Free article by Susan Black
While it remains unlikely that the day will ever come when traditional books become an entirely redundant concept, more and more modern consumers and professionals across the board are turning to eReaders for the lion’s share of their literary pursuits. Thankfully, the demand has resulted in more choices coming onto the market than ever before and with enormous value for money, though for those approaching the subject for the very first time, a little apprehension and confusion is inevitable.
However, the market can be immediately narrowed down to the three key players of the moment to ease the matter somewhat – those being Amazon, Barnes & Noble and somewhat trailing in the rear Sony. That being said, for every high quality eReader there is also a tablet PC alternative, all of which now feature eReading functions as standard.
So, the question therefore is not only which eReader to choose, but whether to choose an eReader in the first play or go for a fully functional tablet PC. There are hundreds of guides available for each and every option online, though the following is a brief look into some of the most important considerations to help those who really have no idea where to start.
1 – Are you looking for reading alone or something entirely more versatile?
Once this particular question has been answered it is effectively simple to cut the available options in half right down the middle. Ask and establish in all honesty exactly what is to be got out of the purchase as a whole, whether it be the reading of books alone, the inclusion of magazines and newspapers, internet browsing capabilities, multimedia options and so on.
If the answer comes out as reading alone which includes magazines and newspapers than an eReader would indeed prove the most sensible option. This would essentially mean a price somewhere around the $120 mark rather than $500 – with each additional feature translating as a higher purchase cost. Of course, there is always something of a middle ground option provided by Barnes & Noble by way of the Nook Color, which sports a touch-screen and a number of tablet style features for around the $250 mark. Establish what the primary function of the device should be and the decision as to which end of the market to look into is made naturally.
2 – Screen Type
There are two primary screen types to choose from in the world of the standard eReader, both of which offer their own unique merits:
E-ink – This is the option that comes about as close to the standard printed page as is ever likely to prove possible on a digital device. Models of the Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook and countless others all feature an e-ink screen, which do a truly stunning job of recreating the traditional reading experience. Furthermore, an e-ink screen can be read even in direct sunlight with little to no glare or reflection. The main drawback for e-ink comes by the way of purely black and white content, along with fairly restricted versatility and page-load speeds.
LCD – The alternative option is the bright, backlit and endlessly versatile color LCD display which undoubtedly has the e-ink option licked by way of beauty. However, the downside is that the reflective nature of the screen makes it prone to glare and reflection, with the backlight being known as tiresome to eyes over extended periods.
The rest of the bell and whistles featured really come down to personal preference, but for those looking for a little further push in the right direction, here are some specific suggestions.
The very best overall e-ink option is undoubtedly that of the latest Nook, which offers a truly wonderful reading experience for a modest $139. Those willing to bear the odd ad popping up on their Kindle are handsomely with a stunning device for little more than $110 which makes the perfect choice for relaxing on any leather reclining sofa.
With regard to color screen options, the Barnes & Noble Nook Color takes the prize, weighing in at less than $250 and offering many of the features and functions that would be expected from a tablet at twice such a price.
Last but by no means least, the very best fully functional tablet PC that also doubles as a stunning eReader has to be the Apple iPad 2, which starts at around the $500 mark but is essentially one of the best fully portable computer systems ever devised with a range of functions too infinite to comprehend.
(Of note, the author of this blog is partial to her Kindle, although she only has the basic WiFi model. She is awaiting the Kindle tablet to see how it compares to the iPad or other such tablets. Rumor has it that the Kindle tablet will start at $399 but could be less since Kindle just had a huge sponsorship from AT&T - all the Kindles will see a price decrease (the cheapest one will start at $99 and go up from there; just decreased the price of the Kindle 3G + WiFi to $139 which is what the basic WiFi model without the ads and stuff cost previously. Hoping to see more news on the Kindle Tablet soon - knowing it will be in color and all - E :))
A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
New website, new books
I've just released my website where I will house my other books. Currently being critiqued by two young folks and another friend is my YA paranormal (still not really sure it fits in this paranormal genre but is definitely a YA) novel is "Finally Home." The other day while on plurk, after seeing another post by Kevin about his missing bowling shirt, I had an idea for a picture book about "The Missing Shirt" that kind of travels around the states before finding its way home to Kevin. Covers will be posted as soon as I have them. So please check out my new website and let me know what you think - E :)
H. C. Paye featured today
If you are looking for a little more insight into my illustrator, H.C. Paye, please drop by the Writers on the Move blog and find out about her graphic design. One of the covers featured on the article is my friend's, Ms. Faye Tollison, "To Tell the Truth" and I must say it is still gorgeous. I have three copies for sale if anyone is interested in getting a signed copy from the author; just drop me an email or you can go to her website and order from any of the places listed there. You can also order directly from Faye who will be happy to personalize your copy. Happy readings, ya'll - E :)
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Book Review: Tales of Ever by Jen Wylie
Tales of Ever series by Jen Wylie is another in the electric short series from Quake Me, a division of Echelon Press.
