I didn't do anything special today but found some really cute paper penants on Oriental Trading to be used as give aways at the book festivals in August and September (cheap is right up my alley - $2 for 50 of them things - they are like the triangle penants that you can slip on your pencils. I figured the kids could decorate them however they wanted or maybe I'll order a bunch of them and do up some of each of the state flags on them - or do some university penants - who knows at this point.)
I did try to work today but as you can see from the time on this posting, it was rather later when I stopped again.
Anyway more postings soon - just wanted to be out there - see you all in the postings - E :)
A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Good times - Part 2 of SC Book Festival Review
Okay all horror aside, the rest of the weekend was so awesome. As a volunteer, I usually am a greeter at the top level where most folks enter and I so enjoy getting the folks to fill out the surveys and hear their reactions and all about the different activities, panel discussions and the book festival in general.
Saturday started with a book club breakfast with the authors and that was so awesome in and of itself. I got to mingle with Gwen and Cathy and some other authors as well as some book club folks (I don't belong to a book club because I just don't have time but I would if there was one local and I had the opportunity to do so).
This year, TJ had other plans for me - I was a room monitor part of the time and a greeter part of the time (well I was scheduled to be a greeter half the day Sunday but ended up being a room monitor all afternoon which was fine with me).
As room monitor, your duties include making sure the water pitchers are full and that there are clean glasses on the tables for the speakers, making sure the temperature, lighting, sound, et cetera are good and holding up signs so the moderators and panelists know that they have 10 minutes left in the session and 5 minutes (so they can wrap things up and get on over to do book signings too).
The first session I got to monitor was entitled "Bartenders, Cops, & Priests, Oh My!" - I had no idea what to expect but I'm glad TJ assigned this one to me. Julia Spencer Fleming writes mysteries with a priest or preacher as the amateur slueth. Interesting concept and not one I think I've seen done before. With my father being an ordained Orthodox Priest and all, I think I need to check out some books by Ms. Spencer-Fleming. Con Lehane is an ex-bartender and so naturally his protag is a bartender. His series sounds very interesting too - it's amazing how mystery writers are creating new and unheard of characters for their stories. James O. Born was the last speaker on the panel. He is an FBI agent/cop or some such thing - I believe he has worked as a DEA officer at some point. He writes more real-life experiences of course with a fictional twist. The panel was very interesting and the moderate, Paula Benson, did a great job of questioning each of the authors and bringing the whole discussion together.
The next panel I got to monitor was "SHE Did It: SC Women of Mystery" with Gwen Hunter and Cathy Pickens (both of whom I have met previously in other venues), moderated by Carla Damron (again someone I knew from other places). Now talk about a funny, Gwen and Cathy both have such southern backgrounds and a great rapport and definitely are not conceited about being an author, that I don't think anyone walked out of that panel not laughing. Cathy has a posting on her blog about the book festival and her newest book that just came out. Check it out here for more details.
Gwen on the other hand is absolutely schizo (her words not mine) because she has to be two different people (writing under Gwen Hunter and Faith Hunter and she said if she were to write romance she would write under yet a third name - I honestly don't know how she keeps up with all novels she has out there). You can check out her blog postings here.
The rest of Saturday I just hung around and did my greeting in the late afternoon. I don't feel I did near the job I usually do with the greeting because I was only there a couple of hours. I hope there were plenty of surveys filled out for the book festival.
Sunday - wonderful day. Panels I monitored were: Cassandra King (The Queen of Broken Hearts - novel that came out last year). She was a very good speaker and of course her southern charm and stories came out. Like she said, you can't make up some of this stuff (the reality is so much more interesting than the fiction and her novels are based on her life experiences of having grown up in a small southern town and everything in between that has given her some great fodder).
Civil War - with Orville Vernon Burton, John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., and Andrew Billingsley - Andrew Billingsley has written a memoir based story on Robert Smalls entitled "Yearning to Breathe Free..."; John Brinsfield's book is about the chaplains of the civil war - "Spirit Divided ..." (I found this interesting because of my father being an Orthodox priest and wondering if he would read something that is civil war based - an idea to look into later). Orville Burton's book is called "Age of Lincoln". He takes the civil war way past the end of the war and into the reconstruction. This panel was different for me because I'm not a big history buff although I do have some roots in the civil war due to my grandmother's family having killed a soldier on the property and burying him, no questions asked.
Southern Writers: Exploring and Revealing Their Passions - Panelists Marti Healy (animals and God - her book "The God Dog..."), John Lee (wild turkey hunting and God - I forget the title of his book but it is about Wild Turkey hunting and being a novice hunter) and L. D. Russell (NASCAR and God - his book "God Speed...") all spoke on their passions. Even though each of their books has a religious undertow, the discussion was not overtly religious and was very enjoyable.
Last room monitored of the day was a poetry reading session with Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Joyce Brinkman, Marjory Wentworth, and Lisa Starr. I have never been in a poetry reading room before and this was interesting because to me poetry is rhyming, follows a certain beat or whatever my preconceived idea was at the time. I left the room with a different perspective of what poetry is. The one thing that really fascinated me was the "simultaneous poems" - they are basically two poems written together that each line of one completes the line of the other but they should be able to stand alone too. I can't even fathom writing something like that but I guess it is the equivalent of writing a dialogue based story where each person's voice is very distinct and complements each other, but if you read them without the other, you would still have a sense of the voice.
All-in-all, I had a great time. Check out some other fun postings on the festival - Daisy's Dead Air; Shannon's posting; Arts Institute Blog. I'm sure there are many more postings out there but for now that is a taste on the variety of folks who attended the festival in one capacity or another -
See you all in the postings - E :)
Saturday started with a book club breakfast with the authors and that was so awesome in and of itself. I got to mingle with Gwen and Cathy and some other authors as well as some book club folks (I don't belong to a book club because I just don't have time but I would if there was one local and I had the opportunity to do so).
This year, TJ had other plans for me - I was a room monitor part of the time and a greeter part of the time (well I was scheduled to be a greeter half the day Sunday but ended up being a room monitor all afternoon which was fine with me).
As room monitor, your duties include making sure the water pitchers are full and that there are clean glasses on the tables for the speakers, making sure the temperature, lighting, sound, et cetera are good and holding up signs so the moderators and panelists know that they have 10 minutes left in the session and 5 minutes (so they can wrap things up and get on over to do book signings too).
