone, even people who don't have children because the consumer will be paying outrageous prices for normal every day items in the long run. Teachers, librarians, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, every voting citizen needs to speak up -
T-minus 7 plus 365 days until doomsday -
Monday, February 02, 2009
A little bit of help on CPSIA from one Senator (SC-R Demint)
Senator DeMint, one of the three who originally voted against CPSIA both times it came to vote last year, has a blog posting up that is a definite step in the right direction for CPSIA. He states that congress should not blanket all products and should use some common sense. Read the full posting here. I think his points are right on and I'm glad he's working for the citizens all over, not just for his state.
When I spoke to his office last week, the woman assured me he was trying to get a reformation of CPSIA through this week, so let's hope that the other Sensators and Representatives have been inundated with enough calls to realize this law should have never passed as it was originally written.
Holly Jahangiri has some excellent postings about the stay issued Friday. Check out her blog posting from Friday to see what she has to say on the issue. I agree that the lawmakers definitely need to get some common sense and forget this law. But the best we can hope for now is a reformation as outlined on Senator DeMint's posting. Keep the phone calls coming and keep the letters going. Tell everyone you know to contact their representatives' offices in Washington and make your voice be heard. Make sure they know you need to take down all the information on how this law will affect you in the long run and will ruin the already failing economy. Standup and speak up. Don't let this temporary stay be the end of everything. Repeal or reform CPSIA today. Anything is better than what is written.
When I spoke to his office last week, the woman assured me he was trying to get a reformation of CPSIA through this week, so let's hope that the other Sensators and Representatives have been inundated with enough calls to realize this law should have never passed as it was originally written.
Holly Jahangiri has some excellent postings about the stay issued Friday. Check out her blog posting from Friday to see what she has to say on the issue. I agree that the lawmakers definitely need to get some common sense and forget this law. But the best we can hope for now is a reformation as outlined on Senator DeMint's posting. Keep the phone calls coming and keep the letters going. Tell everyone you know to contact their representatives' offices in Washington and make your voice be heard. Make sure they know you need to take down all the information on how this law will affect you in the long run and will ruin the already failing economy. Standup and speak up. Don't let this temporary stay be the end of everything. Repeal or reform CPSIA today. Anything is better than what is written.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Virtual Book Tour forum schedule February 1
This is for the week beginning February 1 (which is Sunday). There is a change in my normal hosting spot in that I have been hosting folks on this blog but will host Suzanne on my JGDS blog since she is a children's writer and I can capitalize on that over there. See you all in the postings - E :)
Deborah Ramos hosting Sally Murphy
Dianne Sagan hosting Margaret Fieland
Harry Gilleland hosting Pam Devor
Karen Cioffi hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Kathy Stemke hosting Joyce Anthony
Lea Schizas hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Nancy Famolari hosting Deborah Ramos
Suzanne Lieurance hosting Dianne Sagan
Vivian Zabel hosting Harry Gilleland
Dehanna Bailee hosting Karen Cioffi
Margaret Fieland hosting Kathy Stemke
Ransom Noble hosting Lea Schizas
Crystalee Calderwood hosting Nancy Famolari
Elysabeth Eldering hosting Suzanne Lieurance
Joyce Anthony hosting Vivan Zabel
Sally Murphy hosting Ransom Noble
Pam Devor hosting Dehanna Bailee
Deborah Ramos hosting Sally Murphy
Dianne Sagan hosting Margaret Fieland
Harry Gilleland hosting Pam Devor
Karen Cioffi hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Kathy Stemke hosting Joyce Anthony
Lea Schizas hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Nancy Famolari hosting Deborah Ramos
Suzanne Lieurance hosting Dianne Sagan
Vivian Zabel hosting Harry Gilleland
Dehanna Bailee hosting Karen Cioffi
Margaret Fieland hosting Kathy Stemke
Ransom Noble hosting Lea Schizas
Crystalee Calderwood hosting Nancy Famolari
Elysabeth Eldering hosting Suzanne Lieurance
Joyce Anthony hosting Vivan Zabel
Sally Murphy hosting Ransom Noble
Pam Devor hosting Dehanna Bailee
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wordle - a different one
I had done the one for the JGDS series first (you can view on my other blog) and then decided to create one for this blog. Here is the Wordle for this blog and you can create your own wordle here.