Jen Wylie had this reader hooked from the first story. She takes you into a world of danger and foreverness that one cannot escape no matter what. I so love this series and cannot wait for the next three installments.
We follow "Fire Girl" through her adventures in the land of Ever and meet many interesting characters along the way. The three available stories in the series are Banished, Fire Girl and Shadow Boy. I'm not much of a fantasy/sci-fi reader but I must say that Ms. Wylie absolutely drew me in and in such a way that I really forgot I was reading fantasy/sci-fi or whatever the genre is.
RATINGS: 5 stars (for the series and each book)
Book Info:
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 168 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press (March 1, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Fire Girl
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 146 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press LLC (April 5, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Shadow Boy
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 225 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press LLC (May 4, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
I definitely want the rest of this series - keep up the great job, Jen.
Jen Wylie had this reader hooked from the first story. She takes you into a world of danger and foreverness that one cannot escape no matter what. I so love this series and cannot wait for the next three installments.
We follow "Fire Girl" through her adventures in the land of Ever and meet many interesting characters along the way. The three available stories in the series are Banished, Fire Girl and Shadow Boy. I'm not much of a fantasy/sci-fi reader but I must say that Ms. Wylie absolutely drew me in and in such a way that I really forgot I was reading fantasy/sci-fi or whatever the genre is.
RATINGS: 5 stars (for the series and each book)
Book Info:
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 168 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press (March 1, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Fire Girl
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 146 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press LLC (April 5, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Shadow Boy
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 225 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press LLC (May 4, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
I definitely want the rest of this series - keep up the great job, Jen.
Book Review: Delbert Dallas and the Dragon Diaries series
Delbert Dallas and the Dragon Diaries series by J. R. Turner is part of the electric shorts from Quake Me, an Echelon Press subsidiary, for kids. These short stories can be read in a short amount of time. They are only available as ebooks but for only 99 cents, they are just right.
The three in the series available so far are Voyage to Viking Island, The Civil War Skirmish and Viva La Francine!. There are three more in the series, scheduled to come out once a month (not sure of exact release dates as the third installment was late as they are supposed to be released the fourth Tuesday of the month). This historical fiction stories are written in conjunction with J.R.'s son. I believe it was his idea to turn the guitar into the dragon and do some time traveling.
They are fun and easy reads. J.R. does put a little glossary at the end of each story so you don't have to worry about tripping up on the words. I like that she brings some history to life in such a quick manner. Ms. Turner has taken a small date in history and given us a glimpse of what might have occurred at that moment.
This reader is enjoying the series and will continue reading it until it is finished. I do hope that Ms. Turner will take some of these short stories and make them longer stories as I see a lot of potential for more story there.
Keep up the great job, J.R..
RATING: 4-1/2 stars (for the series and each story)
Voyage to Viking Island
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 169 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press (March 21, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Civil War Skirmish
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 211 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press LLC (May 4, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Viva La Francine!
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 214 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press (June 26, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B0058EAT86
Lending: Enabled
The three in the series available so far are Voyage to Viking Island, The Civil War Skirmish and Viva La Francine!. There are three more in the series, scheduled to come out once a month (not sure of exact release dates as the third installment was late as they are supposed to be released the fourth Tuesday of the month). This historical fiction stories are written in conjunction with J.R.'s son. I believe it was his idea to turn the guitar into the dragon and do some time traveling.
They are fun and easy reads. J.R. does put a little glossary at the end of each story so you don't have to worry about tripping up on the words. I like that she brings some history to life in such a quick manner. Ms. Turner has taken a small date in history and given us a glimpse of what might have occurred at that moment.
This reader is enjoying the series and will continue reading it until it is finished. I do hope that Ms. Turner will take some of these short stories and make them longer stories as I see a lot of potential for more story there.
Keep up the great job, J.R..
RATING: 4-1/2 stars (for the series and each story)
Voyage to Viking Island
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 169 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press (March 21, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Civil War Skirmish
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 211 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press LLC (May 4, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
Lending: Enabled
Viva La Francine!
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 214 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Echelon Press (June 26, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English
ASIN: B0058EAT86
Lending: Enabled
Book Review: Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum by Stephen Prosapio
New release, The Ghosts of Rosewood Asylum by Stephen Prosapio is a must-read for ghost story lovers.