The first session I got to monitor was entitled "Bartenders, Cops, & Priests, Oh My!" - I had no idea what to expect but I'm glad TJ assigned this one to me. Julia Spencer Fleming writes mysteries with a priest or preacher as the amateur slueth. Interesting concept and not one I think I've seen done before. With my father being an ordained Orthodox Priest and all, I think I need to check out some books by Ms. Spencer-Fleming. Con Lehane is an ex-bartender and so naturally his protag is a bartender. His series sounds very interesting too - it's amazing how mystery writers are creating new and unheard of characters for their stories. James O. Born was the last speaker on the panel. He is an FBI agent/cop or some such thing - I believe he has worked as a DEA officer at some point. He writes more real-life experiences of course with a fictional twist. The panel was very interesting and the moderate, Paula Benson, did a great job of questioning each of the authors and bringing the whole discussion together.
The next panel I got to monitor was "SHE Did It: SC Women of Mystery" with Gwen Hunter and Cathy Pickens (both of whom I have met previously in other venues), moderated by Carla Damron (again someone I knew from other places). Now talk about a funny, Gwen and Cathy both have such southern backgrounds and a great rapport and definitely are not conceited about being an author, that I don't think anyone walked out of that panel not laughing. Cathy has a posting on her blog about the book festival and her newest book that just came out. Check it out here for more details.
Gwen on the other hand is absolutely schizo (her words not mine) because she has to be two different people (writing under Gwen Hunter and Faith Hunter and she said if she were to write romance she would write under yet a third name - I honestly don't know how she keeps up with all novels she has out there). You can check out her blog postings here.
The rest of Saturday I just hung around and did my greeting in the late afternoon. I don't feel I did near the job I usually do with the greeting because I was only there a couple of hours. I hope there were plenty of surveys filled out for the book festival.
Sunday - wonderful day. Panels I monitored were: Cassandra King (The Queen of Broken Hearts - novel that came out last year). She was a very good speaker and of course her southern charm and stories came out. Like she said, you can't make up some of this stuff (the reality is so much more interesting than the fiction and her novels are based on her life experiences of having grown up in a small southern town and everything in between that has given her some great fodder).
Civil War - with Orville Vernon Burton, John Wesley Brinsfield, Jr., and Andrew Billingsley - Andrew Billingsley has written a memoir based story on Robert Smalls entitled "Yearning to Breathe Free..."; John Brinsfield's book is about the chaplains of the civil war - "Spirit Divided ..." (I found this interesting because of my father being an Orthodox priest and wondering if he would read something that is civil war based - an idea to look into later). Orville Burton's book is called "Age of Lincoln". He takes the civil war way past the end of the war and into the reconstruction. This panel was different for me because I'm not a big history buff although I do have some roots in the civil war due to my grandmother's family having killed a soldier on the property and burying him, no questions asked.
Southern Writers: Exploring and Revealing Their Passions - Panelists Marti Healy (animals and God - her book "The God Dog..."), John Lee (wild turkey hunting and God - I forget the title of his book but it is about Wild Turkey hunting and being a novice hunter) and L. D. Russell (NASCAR and God - his book "God Speed...") all spoke on their passions. Even though each of their books has a religious undertow, the discussion was not overtly religious and was very enjoyable.
Last room monitored of the day was a poetry reading session with Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda, Joyce Brinkman, Marjory Wentworth, and Lisa Starr. I have never been in a poetry reading room before and this was interesting because to me poetry is rhyming, follows a certain beat or whatever my preconceived idea was at the time. I left the room with a different perspective of what poetry is. The one thing that really fascinated me was the "simultaneous poems" - they are basically two poems written together that each line of one completes the line of the other but they should be able to stand alone too. I can't even fathom writing something like that but I guess it is the equivalent of writing a dialogue based story where each person's voice is very distinct and complements each other, but if you read them without the other, you would still have a sense of the voice.
All-in-all, I had a great time. Check out some other fun postings on the festival - Daisy's Dead Air; Shannon's posting; Arts Institute Blog. I'm sure there are many more postings out there but for now that is a taste on the variety of folks who attended the festival in one capacity or another -
See you all in the postings - E :)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Bad times - Part 1 of SC Book Festival Review
The SC Book Festival was this past weekend and as you can see I had good times and bad times. Let's get the bad times out of the way so I can really talk about all the good times I had.
I headed to Columbia Friday afternoon, later than I had originally planned because of daughter being sick during the week and having to take her to the doctor's office and then taking her to school (sinus headaches were the culprit so not "sick" in that way). After dropping her off and having my day interrupted, I rushed home to get my work done and then back to the school to pick her up and drop her off at a friend's house. I was supposed to have dinner with some friends but because of my leaving later than planned, that got cancelled but at the last minute (I was almost in Columbia and had just told them to meet me and they called back and said they couldn't because of the 2 hour delay and they had things to do. So woe was me; I didn't get to meet my friends for dinner to celebrate my new contract. Oh well, maybe another time.
So I went on to the hotel to check in. I was staying at a local hotel on the other side of the bridge from "downtown" Columbia. I signed in, got on the computer for a bit and then went to dinner. Came back and worked a bit more and then finally crawled in bed about 1:30 a.m. I laid there for a bit and then jumped up and tried brushing the bed off because it felt like something was crawling on my legs (I never saw anything). Laid back down, jumped up again several times. About 3 a.m. after fighting this feeling and not sleeping, I packed my car and went to the front desk to check out. The girl, "Tolley" was her name, at the front desk was rather rude. I told her I needed to check out because 1) I had a family emergency - I just wanted to leave; and 2) it felt like there were bugs crawling on my legs and the bathroom floor was dirty or moldy. She didn't hear the second part. I handed her my receipt (had paid for two nights, cash since I was supposed to be there for the weekend) and she hoitily said to me, "Oh you paid cash. We'll have to mail your check refund to you in about a month." I didn't want to leave without my cash since I was now faced with finding another place to stay and my money was limited. I had the business card that was on the front desk. I asked if this was the owner's name on it and she said yes and I could call the number on the card (which went directly to the hotel - hahaha - like I would have been able to speak to him had I called that number). So I asked to speak to the owner; for her to call the owner so I could speak to him. She refused, telling me that he wouldn't want to speak to me. She did call him but wouldn't let me talk to him. Another 10 minutes went by and she called him the second time and again refused to let me talk to him and even asked if she should call the police on me. So I asked her if she had a phone book so I could look something up; she refused to let me have the phone book and told me I could walk across the street to the phone booth at the gas station (this is a 4-lane road and pretty busy even at 3 in the morning because it is a main artery in the area). So finally at 3:30 I told her to call the police. They came and I was escorted off the property for harrassing and causing a disturbance - all because of her rudeness and refusal to let me talk to the owner - whatever happened to "The Customer is always right" in a service business?
