Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Marching to amend CPSIA

Tomorrow is a big day, other than being April Fool's Day. CPSIA opposers are having a rally in Washington to show why CPSIA should be amended.

To be kept updated on the activities tomorrow - go here and register for updates. I've been pretty quiet about CPSIA of late but there are several sites I've been following and commenting on as time permits. I've been so swamped with work that I haven't had a chance to really post much here. If you would like some really great info on CPSIA and how stupid this law is check out Rick Woldenberg's CPSIA site. He is updating regularly with articles and thought provoking information that really makes sense. Like the fact that the democrats who are supporting amending the law will not even show up to the rally (outcasts? afraid of what their peers will think of them? who knows but they should show up and shed some light as to why Waxman is so opposing any change to the law - I challenge Waxman to show up himself).

I've also been following Valerie Jacobsen's blog and she has a vested interested in all this - she is the mother of 11 children and is also a bookseller. She also has some thought provoking, sometimes humorous (we all need some humor in this day and age) postings about CPSIA and other things. Follow a few of the bloggers out there and really see what is going on. I'm sure by now if you Google CPSIA and blogs - you will come up with a plethora of them. This will probably come up somewhere but you will see that folks are blogging about CPSIA all the time.

I also know that as many that are talking about the new law and trying to fight it just as many don't have a clue about CPSIA. I was at a writer's conference this weekend and the majority of them hadn't even heard of CPsia. My local librarian didn't even know about the pre 1986 aspect of CPSIA as per ALA et al who have publicized it. It amazes me that CPSIA is not a household word yet. That tells me that not enough of the people of voting age are being reached and voicing their opposition to this law. Everyone who is legally a registered voter should be speaking out and opposing CPSIA for what it is worth. Don't depend on your neighbor to do it alone; get out there and rally your neighbors and everyone speak out against this horrendous, ill-written, poorly-thought out, harmful law - NO MORE CPSIA; CPSIA HARMS MORE THAN IT HELPS. We need to keep writing and calling. Everyone needs to call Waxman's office and complain, oppose, do whatever it takes to get CPSIA amended or repealed. It is a very damaging law that will have so many ill effects on the economy that we will be worse than the Great Depression of 1929. 1929 will look like a bed of roses to us. Speak up people. Don't sit back and think that CPSIA does not affect you at all; it will hurt every American citizen across the board for years to come - not immediately but it is coming. Call, write, tell them NO MORE.

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