Thursday, December 29, 2011

6 Degrees Reading Challenge

I found out about this challenge from Priscilla the Great's blog who found it on Ren's All By Myshelf blog. The challenge sounds pretty cool. I've signed up but haven't picked out my books yet. Getting books connected is the biggest challenge. For the complete challenge and rules, please drop by Ren's blog and see if this is something you would be interested in. If so, I'd appreciate it if you would link back to my blog as well as Ren's blog (like I did with how I found the challenge - first on Priscilla the Great's blog, taking me to Ren's blog). Happy reading - let the challenge begin - E :)

(Example of connected books from Ren's blog):

Make a list of at least 6 books, connected by similar themes, covers, characters, etc. Just make sure the books have unique connections. In other words, you can't just read 6 books that have similar covers, or all have a character named Amy. Here's an example (part of my 2011 list):

{based in a prison}
{arranged marriage}
{scheduled deaths}
The Giver
{drowning victim}
Generation Dead
{undead character}
Once Dead, Twice Shy

You get the picture.


Priscilla TheGreat said...

I still don't know what books I'm going to read. I think I'm going to sit down and choose all my 2012 challenges tomorrow and decide which books. So far the only books I know I'll be reading in 2012 is your book Finally Home and Hunger Games. I also want to read Across the Universe and Pride and Popularity. I don't know how to connect those.

Ren @ All By Myshelf said...

Thanks so much for signing up! Good luck with the challenge! =)

elysabeth said...

Thanks for stopping by, Ren. I don't know which books I'll read for the challenge yet either but I think I got Prissy started on connecting her books somehow. The challenge for me is more deciding what to read since I've been reading so much and so many different genres lately. I'll post my reads when I've got it figured out. Good luck to everyone who decides to take the challenge - E :)