After leaving the hotel property, I drove around Columbia for a bit wondering where I could just crash for a couple of hours until I had to be up for my duties. I went to IHOP and had a breakfast of sorts - they were packed and it took a long time to get service and all and then the waiter got my order incorrect but fixed it, finally. I left IHOP about 5:30, drove around a couple of blocks and pulled into the Hilton drop off area (I had to use the restroom and the book festival was using the Hilton facilities for some of the activities this weekend). I explained to the desk clerk the situation and she was nice about things - told me I could crash on the sofa in the lobby and no one would bother me (not the problem for me - I snore and I could just see myself waking up with drool all over the place and being kicked out of the Hilton for snoring off the rafters - lol). I refused her kind offer, told her I was going to park in the garage and crash a couple of hours in my car. I did just that. Found a nice spot on the second level of the garage, leaned my seat back a bit and slept for an hour and a half.
Saturday, I was so busy with book festival stuff, I didn't feel tired really. Saturday evening, I came back over to the Hilton and of course different staff at the desk this time and I explained the situation to the girl again and even offered to give them my credit card if they would hold off billing me until Friday since I didn't get paid until then (my credit card is a debit/credit card and is linked directly to my checking account and I knew I didn't have any funds in my account to cover hotel costs). She told me she needed to speak to her manager and she would see what they could do. I went to supper (Wendy's) and when I came back in, she told me that the manager said they couldn't do anything but she had made me a goody bag and even told me if I happened to crash on the sofa, no one would disturb me. I sat on the sofa for a couple of hours and attempted to read "Summer of the Monkeys" that was so highly recommended by my son (sorry to disappoint him in that I couldn't really get into the story, maybe it was the way it was written or whatever, but I just couldn't get past chapter 2). Finally about 10 p.m., I told Joy (the desk clerk) I was going to crash in my car for the night (again parked in the parking garage for the Hilton - I felt very safe there). In my goody bag was a sleep mask and I used it and actually got several hours of sleep. My car isn't too bad for crashing for a few hours (my biggest problem was the cup holder because my leg tended to rest against that and so I think I have a bit of a bruise on my leg from that). I woke myself up several times thinking it was later than it was (disoriented slightly because of the sleep mask and being in my car) but I did get about 5 hours of sleep.
Sunday morning, I entered the Hilton lobby again and Joy was again on duty (she worked 3 pm to 11 pm Saturday and returned at 7 a.m. on Sunday for her next shift). I got on my computer for a bit and left a couple of messages for a friend and then went to get a towel and washcloth and went to the handicap bathroom to do a sponge bath and wash my hair in the sink - did wonders for me.
So that is the horror part of the weekend. When I got up Sunday morning and after having my creamed chipped beef on toast breakfast from Lizard's Thicket, I realized I had left my towel at the other hotel (bath towels aren't big enough for me and I so I use a beach towel for my bath towel) and I was going to have to go over there and get my towel. When I entered that lobby, I was informed that yes they did have my towel and that they had a "refund check" for me. I doubt they intended to mail it to me since it was not in an envelope and it was just in the desk drawer, but needless to say I did get a one night refund (not that it did any good at the time sicne it was a Sunday morning and no banks were opened to cash it, and none of the grocery stores would cash it because it was considered a two party check - it was handwritten and signed). So coming home I had $2 cash to my name and just less than half a tank of gas (I drove around a good many more miles than my normal trip down that way) and I was so hungry and wanting a place to cash my check so I could at least get some dinner and put a little bit of gas in case I needed it. I stopped at Wendy's again and got a burger (in my goody bag was a bag of those filled pretzels - Combos and some fudge striped cookies and a bottle of water - so I had a drink, a substitute for fries and a dessert). I was concerned that I wouldn't make it home on the gas though. I prayed and drove the speed limit most of the way to try to be as conservative as I could - not accelerating too much and overdoing the gas. I got home and still had some gas to spare and my "idiot light" never came on, not until I was out and about Monday.
(end of part 1 - see part 2 for good times) - See you all in the postings - E :)
I headed to Columbia Friday afternoon, later than I had originally planned because of daughter being sick during the week and having to take her to the doctor's office and then taking her to school (sinus headaches were the culprit so not "sick" in that way). After dropping her off and having my day interrupted, I rushed home to get my work done and then back to the school to pick her up and drop her off at a friend's house. I was supposed to have dinner with some friends but because of my leaving later than planned, that got cancelled but at the last minute (I was almost in Columbia and had just told them to meet me and they called back and said they couldn't because of the 2 hour delay and they had things to do. So woe was me; I didn't get to meet my friends for dinner to celebrate my new contract. Oh well, maybe another time.
So I went on to the hotel to check in. I was staying at a local hotel on the other side of the bridge from "downtown" Columbia. I signed in, got on the computer for a bit and then went to dinner. Came back and worked a bit more and then finally crawled in bed about 1:30 a.m. I laid there for a bit and then jumped up and tried brushing the bed off because it felt like something was crawling on my legs (I never saw anything). Laid back down, jumped up again several times. About 3 a.m. after fighting this feeling and not sleeping, I packed my car and went to the front desk to check out. The girl, "Tolley" was her name, at the front desk was rather rude. I told her I needed to check out because 1) I had a family emergency - I just wanted to leave; and 2) it felt like there were bugs crawling on my legs and the bathroom floor was dirty or moldy. She didn't hear the second part. I handed her my receipt (had paid for two nights, cash since I was supposed to be there for the weekend) and she hoitily said to me, "Oh you paid cash. We'll have to mail your check refund to you in about a month." I didn't want to leave without my cash since I was now faced with finding another place to stay and my money was limited. I had the business card that was on the front desk. I asked if this was the owner's name on it and she said yes and I could call the number on the card (which went directly to the hotel - hahaha - like I would have been able to speak to him had I called that number). So I asked to speak to the owner; for her to call the owner so I could speak to him. She refused, telling me that he wouldn't want to speak to me. She did call him but wouldn't let me talk to him. Another 10 minutes went by and she called him the second time and again refused to let me talk to him and even asked if she should call the police on me. So I asked her if she had a phone book so I could look something up; she refused to let me have the phone book and told me I could walk across the street to the phone booth at the gas station (this is a 4-lane road and pretty busy even at 3 in the morning because it is a main artery in the area). So finally at 3:30 I told her to call the police. They came and I was escorted off the property for harrassing and causing a disturbance - all because of her rudeness and refusal to let me talk to the owner - whatever happened to "The Customer is always right" in a service business?
