It's time for another free workshop put on by members of the Writers on the Move group. Remember if you are looking at creating ebooks and ways to distribute them and get your name out there, this is the one for you.
The next Writers on the Move Workshop will be in a LIVE hour long chat format, scheduled for June 24th at 7pm EST (U.S. time). Karen Cioffi will talk about How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It .
Title: How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It
Time: 7pm, EST (U.S.)
Presenter: Karen Cioffi
Moderator: Maggie Ball
Chat Copier: Elysabeth Eldering
Length: 1 hour
If you’d like to attend this free 1 hour workshop, you will need to register. Please send an email to Karen at: karencioffi (at) ymail (dot) com and put "Workshop" in the subject box.
Upon registration, you will be give the information to access the chat and an e-book:
How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It
A bit about the workshop:
E-books are an amazing product that has multiple uses. And, it can be created at no cost, or for a very minimal amount. What else can you create that costs only your time and effort, and sells for whatever the market is willing to pay?
There aren’t many products that fall under that category. And, along with the ‘right price,’ e-books are easy to produce.
Workshop topics:
1. Creating an eBook: 5 Simple Steps
2. Offering an eBook for Free
3. Offering an eBook for Sale
4. About the ISBN, Copyright, and Creative Common License Info
5. Promotion Tips and Article Links
This workshop will give you the know-how to actually create your own ebook. And, all registered attendees will be given a 19 page ebook: How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It. This is an easy to follow guide covering all the topics of the workshop.
Hopefully, you will get a chance to create your own ebook and then let us know how you made out in the workshop. It will also give you a chance to think of questions to help you get the most out of the workshop.
In case you can’t make the actual workshop, hopefully we will be able to get a transcript of the chat and provide it to any registered attendee who requests it.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The group will be taking a ONE month hiatus for the summer, but we'll be back in August with a workshop presented by Maggie Ball on how to set up a paypal BUY BUTTON.
We'll have the details available for the August workshop sometime in July.
We hope you find the information we provide valuable in your writing and marketing journey.
If you have any problems, you can contact Karen at: karencioffi (at) ymail (dot) com
If you can't make the workshop but would like the information, check the Writers On the Move blog for availability of the transcript from the chat as well as the ebook. Karen will post the details of how to purchase as soon as she can. See you all there - E :)
A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Guest Blogger - Kevin McNamee
Today we welcome Kevin McNamee, who will be talking about his children’s picture book, What Is That Thing?

Kevin McNamee is a writer and poet living in Yonkers, NY. He mostly writes for the children’s market. Kevin’s published work includes the picture books, If I Could Be Anything, The Sister Exchange, Lightning Strikes, The Soggy Town of Hilltop and What Is That Thing?
Kevin’s poetry has been published in the collection, An Eyeball in My Garden: And Other Spine-Tingling Poems. Other titles coming soon by Kevin include My Brother, the Frog, Papa’s Suns, Just for Today, and more.
Kevin, what is this book about?
Jenna has a vivid imagination. When a new baby comes into the house, she uses her imagination to try and figure out this new person in her life. Finally, she realizes that she doesn’t need to use her imagination. Things are fine just the way they are.
Why did you write this book?
A new baby is a big enough adjustment for adults and children alike. There may be children in the house who are struggling with the changing family dynamics. I wanted to find a child-friendly way to help with that adjustment and to help calm any fears that might arise from having a new brother or sister.
Do you think this book can help?
Yes, I do. To be unsure of the unknown is a common and normal reaction to big changes. I wanted to both validate a child’s sense of uncertainty and to show that change, especially when it comes to having a new brother or sister, isn’t a bad thing. I think this book accomplishes that in a way that children can understand.
What was the hardest thing about writing this picture book?
I had a hard time with this book during the editing process. This book has three separate imaginary episodes that are completely different from each other. Yet one scene flows directly into the other. I wanted to make sure that the reader would be able to follow the story from scene to scene. This is really where the other half of a picture book becomes so important, the artwork. K.C. Snider’s illustrations did an excellent job of bridging any gaps. The artwork blends the real and imaginary worlds together beautifully. The end result was a delightful picture book that educates, entertains, and hopefully solves a problem.
Is there anything else that you would like to add?I really wanted to write a book that is both useful and entertaining. I hope you and your child have fun reading this. If you find that this book has helped, please let me know. I love getting feedback like that.

What Is That Thing?
by Kevin McNamee.
Illustrations by K.C. Snider
Print ISBN: 978-1-61633-141-2; 1616331410
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61633-142-9; 1616331429
It’s an alien from outer space! … It’s a strange and smelly creature! … It’s a mysterious, roaring animal! … It’s my baby sister?!
Jenna uses her imagination to understand this new person in her life. When she finally sees things as they are, will Jenna like what she sees?

