Sunday, March 25, 2012

This and That

Week ending March 24 - no sales. I don't have much to report this week since it's been a slow week. I have had lots of hits on my websites over the last few days - 52 one day on one site; 30 on the same day on the other; 40 something one day on one of them. I keep hoping those are hits from the SCASL and that they will turn into sales or that I'll go to the post office and find some orders there but alas, none so far.

Tomorrow, my guest will be Elizabeth Craig Spann/Riley Adams, author of at least three different mystery series, and Wednesday Shelley Stout, author of Radium Halos will be making an appearance. I think I have something scheduled for Thursday and will resume my normal schedule next week. This cold/cough has been hanging on for almost a month now although it has gotten better and of course now that spring is here, my allergies are acting up. See you all in the postings - E :)


Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged. Just keep writing. The sales will come.

elysabeth said...

Thanks, Susanne. I know I need to keep writing but the discouraging part is you pour yourself into the stories and then pour even that much more and tons of other things into promoting your stories and nothing comes of it. It almost makes one want to throw in the towel and say enough. But alas, I'm not a quitter and I hope to one day be able to quit my day job so I can travel to all the states and have my writing support me so I must keep going. Thanks for the words of encouragement - E :)