After leaving the hotel property, I drove around Columbia for a bit wondering where I could just crash for a couple of hours until I had to be up for my duties. I went to IHOP and had a breakfast of sorts - they were packed and it took a long time to get service and all and then the waiter got my order incorrect but fixed it, finally. I left IHOP about 5:30, drove around a couple of blocks and pulled into the Hilton drop off area (I had to use the restroom and the book festival was using the Hilton facilities for some of the activities this weekend). I explained to the desk clerk the situation and she was nice about things - told me I could crash on the sofa in the lobby and no one would bother me (not the problem for me - I snore and I could just see myself waking up with drool all over the place and being kicked out of the Hilton for snoring off the rafters - lol). I refused her kind offer, told her I was going to park in the garage and crash a couple of hours in my car. I did just that. Found a nice spot on the second level of the garage, leaned my seat back a bit and slept for an hour and a half.
Saturday, I was so busy with book festival stuff, I didn't feel tired really. Saturday evening, I came back over to the Hilton and of course different staff at the desk this time and I explained the situation to the girl again and even offered to give them my credit card if they would hold off billing me until Friday since I didn't get paid until then (my credit card is a debit/credit card and is linked directly to my checking account and I knew I didn't have any funds in my account to cover hotel costs). She told me she needed to speak to her manager and she would see what they could do. I went to supper (Wendy's) and when I came back in, she told me that the manager said they couldn't do anything but she had made me a goody bag and even told me if I happened to crash on the sofa, no one would disturb me. I sat on the sofa for a couple of hours and attempted to read "Summer of the Monkeys" that was so highly recommended by my son (sorry to disappoint him in that I couldn't really get into the story, maybe it was the way it was written or whatever, but I just couldn't get past chapter 2). Finally about 10 p.m., I told Joy (the desk clerk) I was going to crash in my car for the night (again parked in the parking garage for the Hilton - I felt very safe there). In my goody bag was a sleep mask and I used it and actually got several hours of sleep. My car isn't too bad for crashing for a few hours (my biggest problem was the cup holder because my leg tended to rest against that and so I think I have a bit of a bruise on my leg from that). I woke myself up several times thinking it was later than it was (disoriented slightly because of the sleep mask and being in my car) but I did get about 5 hours of sleep.
Sunday morning, I entered the Hilton lobby again and Joy was again on duty (she worked 3 pm to 11 pm Saturday and returned at 7 a.m. on Sunday for her next shift). I got on my computer for a bit and left a couple of messages for a friend and then went to get a towel and washcloth and went to the handicap bathroom to do a sponge bath and wash my hair in the sink - did wonders for me.
So that is the horror part of the weekend. When I got up Sunday morning and after having my creamed chipped beef on toast breakfast from Lizard's Thicket, I realized I had left my towel at the other hotel (bath towels aren't big enough for me and I so I use a beach towel for my bath towel) and I was going to have to go over there and get my towel. When I entered that lobby, I was informed that yes they did have my towel and that they had a "refund check" for me. I doubt they intended to mail it to me since it was not in an envelope and it was just in the desk drawer, but needless to say I did get a one night refund (not that it did any good at the time sicne it was a Sunday morning and no banks were opened to cash it, and none of the grocery stores would cash it because it was considered a two party check - it was handwritten and signed). So coming home I had $2 cash to my name and just less than half a tank of gas (I drove around a good many more miles than my normal trip down that way) and I was so hungry and wanting a place to cash my check so I could at least get some dinner and put a little bit of gas in case I needed it. I stopped at Wendy's again and got a burger (in my goody bag was a bag of those filled pretzels - Combos and some fudge striped cookies and a bottle of water - so I had a drink, a substitute for fries and a dessert). I was concerned that I wouldn't make it home on the gas though. I prayed and drove the speed limit most of the way to try to be as conservative as I could - not accelerating too much and overdoing the gas. I got home and still had some gas to spare and my "idiot light" never came on, not until I was out and about Monday.
(end of part 1 - see part 2 for good times) - See you all in the postings - E :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Read a good book lately?
I love going to book festivals. I like volunteering and meeting some great new people. I love seeing expressions on folks' faces when they just buy that great new author's book. Yes, you guessed it. It's book festival time again.
This time of the year, I make the 2 hour trip from my house to Columbia. This is my fourth year as a volunteer with this particular festival. Next year, I hope to be on the other side of the tables, as an author or at least as part of the publisher's exhibitor table, selling all my stories that have come out by this time next year. (Guess I should really get my hiney in gear and write, edit and rewrite and test the stories so I can be on the other side.) If it doesn't work out next February for me to be an author or at least part of the exhibitor's booth for the publisher, then I will volunteer again. I love volunteering because you do meet so many cool people.
So hopefully you all have a good book to curl up with and you have the opportunity to meet authors at different book festivals around the country.
If you happen to be in the Columbia, South Carolina area, stop by the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center and say hello to me. Or come by and see an author on a panel or shop or look around. Bring the kids because this year they have a kids' arts and crafts table and some children's authors doing some book readings. For more on the schedule, check out http://www.scbookfestival.org/index.php?c=schedule and see if there are any panels or speeches you would like to hear - come and enjoy yourself -
This time of the year, I make the 2 hour trip from my house to Columbia. This is my fourth year as a volunteer with this particular festival. Next year, I hope to be on the other side of the tables, as an author or at least as part of the publisher's exhibitor table, selling all my stories that have come out by this time next year. (Guess I should really get my hiney in gear and write, edit and rewrite and test the stories so I can be on the other side.) If it doesn't work out next February for me to be an author or at least part of the exhibitor's booth for the publisher, then I will volunteer again. I love volunteering because you do meet so many cool people.
So hopefully you all have a good book to curl up with and you have the opportunity to meet authors at different book festivals around the country.
