at Robin Falls Magazine
We would like to invite you to visit our new Robin Falls Magazine and tell us what you think. The magazine is a seasonal online display of work by international Writers and Artists. Most are members of FaceBook group Red River Writers.
It is divided into four sections: Red River Writers, Robin Falls Kids, Radio Shows, and the Book & Art Shop. Within the pages of the sections are 5 interactive, recurring posts where you can ask related questions and get answers from experts.
Red River Writers section contains: Articles, Poetry & Lyrics, Short Stories, Writing & Promoting, Book Reviews, Videos, Excerpts from books, and Art Displays.
Robin Falls Kids section contains: Articles, Stories, Poems, Music, Art, Kids Activities, Book Reviews, Writing & Promoting Tips, Coloring Pages, and Book Trailers.
Radio Shows section relates to Red River Writers Live and Robin Falls Kids Blog Talk Radio Shows. There you will find profiles of Shows, Hosts, Guests, and Assistants. The shows motto is “To Entertain and Education.” Currently Robin Falls produces 15 different styled radio shows, representing all genres. There pages will definitely entertain.
Book and Art Shop at Robin Falls Magazine features work of friends of Robin Falls from all genres. Direct links to learn more about each item with ability to purchase are provided.
As if that was not enough, the magazine is stuffed with links and flashing buttons that will lead you directly to one of our more than 500 merchant affiliate stores. Special effort was made to give you an exciting online shopping experience. There is variety galore and discounts to boot.
So, please enter and relax by our beautiful falls while you view the magazine's magnificent scenery at Robin Falls Magazine.
Your FaceBook Friend,
April Robins, CEO Robin Falls, LLC
P.S. Help us get the word out by taking one of our Banners at RFM sub guidelines and putting it on your site. Also, e-mail me if you would like to be in a Banner Exchange at aprilrobins@hughes.net.
A place to find out about Elysabeth, her family, life and her writings. Somewhere to find about all her stories to include her short stories - "Train of Clues" (a mystery destination story, shared second place), "The Tulip Kiss" (first place), "The Proposal" (second place), "Bride-and-Seek", "Butterfly Halves" (runner up), "La Cave", "Zombies Amuck" (second place), and her novels Finally Home (a NaNoWriMo story), and Imogene: Innocense Lost.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Blast from the past
Bear (husband) has been cleaning upstairs and going through boxes and came across this. Not sure what year it really is from but I'm guessing roughly 1972 - so guess what folks, I really was a kid at some point - lol.

Don't really think I was all that cute, so no harsh comments - but if you want to comment, that's fine; if not, okay with me.

Don't really think I was all that cute, so no harsh comments - but if you want to comment, that's fine; if not, okay with me.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Reminder of NOVEMBER host time/DECEMBER VBT schedule
November's VBT - Writers on the Move tour is winding down with only a week left. We have six days of blogs to post their guest bloggers. My posting is tomorrow on Linda Asato. Stop by my JGDS blog and find out why spiders live in Linda's mailbox.

As you can see, December is fast approaching and the VBT - Writers on the move will only be doing one posting for the month of December, December 1st, so there will be a lot of blogs to visit on that day. We will be doing some revamping come January and there will be new schedules after the holidays. I think Karen will start 2010 like our anniversary tour was - each person hosting one day in the month. With almost 30 members, we can run the tours all month long. As the schedules are posted, please check each month on my sidebar to see where we will be. I think 2010 will be a very good year for everyone involved in the virtual blog tours.
Here is the December schedule:
Dianne Sagan is hosting Lea Schizas
Karen Cioffi is hosting Heidi Thomas
Kathy Stemke is hosting Martha Swirzinski
Lea Schizas is hosting Brigitte Thompson
Nancy Famolari is hosting Kathy Stemke
Margaret Fieland is hosting Karen Cioffi
Crystalee Calderwood is hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Katie Hines is hosting Stephen Tremp
Helena Harper is hosting Deborah Weed
Liana Metal is hosting Dianne Sagan
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is hosting Debra Eckerling
Gayle Trent is hosting Dana Donovan
Mayra Calvani is hosting Helena Harper
Marvin Wilson is hosting Mayra Calvani
Linda Asato is hosting Marvin Wilson
Stephen Tremp is hosting Gayle Trent
Elysabeth Eldering is hosting Katie Hines
Darcia Helle is hosting Linda Asato
Deborah Weed is hosting Liana Metal
Brigitte Thompson is hosting Nancy Famolari
Martha Swirzinski is hosting Margaret Fieland
Heidi Thomas is hosting Jane Sutton
Jane Sutton is hosting Darcia Helle
Dana Donovan is hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Dallas Woodburn is hosting Linda Suzane
Linda Suzane is hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Debra Eckerling is hosting Dallas Woodburn

As you can see, December is fast approaching and the VBT - Writers on the move will only be doing one posting for the month of December, December 1st, so there will be a lot of blogs to visit on that day. We will be doing some revamping come January and there will be new schedules after the holidays. I think Karen will start 2010 like our anniversary tour was - each person hosting one day in the month. With almost 30 members, we can run the tours all month long. As the schedules are posted, please check each month on my sidebar to see where we will be. I think 2010 will be a very good year for everyone involved in the virtual blog tours.
Here is the December schedule:
Dianne Sagan is hosting Lea Schizas
Karen Cioffi is hosting Heidi Thomas
Kathy Stemke is hosting Martha Swirzinski
Lea Schizas is hosting Brigitte Thompson
Nancy Famolari is hosting Kathy Stemke
Margaret Fieland is hosting Karen Cioffi
Crystalee Calderwood is hosting Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Katie Hines is hosting Stephen Tremp
Helena Harper is hosting Deborah Weed
Liana Metal is hosting Dianne Sagan
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is hosting Debra Eckerling
Gayle Trent is hosting Dana Donovan
Mayra Calvani is hosting Helena Harper
Marvin Wilson is hosting Mayra Calvani
Linda Asato is hosting Marvin Wilson
Stephen Tremp is hosting Gayle Trent
Elysabeth Eldering is hosting Katie Hines
Darcia Helle is hosting Linda Asato
Deborah Weed is hosting Liana Metal
Brigitte Thompson is hosting Nancy Famolari
Martha Swirzinski is hosting Margaret Fieland
Heidi Thomas is hosting Jane Sutton
Jane Sutton is hosting Darcia Helle
Dana Donovan is hosting Crystalee Calderwood
Dallas Woodburn is hosting Linda Suzane
Linda Suzane is hosting Elysabeth Eldering
Debra Eckerling is hosting Dallas Woodburn
Friday, November 06, 2009
Follow the VBT-Writers on the Move tour (x-posted)
Today, I am being hosted by Margaret Fieland. Stop by and leave a comment. Remember if you leave a comment, you are eligible for a prize. There will be a drawing every day this month during the tour since it is our one year anniversary and we want you the readers to benefit. So stop by, leave a comment and maybe tomorrow your name will be drawn for a prize - E :)
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