The story starts a bit slow but it builds to the "wow" factor of the story. It follows paranormal investigator, Zach, and his team along side another TV show's group of folks while they explore a haunted insane asylum. Even though the story only takes place over a couple of days, it reads like it is longer. The reader is definitely brought in by the history given. I don't know if Rosewood Asylum is a real entity or not, but if it is, I'm sure it would be a definite place where hauntings would take place. Mr. Prosapio fills in the background very well. I emailed him after finishing the story and put in the subject "All I can say is Wow" because I really didn't have another word to give him. I was surprised a little but thoroughly enjoyed the story.
It is available in both paperback and kindle versions. When I placed the order last week, it was on sale for 99 cents but now is back up to its regular price of $5.95. It is worth the read though. The paperback version is $16.78 and the hardback version is $28.66.
I think if you really want a good ghost story, this is the one for you.
After reading the excerpt from his upcoming story, I think I'll pass on that one, not because it didn't grip from the beginning but it's a Lizzie Bordon story and I have an aversion to Lizzie Bordon for some odd reason. I will have to think long and hard about getting this next story. Maybe Stephen can persuade me to get it and read it. I was spooked before I even read the words "Lizzie Bordon took an axe" because the first few paragraphs did draw me into the story. (UPDATE 07/03/2011: Stephen has emailed me and promises me this is not a Lizzie Bordon story and there is no other mention of her after that beginning where the girl is chanting the thing about Lizzie Bordon - you know the one - lol, so I guess when the next story comes out I may have to read it, we'll see)
RATING: 4-1/2 stars
The story starts a bit slow but it builds to the "wow" factor of the story. It follows paranormal investigator, Zach, and his team along side another TV show's group of folks while they explore a haunted insane asylum. Even though the story only takes place over a couple of days, it reads like it is longer. The reader is definitely brought in by the history given. I don't know if Rosewood Asylum is a real entity or not, but if it is, I'm sure it would be a definite place where hauntings would take place. Mr. Prosapio fills in the background very well. I emailed him after finishing the story and put in the subject "All I can say is Wow" because I really didn't have another word to give him. I was surprised a little but thoroughly enjoyed the story.
It is available in both paperback and kindle versions. When I placed the order last week, it was on sale for 99 cents but now is back up to its regular price of $5.95. It is worth the read though. The paperback version is $16.78 and the hardback version is $28.66.
I think if you really want a good ghost story, this is the one for you.
After reading the excerpt from his upcoming story, I think I'll pass on that one, not because it didn't grip from the beginning but it's a Lizzie Bordon story and I have an aversion to Lizzie Bordon for some odd reason. I will have to think long and hard about getting this next story. Maybe Stephen can persuade me to get it and read it. I was spooked before I even read the words "Lizzie Bordon took an axe" because the first few paragraphs did draw me into the story. (UPDATE 07/03/2011: Stephen has emailed me and promises me this is not a Lizzie Bordon story and there is no other mention of her after that beginning where the girl is chanting the thing about Lizzie Bordon - you know the one - lol, so I guess when the next story comes out I may have to read it, we'll see)
RATING: 4-1/2 stars
Afghan giveaway update
I'm on the last red strip (maybe). I got 6 blue strips, 5 white and am on the 5th of the red (am hoping that I can get 6 out of the red, but probably won't be able to get that 6th strip). The afgan will be 15 strips across (I've kind of laid it out and it is about the width of my computer twice over - I think I have a 15 inch laptop, so total should be about 30 inches across and 45 inches long- this should make a nice lap throw - I may have to get some more yarn and make it a bit bigger, will decide after finishing the strip of red). Pictures of the finished project will be posted once the strips are sewn together.
(this is what the strips will look like put together (strips are folded in half twice so they aren't dragging the floor) - with only 15 strips (5 of each color) the pattern will be two red, two white, two blue, one red, one white, one blue and then the 2-2-2. This was laid out on my computer and almost goes across the width of the computer, so I hope that 15 rows will be enough)
This afghan will be the prize in the drawing from all purchases made between May and my last event of the year (Savannah Children's Book Festival in November). Drawing will be done from all receipts on or about December 1, 2011, and afgan will be sent out on or about the 7th of December.
Good luck to everyone who is entered in the drawing and I appreciate your business. - Ma America, The Travelin' Maven (Mrs. E :)) & the JGDS
This afghan will be the prize in the drawing from all purchases made between May and my last event of the year (Savannah Children's Book Festival in November). Drawing will be done from all receipts on or about December 1, 2011, and afgan will be sent out on or about the 7th of December.
Good luck to everyone who is entered in the drawing and I appreciate your business. - Ma America, The Travelin' Maven (Mrs. E :)) & the JGDS
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