If you happen to be in the Columbia, South Carolina area, stop by the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center and say hello to me. Or come by and see an author on a panel or shop or look around. Bring the kids because this year they have a kids' arts and crafts table and some children's authors doing some book readings. For more on the schedule, check out http://www.scbookfestival.org/index.php?c=schedule and see if there are any panels or speeches you would like to hear - come and enjoy yourself -
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Healing Waters contest

Pop on over to Joyce Hostetter's blog for a contest. Her book "Healing Waters" is being released March 1, and she is offering a copy just for leaving a comment and posting on your blog and spreading the word and then waiting patiently for a couple of weeks and see who the winner is - oh yeah, she's throwing in some chocolate too - jump on it - no cost, some advertisement for her and some for you - get your name out there - E :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Rock of Realm, author interview and bio
Today is my day to post an interview with Lea Shizas. I have had the pleasure of knowing Lea in many different capacities (as can be seen by her bio) and now we are both authors with the same publisher. So without further ado, here is her info. Don't forget to leave a comment on my blog and be entered in the drawing for an ebook copy of Rock of Realm. Lea will stop by during the day and comment as well. Winner will be announced on Tuesday. See you all in the postings - E :)
Title: The Rock of Realm
Written by: Lea Schizas
Hardback: 242 pages
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Star Publish
ISBN: 1-932993-08-8 (Print Book)
ISBN: 1-932993-09-6 (E-Book) (check Lea's website for availability of ebook)
Publication: March 31, 2005
(Ordering information - where to get Lea's book: Want a read with lots of twists and turns and excitement? Buy THE ROCK OF REALM here:
Print Book Price: $12.95
Barnes and Noble
Amazon CA
Amazon UK
Or just walk into any Borders Bookstore and order it directly. The ROCK OF REALM ISBN # is ISBN: 1932993088)
LEA'S BIO: Lea Schizas is an award-winning author and editor. Her award-winning novel, The Rock of Realm, a young adult fantasy/adventure offers readers a twist to the ordinary perception of 'villain'. The story centers on 14-year-old Alexandra Stone and her discovery that she is the princess to this world she finds herself mysteriously transported to one day along with her best friend and her two pets.
One adventure after another followed with dangerous creatures, the Braks, hot on their tail, Alex needs to overcome her fear and help guide her friends somehow back to their own time. Why her parents never told her about her heritage is always on the forefront until she discovers that her uncle is the mastermind behind her sudden appearance in Rock Kingdom. This enigmatic villain will confuse her to the point of possibly endangering herself and her friends when she comes face to face with him.
Lea Schizas is also the author of the young adult paranormal suspense/thriller, Doorman's Creek, published by eTreasures.com. She has signed two contracts for four new books to be published at the end of 2008, and beginning of 2009. One is the children's picture book series, The Robbie and Katie Adventure Series, and the other is the middle grade chapter book, Bubba and Giganto.
For more information on Lea and her writing career link here:
I asked Lea a ton of questions and I know with her busy schedule and all, I was thankful for her answers to some of the questions. I'm sure there will be other author interviews and I we can all gain some more information about Lea. Here are her answers to my questions:
*When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I always joke that I mistook my mom's umbilical cord for a neat writing implement. So that kinda tells you I've always loved to write. But the first time I knew I wanted to be a writer was when I picked up my very first Superman comic book and realized there was a continuation. I remember thinking that when I wrote a book, I'd make sure never to have "To Be Continued". Yeah, right. Realize now that's what kept me going back and buying more.
*How long does it take you to write a book?
Depending on the peace and quiet and other commitments going on in my life. On the average, I should have one full book, and I mean a novel of over 50,000 words, within six months.
*What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Hectic. Did I mention hectic? I made a decision about three years ago to close my fulltime business and go fulltime as a writer and editor. Haven't regretted that day a minute. The only thing I realized, however, is that I wrote more at work than at home because the peace and quiet factor I mentioned above doesn't exist.
I open my laptop around 7am, sometimes ealier and shut it a bit past midnight. I do spend at least ten full hours on it each day, working on my stuff, editing for publishers or clients, updating my newsletters/sites, or promoting my books.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Writing quirk? Not sure if this is unique or not but I work using what I call my Rotating Disc schedule. I pop in a disc, work on what's on that disc, get a block, plop it at the end of the pack and place a new one. This allows some time before I get back to that disc to refresh and clear my head. All of my writing pieces are worked on and I'm always moving my writing forward.
The biggest quirk however is what I say to myself: Lea, you have one year to live. What should you do to get your books out there? This is a bit morbid but it works for me. Gives me that push I need.
How do books get published?
I'm one of those nutty writers who researches publishers (as most writers should) and then sends a query. I don't stick with one publisher because I like to open up doors to many. This is a goal of mine not only for my books but to also open up possibilities to members in my Muse groups.
*Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
All in my head. There might be a situation around my house that triggers a, "Aha, what a neat storyline to write about." So I would say my nutty kids are my inspiration.
*When did you write your first book and how old were you?
My first writing was in grade six, I was twelve I believe, and I entered a writing competition. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I had won first place. Truly I believed I was going to be given a lecture about appropriate writing for a grade sixer but I guess my twilight thriller scared the judges into naming it a winner.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Going to the movies or watching movies. But there's not enough time because I'm always writing.
What does your family think of your writing?
They feel I spend way too much time adoring my laptop than them. I do, to be honest, but it's an escape, a freedom that I really enjoy. I can't explain to you the tranquility and euphoria that comes over me when I'm writing. Only a writer can truly understand what I'm talking about.
Two of my children write so they are totally supportive. The others get annoyed when their clothes haven't been washed.
*What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
The hurt and meloncholic state you go through saying goodbye to your characters. This really took me by surprise. You connect with these fictional characters to the point you mourn when you pen THE END.
*How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have published two books, four more have been contracted, and I have several books I've co-authored. Each one is different and dear to me but I have to admit The Rock of Realm holds a special place in my heart and Doorman's Creek as well since this latter one was my first screenplay adapted to a book I had ever written.
Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
The best suggestion I can offer, Elysabeth, is to get tough. Many writers out there fall apart when they get a bad review or a bad critique. This is part of the game. Fall apart and you will begin to lose your edge.
Keep two qualitites always close by as your best friends, determination and perseverance. Never give up.
As to becoming a better writer, remember that when you're writing your stories, make sure to bring the action forward, as though watching a movie. Each passage should bring you into the character's plight, into the scenery and setting, as though it's happening right then and there.
*What do you think makes a good story?
When you begin to cry because of what is happening to the character
When you try closing your eyes because you are afraid of what is going to happen
When you jump for joy over a certain passage
All of the above means the writer has been able to write a story that not only shows you his whole world but has successfully brought you, the reader, into his book to feel, taste, see, and hear the surroundings. That is what makes a good story.
*As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? I wanted to be a teacher. But in some ways I guess I am a teacher but of a different sort. I educate by entertaining.

