A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
and yet another thing from the writer's conference
some conference tidbits and - oh yeah, I won again!!!
We had to pay $10 a day for internet usage and then it wasn't even wireless (I was on the 19th floor of the Royale Palms which is a part of the Hilton but just condo like hotel of the same property) and we couldn't even pick up wireless connection - the only place you could pick up wireless was in the lobby and at best it was sketchy. Okay so no wireless in the rooms and we had to share the connection - which was ethernet and it was in the kitchen of all places - not very comfortable - if they are going to use ethernet connections - why not put in each bedroom and/or in the living area of the condo area - but I should have been able to pick up wireless with my built in wireless and I did but it was only one bar when someone else was connected on the ethernet cable and I was sitting in the dining room and she was right there at the kitchen counter hooked up. I think it was stupid but I never got my wireless to work. So goes life - one of the reasons I didn't really check in much this past weekend.
When I did get to check my emails and sort through the tons of things I found out I won another prize - I won a copy of Linas Alsenas' book Peanut on A Wrung Sponge's blog featuring Linas's snowflake last week. I seem to be on a winning streak lately - first the drawing of the goody basket - the mine, mine, mine one featured on Spider and Fly blog from Sheri Goad, and now the book Peanut just from leaving a comment on a blog. Guess you never know.
Next posting will be a small contest for the Fall Ya'll Blogging contest board and I'm still working on what to offer as a prize. So be on the look out for a small contest to come soon - E :)
Fall Ya'll Bloggy Giveaway - small contest

I'm running a contest per the above link - all you have to do is post a comment on my blog and I pick a winner. Contest ends Saturday, November 3 at midnight. Drawing will be done on Monday, November 5 and the winner notified by email and then posted shortly afterwards.
The contest I'm running is I will pick a commentor from this posting only - in a drawing (will probably put all the names in a hat and let my son pick a name to be fair) and the winner will get a copy of the anthology - The Petigru Review with my story in it - signed however they would like on my story - E :)
I've been slushed at the SCWW writers' conference - WOW
Well this year's conference was great. I'm glad I volunteered and was there for the activities. I'm thankful for the opportunity to meet such great presenters and attendees. My favorite session was the slushfest - which from my busy schedule was the only workshop I attended of my choice - not that I didn't enjoy being a proctor or room monitor for the other things. A slushfest is fun - you bring in two pages of a story on transparencies and the faculty put them on the overhead projector and give some general feedback on what is there - I was in the short story/flash fiction session - we had about nine to twelve people in the room and about eight of us brought transparencies to get slushed - I was slushed and loved it. Time wsa of the essence and after the first five, Anne realized we needed to speed things up, so we ended up only doing one page of the last three - which was fine - we all got read - I got a one page reading but Anne (editor and publisher of the moonshine review, based in Charlotte, NC) did read my second page (she had my hard copy) while Beth, her co-editor, was giving comments on another story. After the session when I was picking up my copies, Anne said she wanted to read the rest of the story. So I got slushed in a postive way - I am going to submit my story to her and also think about submitting "The Cellar" to her in the future. I may have been reverted from ebook publishing but Anne does not consider "ebooks" as being published and since she only takes original, unpublished works for consideration, she said she still wanted to read the story - being that I was published but not print published and the stories are all back to me, then I may have found a home for "The Tulip Kiss".
I had a critique session with Andrea Brown (big time children's/YA agent) but my copies of my story were messed up - so the critique wasn't really necessary. What I emailed to the coordinator of the critiques and snail mailed was identical but didn't get sent that way to Andrea - Andrea received Page 1 (no header on any of my pages as was sent to Katie though) - and then pages 2 through 8 as duplicates - in other words - this is what I got back with Andrea's comments - page 1 with her comments, page 2, page 2, page 3, page 3, and all the way down to page 8 - so there were 17 pages in the packet and it should have been 16 total for the story since it was a short story anyway - and I had only signed up for the standard critique session (10 pages) - but still my title and name and the page numbers should have been on the pages and there should not have been any duplicate pages. I'm not sure what happened from me sending the story to get critiqued and the printing off from the email but since that was a story that had previously been published, I wasn't too worried about the critique. I really wanted to pitch my mystery state stories idea to Andrea and get some feedback on whether or not this is a doable thing.
