Sunday, April 04, 2010

Poetry anyone?

April is National Poetry Month. Follow me in four days for Author and Poet, Peggy Fieland, who will be sharing an article she wrote specifically for this month and one of her poems.

I dare you to write a poem after reading the article - Mrs. E :)

Books, Authors and Info! Join us during April.


Vivian Zabel said...

Thanks, Peggy, for promoting poetry. I write poetry, have all my life, but so many people can't or don't see the worth and beauty.

You did well, Elysabeth, to allow Peggy to share with us.

elysabeth said...

Thanks, Vivian. It's fun promoting other types of writers. See you in the postings - E :)

Margaret Fieland said...

Elysabeth, thanks for having me.
