A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Nashville - we are almost back home

I hope when Hailie's pics get developed (her daddy gave her some money to go to Wal-Mart to get them developed) probably tomorrow that there will be more pics of the girls and the adults too - it would be a shame to not have any of Ms. Jan and Ms. Darlene throughout this whole trip - Now you've ssen them sort of on their round trip area - see you all in the postings - enjoy - E :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Kansas City (Missouri) we have arrived

Enjoy the pics
Next Stop - St. Louis and the Arch

Hope you enjoy the trip pics (more will be coming as soon as Hailie's three cameras get developed - all of these were taken by Ms. Jan who made copies for each of the girls (at least the group ones) and also made some for the girls who didn't have their cameras when they were doing the tours or sightseeing. -- see you in the postings - hope you enjoy - E :)
First Stop - Paducah Kentucky -
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Post office mystery solved
PS - Thank you Opa and Cele for the gift. I will enjoy reading the stories and the info in the newsletter. E :)
Huge monster moth sited in my computer area on Sunday evening

Not kidding - that sucker looked like about the size of a small bat and even looked like one sort of but prettier and not trying to fly at everything - was trying to escape. I caught it and released it outside my door and hope it flew away where it belonged. I did a semi search while chatting with Janelle and came up with this pic that looks similar to what I had in my living/computer area Sunday night - there are no measurements on this moth so can't really tell if this is something close to what I actualy saw. I believe his wing span if he were to spread out flat was approximately the span of my hand from middle fingertip to butt of palm - probably around 6-7 inches in width - See what you all think - E :)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Weird Post Office Box happening
So naturally since there was no gift card, no indication that I subscribed to these publications, and no note to say I was to review the stories for anyone, I would just like to thank whoever sent these to me or subscribed me to the publications (although I just think these are sample copies as there is no subscription information - per the website on when subscriptions expire - on the labels that were on the cards inside the packaging (according to website expiration of subscription can be found in the line that is above your name - but there is nothing indicating something like this).
So I give whoever had these sent to me a deep felt thank you - E :)
Friday, July 13, 2007
Messing with Markers
So Benjamin and I are walking through Wal-Mart and just kind of ambling waiting on my medication to be filled and I picked up a pack of 17 colors Sharpie permanent markers to use on the butterflies. I did the markers on some cardstock with the names and all but they didn't look good. So I decided to color the butterflies with each color comparing the Bic markers I have and the matching colors from Sharpie (and then adding the extra ones to show you how they look on the butterflies).
I like the Bic markers much better due to the fact that they don't smear. When I was trying to label the colors by holding the butterfly on the paper so it didn't shift much, I got Sharpie ink all over my fingertips. You can see how the colors smudged and smeared on the butterfly -
I also have the metallic colors, which I believe in all the samples on here you have seen all 6 colors there, so I won't do a sample butterfly with the six metallics.
Let me know what you think of the colors (and I'm still searching for somewhere to purchase the other two 12-packs of Bic markers - so maybe one of these days I'll have all 36 Bic colors) - see you in the postings - E :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I entered and got selected
So be on the look out for Bride-and-Seek in the Petigru Review anthology in October. You can still register for the conference if interested - check out the website - http://www.myscww.org/2007_conference.htm - also see my blog posting called "Best Conference of 2007" and we really are looking to be great - E :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Rating picture --- got it to work

Mingle2 - Free Online Dating
What a chore this was to get it posted - but here it is - my actual rating - just like the movies, although I can't think of too many movies that are rated G any more, even the Disney/Pixar and other films are rarely rated G - E :)
(Updated, 07/11/2007 at 12:29 p.m. - forgot to give my words that it found for this rating - hurt x1 - wow if saying hurt can get you a G rating then I'm good - lol - thanks for stopping by - E :)
Blog Rating - (seems I run a pretty clean blog here)
I can't get it to copy and post but my blog is rated G - see Linda's blog if you would like to rate your blog - E :)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
More metallic butterflies and weird happenings
Here are a few more butterflies we colored