I got home Sunday evening and was chilling out and got to thinking of what one of the attendees said about her critique and she had signed up for an extended (30 pages) and had sent in 24 pages and only got 12 pages back - so not sure what happened to the email versions of the stories we sent or the snail mailed ones either - because I sent mine with a cover page/synopsis between the two hard copies we were to send and I checked and the emailed version and the printed version were the same and had the header as directed on the website for the critiques - Needless to say, the critiques were good for some and not good for others. I don't really know what to make of that.
Eventually, I will find homes for all my stories and maybe something will snap like it should for the state stories -
I met some fun people this past weekend at the conference and I'll definitely be there next year - but for now - see you all in the postings - E :)
State band competition
No we didn't win first (that's Blue Ridge - they got first for the whole state), but we did take 3rd place (this is a big deal because third place is medal winners as well as the first and second place teams). My kids were so excited that they medaled that they have been wearing their medals constantly.
I think one of them even said this was the first time in the school's history of competing and making it to state that they have medaled - so go Bears - we love that band -
I hope to have pictures posted later this week of upper state competition and state competition. I just got the link yesterday for the upper state competition pictures - and he hopes to have the ones from Saturday posted soon. So be on the lookout for those later this week - E :)
Birthdays and fun stuff
So Friday was Hailie's 15th b-day and I had to call her while I was working which was fun because I was sitting in the bookstore that we had created for the authors to sell their books. We also had some individual publishers/presses selling their authors' books. So in the process of manning the booth, I found this delightful series of tween books - the Shandon Ivy League series - a series of stories written from the animals points of view - where the pets are the ones solving the mysteries (what a unique idea). Anyway about 3:30 I called bear's phone - figuring he was already picking up Hailie from school and she would answer but as it so happened he was at the high school but was in line waiting to ease up to get her and so I had a couple of minutes before she got in the car. So she gets in the car and he hands her the phone and I ask her if she would be interested in these books - at first she said no, probably not and then when I explained they were on the same level as the Bitsy books, she said yeah, probably she would read them. So I purchased all three - and the author autographed them for me to her - since it was her birthday. Ivy even has her own printed stamp - a paw print for signing the books with. The display was really cute and too bad I didn't have a camera phone or something to take pictures with.
So after wishing her happy birthday, asking about the books, and all - she headed to CVS to get some things for secret sister (colorguard thing) and to spend her money on her birthday stuff. I'm still not sure what all she got except last night she did get her $40 from her grandmother and bear gave her another $20 to get an MP3 player. So we headed over to Fred's because she wanted some shoes and they had the MP3 player for half the cost of what bear paid for Benjamin's at CVS - so I have a feeling that Benjamin will be taking his back because it has less memory than Hailie's does and it doesn't have a USB port to hook directly to the computer to download from.
Okay - so it sounds like she had a good birthday - even though I don't know what all she got or spent her money on - on the low side - our football team did lose the game Friday night - but they had a good time because the band competition the next day was worth it - see next posting - E :)
By time
Robert's Snow - Week 3
If you can't get enough of the snowflakes from each of the featured illustrators, stop by 7-impossible Things Before Breakfast for a snowflake that is special; hasn't even been posted on the auction list yet. But it is definitely worth a looksee -
Here are the postings for this week - Hope you all enjoy checking out the illustrators work and continue to follow the auction boards until the auction starts. So many beautiful snowflakes to bid on and of course in my case not enough funds to do any bidding - lol -
As you know if you've been visiting any children's book blogs for the past few weeks, Robert's Snow is an online auction that benefits Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Over 200 children's book illustrators have created art on individual snowflake-shaped wooden templates. The snowflakes will be auctioned off, with proceeds going to cancer research. You can view all of the 2007 snowflakes here. Jules and Eisha from Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast have found a way for bloggers to help with this effort, by blogging about individual illustrators and their snowflakes. The idea is to drive traffic to the Robert's Snow site so that many snowflakes will be sold, and much money raised to fight cancer. The illustrator profiles have been wonderful so far - diverse and creative and colorful. And there are lots more to go.
Here's the schedule for Week 3, which starts Monday. As previously, this early schedule links to the participating blogs, instead of to the individual posts. You can find links to the posts themselves, and any last-minute updates, each morning at 7-Imp. Jules and Eisha have also set up a special page at 7-Imp containing a comprehensive list of links to the profiles posted so far. Also not to be missed is Kris Bordessa's post summarizing snowflake-related contests to date over at Paradise Found.
Monday, October 29
- Dan Santat at Writing and Ruminating
- Joanne Friar at The Longstockings
- Alissa Imre Geis at Wild Rose Reader
- Diane Greenseid at Just One More Book!!