Written by: Lea Schizas
Hardback: 242 pages
Ages: 12 and up
Publisher: Star Publish
ISBN: 1-932993-08-8 (Print Book)
ISBN: 1-932993-09-6 (E-Book) (check Lea's website for availability of ebook)
Publication: March 31, 2005
(Ordering information - where to get Lea's book: Want a read with lots of twists and turns and excitement? Buy THE ROCK OF REALM here:
Print Book Price: $12.95
Barnes and Noble
Amazon CA
Amazon UK
Or just walk into any Borders Bookstore and order it directly. The ROCK OF REALM ISBN # is ISBN: 1932993088)
LEA'S BIO: Lea Schizas is an award-winning author and editor. Her award-winning novel, The Rock of Realm, a young adult fantasy/adventure offers readers a twist to the ordinary perception of 'villain'. The story centers on 14-year-old Alexandra Stone and her discovery that she is the princess to this world she finds herself mysteriously transported to one day along with her best friend and her two pets.
One adventure after another followed with dangerous creatures, the Braks, hot on their tail, Alex needs to overcome her fear and help guide her friends somehow back to their own time. Why her parents never told her about her heritage is always on the forefront until she discovers that her uncle is the mastermind behind her sudden appearance in Rock Kingdom. This enigmatic villain will confuse her to the point of possibly endangering herself and her friends when she comes face to face with him.
Lea Schizas is also the author of the young adult paranormal suspense/thriller, Doorman's Creek, published by eTreasures.com. She has signed two contracts for four new books to be published at the end of 2008, and beginning of 2009. One is the children's picture book series, The Robbie and Katie Adventure Series, and the other is the middle grade chapter book, Bubba and Giganto.
For more information on Lea and her writing career link here:
I asked Lea a ton of questions and I know with her busy schedule and all, I was thankful for her answers to some of the questions. I'm sure there will be other author interviews and I we can all gain some more information about Lea. Here are her answers to my questions:
*When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I always joke that I mistook my mom's umbilical cord for a neat writing implement. So that kinda tells you I've always loved to write. But the first time I knew I wanted to be a writer was when I picked up my very first Superman comic book and realized there was a continuation. I remember thinking that when I wrote a book, I'd make sure never to have "To Be Continued". Yeah, right. Realize now that's what kept me going back and buying more.
*How long does it take you to write a book?
Depending on the peace and quiet and other commitments going on in my life. On the average, I should have one full book, and I mean a novel of over 50,000 words, within six months.
*What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Hectic. Did I mention hectic? I made a decision about three years ago to close my fulltime business and go fulltime as a writer and editor. Haven't regretted that day a minute. The only thing I realized, however, is that I wrote more at work than at home because the peace and quiet factor I mentioned above doesn't exist.
I open my laptop around 7am, sometimes ealier and shut it a bit past midnight. I do spend at least ten full hours on it each day, working on my stuff, editing for publishers or clients, updating my newsletters/sites, or promoting my books.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Writing quirk? Not sure if this is unique or not but I work using what I call my Rotating Disc schedule. I pop in a disc, work on what's on that disc, get a block, plop it at the end of the pack and place a new one. This allows some time before I get back to that disc to refresh and clear my head. All of my writing pieces are worked on and I'm always moving my writing forward.
The biggest quirk however is what I say to myself: Lea, you have one year to live. What should you do to get your books out there? This is a bit morbid but it works for me. Gives me that push I need.
How do books get published?
I'm one of those nutty writers who researches publishers (as most writers should) and then sends a query. I don't stick with one publisher because I like to open up doors to many. This is a goal of mine not only for my books but to also open up possibilities to members in my Muse groups.
*Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
All in my head. There might be a situation around my house that triggers a, "Aha, what a neat storyline to write about." So I would say my nutty kids are my inspiration.
*When did you write your first book and how old were you?
My first writing was in grade six, I was twelve I believe, and I entered a writing competition. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I had won first place. Truly I believed I was going to be given a lecture about appropriate writing for a grade sixer but I guess my twilight thriller scared the judges into naming it a winner.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Going to the movies or watching movies. But there's not enough time because I'm always writing.
What does your family think of your writing?
They feel I spend way too much time adoring my laptop than them. I do, to be honest, but it's an escape, a freedom that I really enjoy. I can't explain to you the tranquility and euphoria that comes over me when I'm writing. Only a writer can truly understand what I'm talking about.
Two of my children write so they are totally supportive. The others get annoyed when their clothes haven't been washed.
*What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
The hurt and meloncholic state you go through saying goodbye to your characters. This really took me by surprise. You connect with these fictional characters to the point you mourn when you pen THE END.
*How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have published two books, four more have been contracted, and I have several books I've co-authored. Each one is different and dear to me but I have to admit The Rock of Realm holds a special place in my heart and Doorman's Creek as well since this latter one was my first screenplay adapted to a book I had ever written.
Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
The best suggestion I can offer, Elysabeth, is to get tough. Many writers out there fall apart when they get a bad review or a bad critique. This is part of the game. Fall apart and you will begin to lose your edge.
Keep two qualitites always close by as your best friends, determination and perseverance. Never give up.
As to becoming a better writer, remember that when you're writing your stories, make sure to bring the action forward, as though watching a movie. Each passage should bring you into the character's plight, into the scenery and setting, as though it's happening right then and there.
*What do you think makes a good story?
When you begin to cry because of what is happening to the character
When you try closing your eyes because you are afraid of what is going to happen
When you jump for joy over a certain passage
All of the above means the writer has been able to write a story that not only shows you his whole world but has successfully brought you, the reader, into his book to feel, taste, see, and hear the surroundings. That is what makes a good story.
*As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? I wanted to be a teacher. But in some ways I guess I am a teacher but of a different sort. I educate by entertaining.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Puppies - five left to give away
Friday, I had to rescue a friend whose car broke down (she has no luck with investing in decent cars that will last any length of time) and she had already spoken for one of the puppies (she had asked for a female that looked like Scoobee if there were any, so I was going to give her the blonde looking one but when we came to the house, she decided she wanted the calico looking one and the runt - both females).
When we took the puppies out to take to their new home, I noticed one of the puppies was acting kind of funny, walking around or not really and kind of hunched over. Yesterday evening when I got home from the volunteer meeting and Benjamin was checking on them, he told me the puppy was in the corner just kind of not doing anything, so we took the puppy out and bathed it and put it in the spot where they had been born. When I took Hailie to church this morning, I found the puppy dead under the bay window, so he is now with his mama. May he rest in peace.

I've been asked to put pics of the puppies on my blog and the camera is being flaky - not wanting to download to my computer from the camera directly and with the kids' computer not in working commission, hard to get the pics here - so took some pictures today and went to CVS and printed out from the memory card. There are no recent pics of the runt or calico (Queenie and Callie, as named by their new owners). Here are the rest including the two we are keeping.
