Thursday, August 10, 2006


It seems that school was just out yesterday and here we are already back in August and school going full force. Daughter is in the marching band again this year; her picture was in the local paper last week - she is playing the tuba which she hates. Son is taking up the sax for band and wants to do marching band next year - so I'll have both of them in at the same time next summer (oy!!!) -- Oldest son is taking a break from classes this semester but still plugging on with his arts and creativity.

Work is going well, trudging along as long as the computers don't explode any more (I've been with this company now a month and a few days and since beginning I've had four computers and an extra power supply (making 5 total) die/crash/burn up on me - apparently it was a wiring problem in my house with the hot and neutral wires being interchanged) and I keep getting good lines and reports - not that I've had any bad ones so far because there are no foreign doctors.

Writing wise, I've fallen way behind in that as I have had no desire, no interest, nothing to drive forth any stories whatsoever. I did enter another one of the 24-hour contests in July but then again, it was very short and I probably could have expanded on the story some and made it better so I'm not holding my breath on winning anything on that. The next one is September 23, and I'll probably enter that one too (anyone want to join me, the website is - -- hope to see you all then -

happy writing, keep on doing the things you do - E :)

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