- Sean Qualls at Brooklyn Arden
Tuesday, October 30
- Ann Koffsky at Book Buds
- Bill Carman at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Gretel Parker at Finding Wonderland
- Matt Phelan at A Year of Reading
- Stephanie Roth at Writing with a broken tusk
Wednesday, October 31
- Shawna Tenney at Kate's Book Blog
- Adam Rex at Booktopia and Welcome to my Tweendom
- Mo Willems at MotherReader
- Rolandas Kiaulevicius at a wrung sponge
Thursday, November 1
- Karen Lee at sruble's world
- Diana Magnuson at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Melissa Iwai at Brooklyn Arden
- Victoria Jamieson at AmoXcalli and Cuentecitos
- Molly Idle at The Shady Glade
- Meghan McCarthy at A Fuse #8 Production
Friday, November 2
- Tracy McGuinness-Kelly at Sam Riddleburger's blog
- Sarah Kahn at Kate's Book Blog
- Sylvia Long at Whimsy Books
- Jeremy Tankard at the excelsior file
- Holli Conger at Please Come Flying
Saturday, November 3
- Susan Miller at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Ellen Beier at What Adrienne Thinks About That
- Hideko Takahashi at The Silver Lining
- Judith Moffat at Jo's Journal
- Wendell Minor at Wild Rose Reader
Sunday, November 4
- Joy Allen at Check It Out
- Robin Brickman at Greetings from Nowhere
- Lauren Stringer at laurasalas
- Nancy Wallace at In the Pages . . .
Please take time out to visit all of these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And, if you're so inclined, think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift (for yourself or for someone else), and supports an important cause.
See also the following note from Elaine Magliaro of Wild Rose Reader:
Note to Blog Readers about Blogging for a Cure: When Jules of 7-Imp put out her call in September for bloggers to interview/feature artists who had created snowflakes for Robert’s Snow 2007 at their blogs, a number of artists had not yet sent in their snowflakes to Dana-Farber. As time was of the essence to get Blogging for a Cure underway, we worked with the list of artists whose snowflakes were already in possession of Dana-Farber. Therefore, not all the participating artists will be featured. This in no way diminishes our appreciation for their contributions to this worthy cause. We hope everyone will understand that once the list of artists was emailed to bloggers and it was determined which bloggers would feature which artists at their blogs, a schedule was organized and sent out so we could get to work on Blogging for a Cure ASAP. Our aim is to raise people’s awareness about Robert’s Snow and to promote the three auctions. We hope our efforts will help to make Robert’s Snow 2007 a resounding success.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Robert's Snow - week 2
Here's the schedule for Week 2, which starts Monday. Because the posts aren't up yet, this list links to the participating blogs, instead of to the individual posts. You can find links to the posts themselves, and any last-minute updates, each morning at 7-Imp. Jules and Eisha have also set up a special page at 7-Imp containing a comprehensive list of links to the profiles posted so far. Also not to be missed is Kris Bordessa's post summarizing snowflake-related contests to date over at Paradise Found.
Monday, October 22
- Mark Teague at The Miss Rumphius Effect
- Sharon Vargo at Finding Wonderland
- Christopher Demarest at Writing and Ruminating
- Rose Mary Berlin at Charlotte's Library
- David Macaulay at Here in the Bonny Glen
Tuesday, October 23
- Carin Berger at Chasing Ray
- Marion Eldridge at Chicken Spaghetti
- Sophie Blackall at not your mother's bookclub
- Erik Brooks at Bildungsroman
- Brian Lies at Greetings from Nowhere
Wednesday, October 24
- Elisa Kleven at Rozzie Land
- Consie Powell at Becky's Book Reviews
- Jimmy Pickering at Shaken & Stirred
- Frank Dormer at What Adrienne Thinks About That
- Sheila Bailey at Lizjonesbooks
Thursday, October 25
- Julia Denos at Interactive Reader
- Rebecca Doughty at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Brian Floca at A Fuse #8 Production
- Margaret Chodos-Irvine at readergirlz
Friday, October 26
- David Ezra Stein at HipWriterMama
- Juli Kangas at Sam Riddleburger's blog
- Ginger Nielson at Miss O's School Library
- Margot Apple at Jo's Journal
Saturday, October 27
- Julie Fromme Fortenberry at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Sarah Dillard at The Silver Lining
- John Hassett at cynthialord's Journal
- Abigail Marble at Please Come Flying
Sunday, October 28
- Ashley Wolff at A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy
- Barbara Garrison at Brooklyn Arden
- Kelly Murphy at ChatRabbit
Please take time out to visit all of these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And, if you're so inclined, think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift (for yourself or for someone else), and supports an important cause.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
SCWW Anthology available -
I'm not sure how to get autographs to anyone who wants one - hahaha - like I'm that famous that I'd be autographing my stories - lol - but if you email we can work things out in that department. -- see you all in the postings - E :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Robert's Snow - snowflakes for auction to help find a cure - day 2

Robert's Snow is an online auction that benefits Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Over 200 children's book illustrators have created art on individual snowflake-shaped wooden templates.