They all have temporary nicknames - Scoobee Junior or Porky (He will be confused because he was the biggest and looks like his daddy - so he will probably be called all names; and Ragal - she calls this one Einstein because when he was a couple of weeks old, he was crawling under the blanket to keep warm so she thinks he's very smart - lol), Oddball or cow dog (he's also been called Oreo), Reeses dog, Blondie (she's kind of tannish gray), the black female with no markings on her, and Scrappy Junior who is a smaller version of Scoobee Junior and so in honor of the cartoon shows - he gets the junior tag. There is a male calico looking pup but he is not as prominently calicoed as the female was. No nickname for him and no name that I know of - the one that passed didn't have a name either.
Hope you enjoy the pics - see you all in the postings - E :)
Scoobee Junior or Porky Pig - dang dog probably eats all the puppies' food and that's why some are so skinny.
This is the other one we are keeping. We think that the hound dog that showed up on our property at Thanksgiving had to contribute some since this one looks like him and is definitely the oddball puppy.
This one looks like a Reese's cup apparently - like chocolate and peanut butter - so thus the nickname.
You can't really see her body too well but she is more a tannish gray silver color.
This one is not named but the other female we have here - she is the solid black one.
This is the other one that looks like Scoobee but he is definitely smaller than Junior up there -
This was the mixed male - the female was more like a calico cat with the brown and black coloring -
Long post but lots to say about the pups and posting all their pics - see you all in the postings - E :)
When we took the puppies out to take to their new home, I noticed one of the puppies was acting kind of funny, walking around or not really and kind of hunched over. Yesterday evening when I got home from the volunteer meeting and Benjamin was checking on them, he told me the puppy was in the corner just kind of not doing anything, so we took the puppy out and bathed it and put it in the spot where they had been born. When I took Hailie to church this morning, I found the puppy dead under the bay window, so he is now with his mama. May he rest in peace.

I've been asked to put pics of the puppies on my blog and the camera is being flaky - not wanting to download to my computer from the camera directly and with the kids' computer not in working commission, hard to get the pics here - so took some pictures today and went to CVS and printed out from the memory card. There are no recent pics of the runt or calico (Queenie and Callie, as named by their new owners). Here are the rest including the two we are keeping.
They all have temporary nicknames - Scoobee Junior or Porky (He will be confused because he was the biggest and looks like his daddy - so he will probably be called all names; and Ragal - she calls this one Einstein because when he was a couple of weeks old, he was crawling under the blanket to keep warm so she thinks he's very smart - lol), Oddball or cow dog (he's also been called Oreo), Reeses dog, Blondie (she's kind of tannish gray), the black female with no markings on her, and Scrappy Junior who is a smaller version of Scoobee Junior and so in honor of the cartoon shows - he gets the junior tag. There is a male calico looking pup but he is not as prominently calicoed as the female was. No nickname for him and no name that I know of - the one that passed didn't have a name either.
Hope you enjoy the pics - see you all in the postings - E :)

Long post but lots to say about the pups and posting all their pics - see you all in the postings - E :)
Friday, February 15, 2008
marketing post and webinar
I just checked my publisher's blog and found this article on marketing. Lacresha is hosting a webinar on marketing next week - details
below, posted with permission (and I apologize if Lacresha has
already posted this but I haven't seen it and figured I'd give it a
Living Waters Publishing Company is pleased to announce that
we are sponsoring our 12th Book Marketing seminar, but this time,
due to popular demand and to make it more affordable for our
participants, we will have it online!
From February 19-21, we will host more than 12,000 participants in
our exclusive marketing webinar. Each session will be one hour.
Our topics include:
Preparing your book for marketing before it's published (R)
How to create or dominate a niche market (B)
Getting the important reviews and maximizing their potential (R)
Obtaining shelf space and prime placement in bookstores (R)
Improving Amazon placement and rankings (B)
Targeting television and radio interviewers (G)
Selling out during book tours (B)
How to guarantee your book gets some media attention (R)
The power of direct mail (B)
How to tell if your book could make a good movie or cartoon (G)
How to tell if your book should be in multiple formats (G)
Following up with latter books that breathe life back into the first
ones (G)
The red denotes session one, blue for session two and green for
session 3. On Saturday, February 23, we will have all three
sessions, 1 hour each with a 45 minute break in between each
session. Please see the schedule below.
Session 1 ~ Tuesday, Feb. 19th from 8pm-9pm CST, Saturday, Feb. 23rd
at 10am CST (R)
Session 2 ~ Wednesday, Feb. 20th from 7pm-8pm CST, Saturday, Feb.
23rd at 11:45am CST (B)
Session 3 ~ Thursday, Feb. 21st from 7pm-8pm CST, Saturday, Feb.
23rd at 1:30pm CST (G)
Registration is required and will be taken from now through February
19 at 3pm. We will give away 2 books for each session and 3 total on
Saturday, for a total of 9 books. We will also giveaway one grand
prize: a $50 Walmart gift card, to be annouced on Saturday night!
The cost is $25 per person per session, or $68 for all three or the
Saturday sessions
The cost for all Living Waters authors is $15 per person per
session, or $39 for all three or the Saturday sessions.
All payment must be made with your credit or debit card. For more
information, or to sign up for registration, please contact me,
Lacresha Hayes, at preacha1975@yahoo.com
Hope you all get a chance to check it out or at least pass the word
on to those who don't know much about marketing and where to start.
This looks like it will be an informative seminar and that it should
be well worth the money. I can't attend but would like to although
I think I have a leg up on marketing already since my first story
hasn't even come out yet and I'm already promoting my books - and
getting lots of great feedback about how the idea sounds so good and
will work- Watch out ya'll, I'm a marketing hound - lol - Junior
Geography Detective Squad series coming soon to a bookshelf near
you - see you all in the postings - E :)
below, posted with permission (and I apologize if Lacresha has
already posted this but I haven't seen it and figured I'd give it a
Living Waters Publishing Company is pleased to announce that
we are sponsoring our 12th Book Marketing seminar, but this time,
due to popular demand and to make it more affordable for our
participants, we will have it online!
From February 19-21, we will host more than 12,000 participants in
our exclusive marketing webinar. Each session will be one hour.