What Others Are Saying
“I recommend the book to any child who has younger siblings or is about to accept the arrival of a new sibling. They will be able to laugh and also accept the little being into their lives, and even be very happy and enriched by the new little baby sister or brother.” – Stories for Children Magazine
“McNamee has done a great job of capturing what the experience of having a new sibling can be like.
Illustrator K.C. Snider provided colorful pictures that show both Jenna's imaginary adventures and the real world in a cute way.” - Janet Ann Collins - On Words
“This cute and heartwarming story should be read to all children who already have or are about to have a new addition to their family.
Further value is added by the award-winning artist K.C. Snider, who elevates the story with her top-notch illustrations.” -
“In this delightful new story from talented poet and writer, Kevin McNamee, we see him doing what he does best–create a story that youngsters will love … What Is That Thing? would make a perfect gift for the little girl who is going to be a big sister soon.” - Children's and Teens' Book Connection
This book is available as a print book, a downloadable e-book, or a book on CD from Guardian Publishing.
Books are also available from,, or ask your local bookstore.
To find out more about Kevin, please visit his website or visit his blog
You can also find Kevin on Facebook.
Kevin is also on Linked-In and Twitter, but he doesn’t tweet too much.

Kevin McNamee is a writer and poet living in Yonkers, NY. He mostly writes for the children’s market. Kevin’s published work includes the picture books, If I Could Be Anything, The Sister Exchange, Lightning Strikes, The Soggy Town of Hilltop and What Is That Thing?
Kevin’s poetry has been published in the collection, An Eyeball in My Garden: And Other Spine-Tingling Poems. Other titles coming soon by Kevin include My Brother, the Frog, Papa’s Suns, Just for Today, and more.
Kevin, what is this book about?
Jenna has a vivid imagination. When a new baby comes into the house, she uses her imagination to try and figure out this new person in her life. Finally, she realizes that she doesn’t need to use her imagination. Things are fine just the way they are.
Why did you write this book?
A new baby is a big enough adjustment for adults and children alike. There may be children in the house who are struggling with the changing family dynamics. I wanted to find a child-friendly way to help with that adjustment and to help calm any fears that might arise from having a new brother or sister.
Do you think this book can help?
Yes, I do. To be unsure of the unknown is a common and normal reaction to big changes. I wanted to both validate a child’s sense of uncertainty and to show that change, especially when it comes to having a new brother or sister, isn’t a bad thing. I think this book accomplishes that in a way that children can understand.
What was the hardest thing about writing this picture book?
I had a hard time with this book during the editing process. This book has three separate imaginary episodes that are completely different from each other. Yet one scene flows directly into the other. I wanted to make sure that the reader would be able to follow the story from scene to scene. This is really where the other half of a picture book becomes so important, the artwork. K.C. Snider’s illustrations did an excellent job of bridging any gaps. The artwork blends the real and imaginary worlds together beautifully. The end result was a delightful picture book that educates, entertains, and hopefully solves a problem.
Is there anything else that you would like to add?I really wanted to write a book that is both useful and entertaining. I hope you and your child have fun reading this. If you find that this book has helped, please let me know. I love getting feedback like that.

What Is That Thing?
by Kevin McNamee.
Illustrations by K.C. Snider
Print ISBN: 978-1-61633-141-2; 1616331410
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61633-142-9; 1616331429
It’s an alien from outer space! … It’s a strange and smelly creature! … It’s a mysterious, roaring animal! … It’s my baby sister?!
Jenna uses her imagination to understand this new person in her life. When she finally sees things as they are, will Jenna like what she sees?

What Others Are Saying
“I recommend the book to any child who has younger siblings or is about to accept the arrival of a new sibling. They will be able to laugh and also accept the little being into their lives, and even be very happy and enriched by the new little baby sister or brother.” – Stories for Children Magazine
“McNamee has done a great job of capturing what the experience of having a new sibling can be like.
Illustrator K.C. Snider provided colorful pictures that show both Jenna's imaginary adventures and the real world in a cute way.” - Janet Ann Collins - On Words
“This cute and heartwarming story should be read to all children who already have or are about to have a new addition to their family.
Further value is added by the award-winning artist K.C. Snider, who elevates the story with her top-notch illustrations.” -
“In this delightful new story from talented poet and writer, Kevin McNamee, we see him doing what he does best–create a story that youngsters will love … What Is That Thing? would make a perfect gift for the little girl who is going to be a big sister soon.” - Children's and Teens' Book Connection
This book is available as a print book, a downloadable e-book, or a book on CD from Guardian Publishing.
Books are also available from,, or ask your local bookstore.
To find out more about Kevin, please visit his website or visit his blog
You can also find Kevin on Facebook.
Kevin is also on Linked-In and Twitter, but he doesn’t tweet too much.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Featured guest on Stephen Tremp's blog
Today, I'm the featured guest on Stephen Tremp's blog with an article on study guides. Please stop by and leave a comment or question and make my birthday a fun one - E :)
Friday, June 03, 2011
Writers on the Move tour stop

This is our last month for blog tours with the Writers on the Move tour group; on my birthday, Sunday, June 5, I will be a guest blogger on Steven Tremp's blog. Come stop by and see what all I have to say about study guides. :)
Don't worry that this is Writers on the Move last blog tour, we will be back in the fall with some exciting happenings. After this month (see tour schedule on sidebar), we will take a couple of months off and will come back with more free workshops and other things. After all, we are a promotional group and believe that paying it forward works well. See ya'll in the postings - E :)
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Writers on the Move ebook