Please stop by and view all the 2007 snowflakes here.
Tuesday, October 16
Sunday, October 14, 2007
And my number one child
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
And Benjamin's
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
Hailie's celebrity look alikes
Anyway - here are her matches - E :)
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
Two band competitions in one day
After we got to the field we found out that it was a very close score for us and the gold champion (class 4A and 5A bands that competed - which were only four of them) but we were like 0.06 points behind them so we got second overall for the day at the second competition. We also found out that we took nothing at the first competition - no drum line, no horn line, no drum major, and no colorguard or front, but took 1st place in class (I think they competed in 4A again but will double check and post correction when the results are posted either tomorrow or Tuesday). Will also post some pictures from both when I get them - see you all in the postings
My celebrity matches (something fun)
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
Robert's Snow - Snowflakes for auction - week one
Monday, October 15
- Randy Cecil at ChatRabbit
- Michelle Chang at The Longstockings
- Kevin Hawkes at Cynthia Lord's Journal
- Barbara Lehman at The Excelsior File
- Grace Lin at In the Pages
Tuesday, October 16
- Selina Alko at Brooklyn Arden
- Scott Bakal at Wild Rose Reader
- Alexandra Boiger at Paradise Found
- Paige Keiser at Your Neighborhood Librarian
- Janet Stevens at The Miss Rumphius Effect
Wednesday, October 17
- Rick Chrustowski at laurasalas
- Diane DeGroat at Jama Rattigan's Alphabet Soup
- Ilene Richard at Something Different Every Day
- Brie Spangler at Lectitans
- Don Tate at The Silver Lining
Thursday, October 18
- Brooke Dyer at Bookshelves of Doom
- D.B. Johnson at Lessons from the Tortoise
- Erin Eitter Kono at Sam Riddleburger
- Sherry Rogers at A Life in Books
- Jennifer Thermes at Through the Studio Door
Friday, October 19
- Graeme Base at Just One More Book
- Denise Fleming at MotherReader
- Jeff Mack at AmoXcalli
- Jeff Newman at A Year of Reading
- Ruth Sanderson at Book Moot
Saturday, October 20
- Linas Alsenas at A Wrung Sponge
- Theresa Brandon at The Shady Glade
- Karen Katz at Whimsy Books
- Judy Schachner at Kate's Book Blog
- Sally Vitsky at Shelf Elf: read, write, rave
Sunday, October 21
- Matthew Cordell at Just Like the Nut
- Maxwell Eaton III at Books and Other Thoughts
- Roz Fulcher at Goading the Pen
- Susie Jin at sruble's world
- Susan Mitchell at Check It Out
Please take time out to visit all of these blogs, and read about these fabulous illustrators. And, if you're so inclined, think about bidding for a snowflake in the Robert's Snow auction. Each snowflake makes a unique gift (for yourself or for someone else), and supports an important cause.
UPDATE: Blogging starts on October 15, and already today (just past 1 p.m. Eastern time), there have been 169 postings on the snowflakes. Don't forget to stop by and check out the bloggers who are featuring the illustrators every day. Also check out Robert's Snow link above to check out all the snowflakes in the auction area. They really are beautiful; too bad I can't afford any because I love snowflakes but maybe another day. I've checked out the snowflakes and a couple of the bloggers who have posted their interviews, information or the snowflakes themselves and they are very cool, very intricate for small wooden snowflake shapes. Some are 3D and some have that look of 3D but all are gorgeous and are for a good cause. So help find a cure and support the Snowflakes For Cure auction.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Competition results and pics
We had one accident when we were closing up everything and getting the stadium closed down. One of our band parents who was working with the funnel cake stand knocked the grease over and burned her hand and both feet. The last I heard today was that she was doing much better; they had taken her to the hospital Saturday night and transferred her to the burn center in Augusta today and told her that she has to come back tomororw and if she blisters up they may have to do skin grafts but if she doesn't then she should be okay. They removed several blistered areas from her hand the other day but they need to keep an eye on her for a few days. According to the kids when I picked them up this afternoon, she is doing very well. She was probably in pain but still showing her usual disposition of happy to be there and all. She admitted it was her fault - she was turning off the burner and just bumped the grease - but thankfully she didn't get it worse - all over.