Our topics include:
Preparing your book for marketing before it's published (R)
How to create or dominate a niche market (B)
Getting the important reviews and maximizing their potential (R)
Obtaining shelf space and prime placement in bookstores (R)
Improving Amazon placement and rankings (B)
Targeting television and radio interviewers (G)
Selling out during book tours (B)
How to guarantee your book gets some media attention (R)
The power of direct mail (B)
How to tell if your book could make a good movie or cartoon (G)
How to tell if your book should be in multiple formats (G)
Following up with latter books that breathe life back into the first
ones (G)
The red denotes session one, blue for session two and green for
session 3. On Saturday, February 23, we will have all three
sessions, 1 hour each with a 45 minute break in between each
session. Please see the schedule below.
Session 1 ~ Tuesday, Feb. 19th from 8pm-9pm CST, Saturday, Feb. 23rd
at 10am CST (R)
Session 2 ~ Wednesday, Feb. 20th from 7pm-8pm CST, Saturday, Feb.
23rd at 11:45am CST (B)
Session 3 ~ Thursday, Feb. 21st from 7pm-8pm CST, Saturday, Feb.
23rd at 1:30pm CST (G)
Registration is required and will be taken from now through February
19 at 3pm. We will give away 2 books for each session and 3 total on
Saturday, for a total of 9 books. We will also giveaway one grand
prize: a $50 Walmart gift card, to be annouced on Saturday night!
The cost is $25 per person per session, or $68 for all three or the
Saturday sessions
The cost for all Living Waters authors is $15 per person per
session, or $39 for all three or the Saturday sessions.
All payment must be made with your credit or debit card. For more
information, or to sign up for registration, please contact me,
Lacresha Hayes, at preacha1975@yahoo.com
Hope you all get a chance to check it out or at least pass the word
on to those who don't know much about marketing and where to start.
This looks like it will be an informative seminar and that it should
be well worth the money. I can't attend but would like to although
I think I have a leg up on marketing already since my first story
hasn't even come out yet and I'm already promoting my books - and
getting lots of great feedback about how the idea sounds so good and
will work- Watch out ya'll, I'm a marketing hound - lol - Junior
Geography Detective Squad series coming soon to a bookshelf near
you - see you all in the postings - E :)
Monday, February 11, 2008
What does your name mean?
I found this on Write Here ... Write Now forum postings and thought it was interesting. So what does your name mean?
I don't agree with everything here but some aspects of this are true. I dare you to see what your name means - see you in the postings - E :)
What Elysabeth Means |
![]() You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. |
I don't agree with everything here but some aspects of this are true. I dare you to see what your name means - see you in the postings - E :)
Lea Shizas's virtual book tour

February 4th - Donna McDine's blog - stop by today and leave a question or comment for Lea.
February 7th Jan Verhoeff's blog
February 10th Make Your First Million Online promotional website
February 11th book review Donna McDine's blog
February 13th: Beverly M's gather spot
February 18th: Elysabeth's Emerald City -- book review
February 20th- Vivian Zabel's blogs: interview
Vivian Zabel's blog
Vivian Zabel's journal
Vivian Zabel's blog365 spot on ning.com
Vivian Zabel's myspace
February 23 Ashley Ladd's writing blog
Feb. 26 Beverly M's gather spot
February 28th- Joyce Anthony’s Books and Authors Blog: Joyce Anthony's getting to know an author blog
February 29th- Joyce Anthony’s chat room- details on time to be scheduled
So come by any of the above mentioned blogs or websites and see what lea has in store for you throughout the month.
Read an ebook week - March 2-8

I don't have an ebook out still (did have two of them out last year but they are no longer available due to a disagreement between the publisher and me). If I still had an ebook available, I would definitely promote it and probably run some contests as well (as Heather is doing).
I know a lot of folks say that they prefer paper books but think of the advantages of not having to drive to the store to get the book; having something ready when you are to read. In this day and age when we are all a bit more environmentally conscious, we must do our part. So pick your ebooks to read and join the national read an ebook week March 2 through 8.
MURDER FOR HIRE: The Peruvian Pigeon review
It's been three weeks since I hosted Dana Fredsti's blog tour and just two weeks since I received my copy of the book. I didn't get to start reading right away but I did finally get to read her book. I must say for someone who has never read The Maltese Falcon, I found that the story came across quite well. I could tell from reading that it was a spoof and that references were made to the movie and even parts of the book.
I was so engrossed in the humor and writing that I forgot a murder had taken place at the very beginning of the story. I think I was about a fourth of the way into the book before I thought to myself that there should have been a murder by now (and yes, had one of those Duh! moments).
The humor and interaction of the characters was spot on. Even though there were several characters at any given moment to keep track of, I never got them confused.
The first murder happened and then I was drawn into the story that when a second murder happened, I was kind of shocked (in a good way). Ms. Fredsti definitely has a way of surprising the reader and yet keep the story light-hearted and entertaining.
If you are a fan of The Maltese Falcon and would like a fun read, I suggest you pick up a copy of MURDER FOR HIRE: The Peruvian Pigeon today.
I look forward to the next MURDER FOR HIRE story to come out.
I was so engrossed in the humor and writing that I forgot a murder had taken place at the very beginning of the story. I think I was about a fourth of the way into the book before I thought to myself that there should have been a murder by now (and yes, had one of those Duh! moments).
The humor and interaction of the characters was spot on. Even though there were several characters at any given moment to keep track of, I never got them confused.
The first murder happened and then I was drawn into the story that when a second murder happened, I was kind of shocked (in a good way). Ms. Fredsti definitely has a way of surprising the reader and yet keep the story light-hearted and entertaining.
If you are a fan of The Maltese Falcon and would like a fun read, I suggest you pick up a copy of MURDER FOR HIRE: The Peruvian Pigeon today.
I look forward to the next MURDER FOR HIRE story to come out.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Spazy Taz is gone

A sad day for the family and I pray my kids did not see her but apparently Spazy was killed sometime between the time Bill left for work last night and the time he got home this morning. I didn't hear her barking up a storm like usual last night and he came in and said I didn't have to worry about her any more because she was dead, right at the end of the driveway - and the kids have to go to the end of the driveway to catch the bus and I pray they didn't see her this morning. I'm sure if they had seen her, they would have run back in to let me know, but because they were just getting out there in time for the bus, maybe not.
The pups are six weeks old today and even though she has not really been tending to them of late, they no longer have a mother. Their father wasn't around when they were born, so now they only have us. Thank goodness we had put them in the fencing a couple of weeks ago. Spazy will be missed even though she was so spastic and hyper (I think she was still a pup herself and then to have 10 puppies - well 11 were born in the litter and 10 survived - to take care of didn't help her).
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