Writers on the Move offers more freebies (see side bar to pick your gift for stopping by and visiting)
For more from Writers on the Move, please visit our blog.
Spring 2011: A Compilation of Writing and Marketing Articles
We're so pleased to announce that Writers on the Move has its first FREE ebook on the site. Just look on the right sidebar "Free Gifts" and click away!
This ebook has been in the works for several months as a thank you to our readers and visitors.
The ebook consists of contributions from a number of members for a compilation of writing and marketing articles that will hopefully help you in your writing and marketing endeavors.
In the works is another ebook that will highlight members' fiction writing; one on general nonfiction (an eclectic grouping of children, animal, environmental articles, and more); and another focusing on poetry.
Aside from being informative and/or entertaining, the ebooks are intended to offer an example of teamwork, creating an ebook, writing tips, marketing tips, fiction and nonfiction writing, and poetry.
We hope you find them useful and/or entertaining.
We'd love to know what you think of this first ebook, so if you get a chance please leave a comment.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Writers on the Move free workshop for June
For those of you interested in creating your own ebook and what to do with it once you've created it, Writers on the Move has a workshop just for you. Coming June 24, 2011, at 7 PM ET (US time), held in the Writers on the Move everywherechat chat room. Details of workshop are below:
The next Writers on the Move Workshop will be a LIVE hour long chat format, scheduled for June 24th at 7pm EST (U.S. time). Karen Cioffi will talk about How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It .
Title: How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It
Time: 7pm, EST
Presenter: Karen Cioffi
Moderator: Maggie Ball
Chat Copier: Elysabeth Eldering
Length: 1 hour
If you’d like to attend this free 1 hour workshop, you will need to register. Please send an email to Karen at: karencioffi (at) ymail (dot) com and put "Workshop" in the subject box.
Upon registration, you will be given the information to access the chat and an e-book:
How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It
A bit about the workshop:
E-books are an amazing product that has multiple uses. And, it can be created at no cost, or for a very minimal amount. What else can you create that costs only your time and effort, and sells for whatever the market is willing to pay?
There aren’t many products that fall under that category. And, along with the ‘right price,’ e-books are easy to produce.
Workshop topics:
1. Creating an eBook: 5 Simple Steps
2. Offering an eBook for Free
3. Offering an eBook for Sale
4. About the ISBN, Copyright, and Creative Common License Info
5. Promotion Tips and Article Links
This workshop will give you the know-how to actually create your own ebook. And, all registered attendees will be given a 19 page ebook: How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It. This is an easy to follow guide covering all the topics of the workshop.
Hopefully, you will get a chance to create your own ebook and then let us know how you made out in the workshop. It will also give you a chance to think of questions to help you get the most out of the workshop.
In case you can’t make the actual workshop, hopefully we will be able to get a transcript of the chat and provide it to any registered attendee who requests it.
Hope to see you all there. The next workshop will be in September, presented by myself and Nancy Famolari on self-publishing through - we have a plethora of information to pass on to you. It will be a 90-minute workshop with handouts. More in August about where to register and how to get handouts.
The next Writers on the Move Workshop will be a LIVE hour long chat format, scheduled for June 24th at 7pm EST (U.S. time). Karen Cioffi will talk about How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It .
Title: How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It
Time: 7pm, EST
Presenter: Karen Cioffi
Moderator: Maggie Ball
Chat Copier: Elysabeth Eldering
Length: 1 hour
If you’d like to attend this free 1 hour workshop, you will need to register. Please send an email to Karen at: karencioffi (at) ymail (dot) com and put "Workshop" in the subject box.
Upon registration, you will be given the information to access the chat and an e-book:
How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It
A bit about the workshop:
E-books are an amazing product that has multiple uses. And, it can be created at no cost, or for a very minimal amount. What else can you create that costs only your time and effort, and sells for whatever the market is willing to pay?
There aren’t many products that fall under that category. And, along with the ‘right price,’ e-books are easy to produce.
Workshop topics:
1. Creating an eBook: 5 Simple Steps
2. Offering an eBook for Free
3. Offering an eBook for Sale
4. About the ISBN, Copyright, and Creative Common License Info
5. Promotion Tips and Article Links
This workshop will give you the know-how to actually create your own ebook. And, all registered attendees will be given a 19 page ebook: How to Create an eBook and What You Can do With It. This is an easy to follow guide covering all the topics of the workshop.
Hopefully, you will get a chance to create your own ebook and then let us know how you made out in the workshop. It will also give you a chance to think of questions to help you get the most out of the workshop.
In case you can’t make the actual workshop, hopefully we will be able to get a transcript of the chat and provide it to any registered attendee who requests it.
Hope to see you all there. The next workshop will be in September, presented by myself and Nancy Famolari on self-publishing through - we have a plethora of information to pass on to you. It will be a 90-minute workshop with handouts. More in August about where to register and how to get handouts.
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