So now on to the results. I looked up the recap and saw the scores for the bands that performed. The one that took Gold Championship (which was the 3A and 4A bands) scored a total of 92. Our score was not on there (even though we were not competing we asked that we be scored so we would know what to work on for this week before the double competition day) but the kids informed me that our band scored a 91.925 (talk about close scores). The director told them that the school that won with that 92 their music was good but their show wasn't that good at all. So he was rather surprised they took the championship. So goes subjectiveness on the judges' part. Anyway, the next band down scored an 89.150. The scores don't seem very high and especially looking at the 1A and 2A scores, but the SCBDA changed the scoring system this year and so this we are having to work much harder to get decent scores.
Here are a few pictures from the events on Saturday. The first one is of the lady who got burned. She is in the middle.

Next we have Benjamin and the rest of the pit doing their thing.

And this last one is so you can see where I was stationed for the water tent which is behind the stadium and down - you can't really see where I am but you get the idea. I was in the land of the lost - lol -

When you look towards the seating to the left where the light is where I was - below that fence line and there is a good drop off behind those seats - but basically that is where I had been all day long - the competitions started at 3 pm and I left there right before the awards ceremony was supposed to start at 10 pm - Next year I am definitely going to suggest they put the water tent elsewhere and at least give us an opportunity to see the bands compete if only from the backside - lol -
There you have the scores and a couple of pics - enjoy - E :)
Monday, October 08, 2007
Video from end of September competition
(I did try to put more than my own kids in the pictures but you know I am a proud mamam and have to get my kids there.) Enjoy - see you all in the postings - E :)
Hosted Band Competition (first one)
Here is the thing, being a host school for a competition, all the adults are volunteers and I was on the water station (handing the kids water from the other bands as they came off from their performance). I had a great time and saw some pretty interesting costumes and lots of beautiful colors. But I didn't get to see the bands perform and didn't get to see our group do their performance because of where we were.
Our stadium is built with a walking track on the outside of the field inside the stadium area and then a drive area that basically runs from the bus parking lot to the bus maintenance lot and out to the streets. So anyone could walk or drive or be on that track without being seen and distracting the events on the field. I didn't mind being on water but when it got dark, it was lonely back there with only one light and not in a very helpful position for our water station.
But the kids were very appreciative of us having the water station regardless of where we were. They were really good from all the other bands. One band came through and were all dolled up like Chinese women and found out that their program is called Journey to China and they are one of 10 American bands going to China next summer for the Summer Olympics. They also won several awards in their class. Now how cool is that - to be selected to participate in the Summer Olympics in China? I wish them well.
As soon as the results are posted on the band link directory, I will post how our band actually scored. Even though we were the exhibition band, we asked to be scored like we were competing so we knew what to work on for this week since we have two competitions in one day.
Anyway, must get some work done - will post later - E :)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Awesome authors contest - I won, I won, I won
It was pretty cool to come home this evening and see a Congratulations, you won email in my inbox. Thanks Sheri for running your Awesome Authors contest and hope everyone that won is as happy as I am - E :)
Monday, October 01, 2007
First Band Competition
We were all shocked at the end about who took grand champion in the gold division (the group we were in - 3As and 4As are in the gold and 1As and 2As are in the silver). From what we heard after the competition, the scores were not very high at all (SCBDA has changed the scoring system and therefore making it harder for the bands to score superior. All the 3A and 4A bands scored excellent.) BHP's score was an 83.5; the overall gold champion only scored an 84. We did take best horn line, best drum line and 1st place in the 3A division.
So way to go BHP band.
On the way home, one of the buses (the first bus) hit a deer. Some of the guys actually went back and picked up the deer - guess they are hunters and took it home to clean it and use the meat. The deer wasn't that big really so may not make good meat. So the three trophies from the competition and a deer came back to the school - lol.

Here is a pic of Benjamin and our solo piccolo player (she's my adopted second daughter; such a sweetheart - always comes up to give me a hug when she can and just likes me lol - she's a good kid) and the deer.

The other one is the 1st place trophy with the person who substitutes for the drum major if she isn't there. These were taken by Hailie after I had done the video. The video won't load but will play around with it and maybe make it shorter - two pieces and see if I can get them to load. enjoy - E :)