Blue and silver with gold body
my favorite - Green and Silver with gold body
So I'm giving butterflies to the girls for their trip tomorrow - They are heading out to Kansas City, MO with the Acteens (6 girls and 2 adults on the trip). They are stopping in St. Louis to do the Arch tour and then head to their conference and on the way back, they are supposed to be stopping in Nashville - so hopefully they will have a fun trip - and they will enjoy their butterflies.
See you all in the postings - E :)
A semi-rant on rudeness and blogging
I like to think of this as just at no one in particular but then at everyone - lol - not directing to anyone in particular. Andy Rooney from 60 Minutes fame comes to mind when I thought about posting this originally.
So here is my rant, sort of - I've bookmarked tons of blogs (mostly writing related or people who write and/or are published). I try to visit blogs at least once a day, sometimes more if time permits and comment on several of them. Common courtesy says if someone visits you and speaks to you or posts a comment on your posting or in response to other commentors, then have the decency to acknowledge your commentors. I don't even care if it is a personal note or if you come to my blog and post an off the wall comment to something on my blog - just show that you are reading the comments and taking some time with your blog (this is your online presence, unless you have a website that is taking up more of your time). And those of you who just post something and never say anything back to your commentors, that is just rude.
Okay - now I'm off the little soapbox, and back to working - I shouldn't let this bother me but it does. If you aren't receiving the comments that's one thing but if you are getting them and reading them and want to keep people coming back to your blog, please post something back in the comment field to show that you are taking some of the advice or comments to heart. -
I hope I haven't been rude to anyone who comments on my blog and have at least let you know I've read your comment or appreciate the advice or something - because rudeness doesn't cut it in my life. My kids were fussed at last Sunday after returning from their trip to Baton Rouge for some rudeness towards some of the older adults who were in attendance, and when I found out, my kids assured me that they were not involved in this situation. They know better because I don't tolerate rudeness from them to me and definitely not to someone in the church, regardless if it is a peer or someone who is there to make sure they are safe and that they stay together (even if that person seems stricter than me) - I'm thankful I have raised them somewhat decently to have respect of all adults around them and to not let their peers dictate how they behave away from home -
Anyway - that is the rant - so it's passed and not anything big - just so you all know - see you all in the postings - E :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Metallic colored butterflies

So I went to Wal-Mart for groceries last night and bought some metallic markers (which I was really looking for the other colors of the Bic markers for the butterflies) by Prang - 6 colors - gold, silver, blue, green, purple and pink (but when it colors on the butterflies it looks bronze or dark rose or maybe a cross between a pink and bronze - but definitely not pink like I expected). Anyway - now I've colored four butterflies using all the metallic colors - so thought I'd share with you all - Thinking of selling them, by taking orders - hahaahah - no one will buy them, I couldn't even give them away for the contest - no story orders to get the butterflies and now I'm not published so can't give them away either - so now I'll just color and share with you all - here they are -

purple and silver with pink body

Blue and Green with pink body

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Musing our Children Media Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Lea Schizas
E-Mail: museitupeditor@yahoo.ca
Website: Musing Our Children website
The Muse Reading and Writing Appreciation Week is coming to a school near you in October.
The Muse Reading and Writing Appreciation Week is a new initiative intended to reach school-aged children and parents across the world. Our goal is to introduce parents and children to local writers and authors who are passionate about creative writing and reading.
Delve into the imagination and bring a child with you!
Scheduled for the week of October 15-19, Reading and Writing Appreciation Week will reach around the globe. Authors, writers, and volunteers will visit schools and offer free handouts and information to anyone who would like to be involved in helping children and parents understand the value of reading and writing.
If you are interested in having a volunteer come to your classroom to read or to speak about writing during the week of Oct 15-19 please contact/email Lea Schizas at museitupeditor@yahoo.ca
Teachers, parents, and writers can remain updated throughout the year with tips, ideas, and readers’ thoughts and suggestions on how we, as a community, can ban together to help children understand the benefits of reading and writing via the Musing Our Children website: Musing Our Children website
Share the love of reading with a child or student and watch their world blossom!
Anyone interested in volunteering to read to children or talk to them about writing during the week of October 15, can contact/email Lea Schizas at museitupeditor@yahoo.ca or check out Musing Our Children website for more details.
Muse It Up Online Conference
what kind of girl is your MC
You are a Brainy Girl! |
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