Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fantasy Book Team?

As a member of the SCBWI-Carolinas group, I'm still lurking but occasionally will see a post I respond to. We have some pretty cool authors in the group and hopefully I get to meet a good many of them at the conference in September. I already know Carol so that will be one person I know for sure. On our little yahoo forum yesterday, Beth Revis posted her "fantasy book team" from a cover of fellow author Alan Gratz who just shared his Fantasy Baseball cover with the group (click on Alan's name for his fun elevator pitch/blurb about the book). Click on Beth's name and read her "fantasy book team" posting and post your own fantasy book team either in her comments section or on your own blog and post your link in the comments for everyone to read. She will feature the best one on her blog in the near future. I might think about posting a "fantasy book team" here but at the moment I can't even think of any characters I'd want for heros, heroines, villians, let alone a plot and setting - have fun with it - see you all in the postings - E :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for plugging this! :)

elysabeth said...

No problem, Beth. I tried to get my friend to participate but she said it doesn't sound like fun. Granted it will take some time to come up with a fantasy book team but I think it would be a great workshop for kids especially - E :)

VS Grenier said...

Very cool. Thanks for sharing. If I had the time, I would join in the fun. But right now, I'm pretty busy with a few other things. I hope other will join in though.