This one looks pretty busy to me - lots of stuff going on here -
This one looks pretty busy to me - lots of stuff going on here -

More CPSIA info
Seriously. This is to the point that every reader needs to listen and act upon. We have 18 days until this law becomes effective and the number of people it will affect is in the millions. We need all those millions of people to contact their representatives in Washington and make it known that CPSIA is more harmful to the children than it is protecting them.
My friend Holly Jahangiri posted her letter on her site. It's an excellent posting. I encourage you all to read her reply to Vivian's comment and understand that this is way deeper than just toys. It will hit everyone in the pockets in the long run.
Don't be a naysayer and say this doesn't affect you. This affects everyone. Please make those phone calls today. At this point, letters may not get there in time, and it seems the only way we can be heard is to be vocal. I would love to take a trip to Washington right now and sit on the front steps of the White House and in front of my representatives' offices and tell them what I think of CPSIA.
I hope the letter I sent to President Obama with a copy of my book inscribed to his daughters will get the message through. Someone has to have a light bulb go off soon and have one of those V-8 moments. If the libraries close their doors to children and/or even remove all the children's books, the schools will have to follow suit in that they won't be able to have textbooks. If all the toys and children's clothing and everything geared for that age group is removed from the places we shop most (like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart and the thrift stores and other places), what are all the families with kids going to do? Shrug and say, it doesn't affect me? If you can't even buy a pair of jeans for your kids, what then? Please don't say it doesn't affect you even if you have no kids in the home. If you are an aunt or uncle or a grandparent, it affects you. If you are a single person with no kid-ties in your family, it affects you because over time, you will find that the piece of jewelry you like so much and waiting for the right time to buy it will no longer be affordable to you. Those nice clothes you wear to work or to go out with your friends will be so costly, it won't be affordable to dress for work.
I know I sound like a broken record, but with only 18 days until doomsday, we need to be acting, not sitting back on our hunches and saying it doesn't affect me at all; I have no children in that age group. Call your representatives, remind them that they work for you and not the other way around. They have to listen to the voice of the people. They have to repeal CPSIA before it is too late.
T-minus 18 days and counting - E :)
My friend Holly Jahangiri posted her letter on her site. It's an excellent posting. I encourage you all to read her reply to Vivian's comment and understand that this is way deeper than just toys. It will hit everyone in the pockets in the long run.
Don't be a naysayer and say this doesn't affect you. This affects everyone. Please make those phone calls today. At this point, letters may not get there in time, and it seems the only way we can be heard is to be vocal. I would love to take a trip to Washington right now and sit on the front steps of the White House and in front of my representatives' offices and tell them what I think of CPSIA.
I hope the letter I sent to President Obama with a copy of my book inscribed to his daughters will get the message through. Someone has to have a light bulb go off soon and have one of those V-8 moments. If the libraries close their doors to children and/or even remove all the children's books, the schools will have to follow suit in that they won't be able to have textbooks. If all the toys and children's clothing and everything geared for that age group is removed from the places we shop most (like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart and the thrift stores and other places), what are all the families with kids going to do? Shrug and say, it doesn't affect me? If you can't even buy a pair of jeans for your kids, what then? Please don't say it doesn't affect you even if you have no kids in the home. If you are an aunt or uncle or a grandparent, it affects you. If you are a single person with no kid-ties in your family, it affects you because over time, you will find that the piece of jewelry you like so much and waiting for the right time to buy it will no longer be affordable to you. Those nice clothes you wear to work or to go out with your friends will be so costly, it won't be affordable to dress for work.
I know I sound like a broken record, but with only 18 days until doomsday, we need to be acting, not sitting back on our hunches and saying it doesn't affect me at all; I have no children in that age group. Call your representatives, remind them that they work for you and not the other way around. They have to listen to the voice of the people. They have to repeal CPSIA before it is too late.
T-minus 18 days and counting - E :)
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